
My eyes widened as I realised what I'd said. P'Nodt smirked at me as he waited for my answer. What could I say to him? How on earth would I survive telling him that I meant that I wasn't used to hot guys being nice to me?

Tine was very good-looking as well and that had been a struggle to accept that he was being sincere with me in the beginning. I never thought it could happen twice in my lifetime. Especially not drop-dead gorgeous guys like P'Nodt.


"I mean popular guys P'Nodt."

I knew from the look on his face that he didn't believe me or that he knew exactly what I had meant. Pretending to get a message I quickly took out my phone to have somewhere else to look but at him.


"Oh is that the time? I have to go P'Nodt I have class."

I rushed off without waiting for a reply. I could hear his laughter as I scurried away. My cheeks felt hot and I imagined the whole world staring at me as I left.


That night, my cheeks still felt hot as I thought about my lunch with him. The way he had been so concerned as he cleaned and bandaged my knee. His gentle touch stirred the butterflies in my stomach leaving me speechless.

I was sitting daydreaming, staring into space, when a ping on my phone made me jump. Quickly, I scanned the room expecting to be caught out until I remembered I was at home and alone. With a sigh, I picked up my phone and blushed once again. It was a message from P'Nodt.

'Hey Lai, what are you doing? We're going to the bar if you want to join us. Tine will be there too.'

I texted back I would before racing to get changed. My choices were limited, I decided I needed to go shopping for more options for what to wear. I opted for my best black jeans and a pale purple off-the-shoulder top. My hair was a mess so I tied it in a sideways braid which made it drape over my shoulder.

When I arrived, the bar wasn't very busy and l instantly spotted everyone sitting at our usual table. As I approached, I noticed the guys weren't alone.

Sat fawning over P'Nodt was the Queen bee that had picked on me the day I first talked to P'Nodt and his friends. She was laughing and leaning against him, with her hands trailing over his forearms. P'Nodt looked just as into her as she was to him.

Instantly, I turned and headed back out the door before anyone noticed me. These past few weeks I had allowed my heart to hope a little, imagine that someone as handsome, kind and popular as he was would like someone as fat, pathetic and ugly as I was. Obviously, I was being stupid.

The night felt good against my heated skin. Looking around I was unsure of what to do or where to go.

"Hey, Lai! Wait up! Where are you going?"

My heart skipped in my chest as I turned to see P'Nodt coming out of the Lain doors. He rushed over looking concerned, I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Lai?" he asked. "Are you ok? Why did you leave?"

I turned to leave but he stopped me, grabbing my arm.

"Lai, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry P'Nodt, I have to go," I told him trying to get my arm free.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," he demanded, forcing me to turn back around.

Before I could look at him or speak a voice made us both jump. I noticed a look of realisation cross his face just before we both turned to face the new arrival.

The Queen Bee was slinking up to us. I moved a little so that P'Nodt was forced to lower his arms. He sighed as he looked at me and then back at her.

"Here you are P'Nodt, why are you outside? You're not leaving, are you? The party is only just starting."

She finally turned her attention to me and I shrunk back. I noticed P'Nodt's jaw clenched and I wondered why.

"Oh, Lai! I didn't realise you were coming tonight," she said but her evil glare told me otherwise.

"I'm not staying," I told her, leaving once again.

P'Nodt called after me but I heard her tell him to let me go I didn't hear anything else as I turned the corner. I was halfway down the street when I was stopped.

Panic filled my throat as I was turned. Instantly, I recognised who it was and I knew if he saw my face, he would see the tears flowing down my cheeks. The embarrassment would kill me so I stopped him from pulling me around.

"What is it P'Nodt?" I asked, happy that my voice didn't break.

He sighed, "I'm not gonna lie and say I know what you are thinking but whatever it is, stop it! She just showed up and sat down in the spot we were saving for you. We'd been trying to get her to leave but she wasn't taking the hint. Tine even told her she was taking your spot."

"But, you looked …" I stopped myself.

I'd just been about to give myself away. He would have found out about my silly crush and how I was upset at the thought of him dating a more attractive girl.

"Lai!" he said gently as he turned me around.

I hung my head, afraid to see the pity in his eyes that I knew would be there. P'Nodt sighed again and then I felt his fingers under my chin. When I finally met his gaze I didn't see pity, instead, I saw him softly smiling.

"I looked like what?" he asked. "How did I look, Lai?"

His gentle stroking of my cheek was easing my nerves and making my heart race. I found a little courage within myself and took a deep breath.

"You looked like you were enjoying yourself with her," I told him as confidently as I could.

I expected him to sigh, laugh or smirk. Something to tell me that he thought I was being ridiculous because it's how I felt. Instead, he leaned down and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. He was smiling at me as I placed a hand on the spot he'd touched.

"I wasn't enjoying myself with her. I've never enjoyed myself with her, she just wouldn't leave. Jun even made a sarcastic comment at her expense and she didn't get it. She even laughed with us."

My look must have conveyed my puzzlement as he laughed and took one of my hands.

"Come on, come back to the bar," he said as he took hold of my wrist and pulled me along, I reluctantly followed.

When we made it back inside she was sitting back down where I had first seen her. Everyone else was practically ignoring her and she knew it. The look on her face as she watched them told me that.

"P'Nodt! You're finally back!" she called out as she noticed us and stood up, moving around to get nearer.

Everyone turned to us and started smirking as they noticed his hand. I tried to break free of his grasp but the look he gave me stopped me. It took the Queen Bee, whose name I've never actually known, a while longer to notice.

When she did, her face turned from flirtatious to murderous. She scowled at me. I wanted to shrink away, hide behind P'Nodt.

"What's going on?" she asked.

P'Nodt's grip prevented me from moving so I was helpless as he moved us around her. He guided me to my seat, the one she had been using, and made me sit before taking his seat once again.

She came around and stood directly behind me. I think she was waiting for someone to notice her but everyone smiled at me and Tine passed me a drink.

"Excuse me! That's my seat!" she eventually moaned.

My face turned red, I was about to get up when P'Nodt stopped me. He turned to her and smiled.

"Who says that was your spot?"

"Well, no one was sitting there so I took the seat," she folded her arms in a defiant stance.

"Yeah that's true, but we told you countless times that we were saving that seat for Lai," P'Jun added.

"We told you over and over again. I think you need to get your hearing checked by a doctor, you never seemed to hear what we said," P'Kit added.

Everyone laughed and I started to feel a little better. It was clear no one liked her so I didn't need to worry.

"I heard you, I just thought I would keep P'Nodt company whilst he waited for her," she said with a sickly sweet tone. "P'Nodt, how about we go over there and …"

She didn't get a chance to finish as P'Nodt stood. My heart sank for a moment, her face lit up thinking he was taking her up on her offer.

"Listen very clearly, whatever your name is, I'm here with Lai and our friends and even if I wasn't, even if I was alone. I would never want your company, ever!" He spat!

We all watched as she stood there, mouth agape, and eyes wide. It was like she couldn't understand what he was saying. I knew how she felt, everything felt so unbelievable to me too.

"You can't be serious?" she stammered.

"Oh, I'm very serious. Now if you don't mind, we would like to enjoy our night."

P'Nodt sat back down and turned his back on her. I sneaked a glance at her and quickly looked down. Her eyes shot daggers straight at me!