I've never wanted to kick myself more.
After I raced to the kitchen to calm myself down enough to face her she was gone. I heard her bedroom door click shut and lock and that's when I wanted to kick myself.
Knowing Lai, she was definitely thinking I didn't want her. That I'd been disgusted or something. However, it was far from the truth. I had run, like a coward, because I was quickly losing my control and I knew once I had then her first time wouldn't be sweet and romantic.
My first time was hectic and rushed and I instantly regretted it. Even the girl I slept with had said we should have waited. She had said that not wanting to be a virgin in college shouldn't have been the reason to sleep together. Of course, afterwards, I agreed but neither of us had thought straight beforehand.
Lai deserved to be loved and treasured and I wanted her first time with me to be perfect. Instead, I was ruining it by acting like a rutting animal sensing its mate in heat.
Of course, I had rushed to the door and knocked, begging her to let me in but I was only met with silence. I even called her phone but became deflated when it buzzed on the table near me.
All night I waited next to that door for her to open up. I'd even fallen asleep slumped against the wall beside it. When I woke up the next day the door was open. I jumped up quickly rushing inside. However, my hope faded when I was greeted by an empty room. I searched through the entire apartment but there was no sign of her. Checking my watch I realised she would be in class now so I raced out.
Along the way, I called Jun and Kit to take roll call for me. Nothing was going to get in the way of me making it up to her. When I got to her door, I sneaked a glance in but I couldn't see her. The professor noticed me and came to the door.
I asked her about Lai and she told me Lai had called in sick. Fear built up as I left the building. If she wasn't in her apartment or in class then there was only one other place she would be. Tine's place, only one problem there, I knew he lived in the same dorm but that's it. I had no idea which floor and there were over 10 floors in her building.
Quickly, I pulled out my phone and tried hers once more. The line clicked and the automated message started and I sighed. Once the tone started, indicating the start of the recording I started speaking.
'Lai, please answer your phone. I'm going crazy here. I can probably imagine what you're thinking but I promise you it's not what you think. I need to explain in person please tell me where you are!'
With a defeated sigh I hung up and slumped against the steps of the fine arts building. I wracked my brain with ideas of what I could do to find her but I had no idea where to start. The only option I could come up with was to knock on every door in the dorm, hoping Tine answered.
"P'Nodt!" came a shrill voice that had me sighing for a different reason.
Not wanting to be stopped by her I stood and started to leave. She, however, had other plans. Her manicured nails gripped my arm stopping me from leaving.
"P'Nodt, did you not hear me calling you?" she asked sweetly.
Her two clones stood a little distance away. Close enough to listen and far enough away to appear as if they were respecting our private space.
I shrugged her hand off and turned to face her. She wasn't going to let me leave or leave me alone until I finally had it out with her.
"I did, that's why I was leaving. What do you want now?" I asked adding as much venom into my voice as I could muster.
She faltered a little but regained herself. I really had no idea how she could be so confident after being rejected so many times. Her hands landed on her waist and she smirked at me.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date. We could go for a meal and then back to my place if you know what I mean," she flirted with a smirk.
"Not a chance!" I growled and her smirk fell.
"What?" she asked her hands dropping and her eyes brimming with anger. "Why not? You know P'Nodt, I'm getting sick of this game your playing. Everyone knows you want me, why else would you keep coming around here? You can stop playing hard to get. I'm here, ready and oh so willing."
As she spoke she stepped closer and swiped a thin finger across my chest. I recoiled back as if I'd been burned and her hand hung in the air pathetically.
"Game? I'm not playing a game with you. I have no idea who's been filling your head with such bullshit but that's all it is, bullshit. I've never wanted you, it's never even crossed my mind. So go crawl back into whatever hovel you've crawled out of and leave me alone. I have a girlfriend and she's perfect for me. There is no way you could even compete with her!"
I left her dumbfounded and raced back to Lai's dorm determined to start banging on every door. As I neared my car, my phone started to ring. For a moment, a flicker of hope sprung in my chest, thinking it was Lai calling me back but it wasn't, it was Tine. A stupid thought went through me as I answered, why hadn't I remembered I had his number?
"Tine? Where's Lai? Please tell me she's with you," I asked sounding panicked.
"Clam down P'Nodt, of course, she's with me. She doesn't know I'm calling you. We both heard your message but she's scared. I don't know what happened last night but I know she's too scared to come to you just in case you reject her to her face. She already feels like you have for some reason."
"What? No! I haven't rejected her, I would never reject her!"
"I figured as much," he chuckled. "My room is on the same floor as Lai's, number 53."
The line went dead and I raced over as fast as I could. Once at his door, I took a second to calm myself down before knocking. Tine opened the door with a smile.
"You got here quick," he whispered as he moved aside for me.
I walked in to see Lai staring sadly out of the large window. She hadn't registered my entrance and only jumped when I placed a hand on her shoulder.
Wide, tear-streaked eyes stared up at me and my heart broke. I knelt down and quickly captured her lips in a deep kiss. She gasped against me and I used that to my advantage to deepen the kiss, pouring everything I felt for her into it. Her eyes were glazed when I eventually pulled back.
"Lai, I'm so sorry. Me moving away last night didn't mean what you think it did," I start to explain but then a noise behind me distracted us both.
Tine stood pretending not to be watching us, but the smirk on his face was giving him away. I turned back to her.
"Can we go to yours so I can explain without someone being nosey?"
Lai noticed Tine, almost as if for the first time, blushed and nodded. I clutched her hand in mine as watched us leave. Once inside I pulled her to me and kissed her.
Tentatively, I felt her hands wrap around my waist and I pushed her against the nearest wall. Soon, Lai was kissing me with as much passion as I was kissing her. Slowly, I moved her towards her bedroom and she gasped when I finally reached the bed.
Lai broke the kiss and stared up at me with heat and passion in her eyes.
"P'Nodt?" she asked and I smiled.
"I want you so bad Lai, so bad that I'm not sure I can control myself. My first time sucked because it was rushed and I don't want you to remember your first time like that. I wanted to take things slow with you and make you feel so much more so that you would remember it forever."
"Oh P'Nodt!" she sighed against me. "I'll think that way no matter what because it's with you. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. I know my first time will hurt, but I also know that it will feel amazing if it's with someone I lo… care for greatly."
My heart thudded at that word she almost said but I chose to push it down, now was not the time. Instead, I pushed her back slightly so that she was sitting on the bed and then I knelt down in front of her.
"Lai, I want you," I kissed her gently. "Can I?"
Lai bit her lip and blushed as she nodded. I smiled warmly at her before capturing her lips in mine once again. She whimpered softly as she kissed me back. I stood once again bringing her with me.
Slowly, I started to undress her. Her shirt first and I almost salivated at the sight of her full breasts. Then I knelt and helped lower her leggings. When she was only in her underwear I stopped and looked at her.
My cock was straining against my jeans almost painfully but I was in no rush to do anything about it. She was breathtakingly beautiful and I could see her fidget a little under my stare.
"You're so beautiful!" I whispered before placing a kiss on her stomach.
My hands ghosted over her back and ass as my mouth kissed a path up her body towards her chest. Slowly again, so as not to startle her, I unclipped her bra. Her beautiful breasts bounced a little at being freed and I instantly wrapped my hands around them.
My mouth latched onto her nipples one at a time, as she moaned and quivered above me. She tasted and sounded so much better than I'd imagined.
"Lay on the bed," I told her gently.
Lai slowly climbed backwards onto the bed as I stood and stripped. She watched as if transfixed as I revealed my body to her. Her eyes stilled on my cloth covered erection. If she had any doubts about how I felt towards her I bet seeing how excited I was squashed them.
I climbed up the bed and kissed my way up her body. By the time I reached her mouth she was a writhing mess. Slowly, I claimed her mouth and lowered my body ontop of hers. Her arms instantly wrapped around me, pulling me tightly against her.
"P'Nodt!" she moaned.
I moved over to the side a little so that I could free one of my hands. She moaned and arched her back as I kneaded her bare breasts before moving down. I slipped a hand inside her panties and down into her folds.
The room was filled with loud moans as her orgasm peaked. She called out my name and arched her back as I slipped one finger inside her tightness. God, she was killing me! I wanted to be inside her so badly.
Once she had come down from the high of her orgasm I moved so that I knelt in between her legs. Quickly, I pulled off her panties and then my own boxers. My cock sprang free, and I almost groaned at the feeling.
"Lai, turn over onto your knees, it should be the easiest position for your first time," I told her and she dutifully did as she was told.
I moved up behind her and grabbed my leaking cock and pressed against her opening. She whimpered and it took everything in me not to slam into her. Slowly, I pushed forward. I could feel her resistance and I paused.
"Try to relax, let me in," I coaxed as I leaned over her to kiss her shoulder blades.
Sweat trickled over both of our bodies as I waited. Soon, I felt the tight grip around my cock lessen so I continued inside her. When I reached her barrier I bent down once again.
"This part will hurt but I'll do it quick,"
She nodded and I pulled back and forth for a bit before pushing forward in one long stroke.