the name and runic knowledge

Timothy's Pov


"teacher I said I could give you a name if you allow me to do that"

"I heard you the first time my student I'm was just wondering why would giving me a name help me get closer to my purpose"

"well my logic is that people have purposes and people also have names so I thought it might help making it easier to find your purpose"

I was lucky that teacher seemed to have a hard time understanding emotions because right now I really just want to get closer to teacher and I think giving them a name is a good first step

"your logic isn't the best but I don't see how having a name would hurt me in anyway so I grant you permission to give me a name"

"thank you teacher for giving me this opportunity I will give you a fitting name"

'ohh!! I have it they will b-'

"teacher you will be referred to as Rose Avernul is it a good name?" (author note: its pronounced ever null)

"thank for giving me a name Timothy and yes I think it's a perfect name but I do believe it is time to get back to cultivating unless you have finished your three cycles I asked you to do"

"yes teacher I had already finished my cultivation and when you were asleep I ever finished reinforcing my bones"


Rose's Pov

"good now we can move onto you circulating mana through your magnus runes which should be easy for you since you're already used to moving energies"

"you just have to get better at controlling energies and you will fly through the process of circulating mana through runes"

"umm teacher can I ask a question"

"yes you may ask any questions you want asking questions helps expand your wealth of knowledge"

"ok teacher so what are magnus runes and what use do they have"

"runes is a language made by one of the four original deity this language creates laws apon reality that can be slightly altered if one knows how to spell in runic"

"there is two main categories of runes the first one is major runic symbols these are the runes mages build their spells from and the major runes you have are infernal and ice"

"then there are the mundane runic symbols these runes are fragments of a major runic symbol that contains the effect of the major runes and each major rune has three mundane runes in them"

"an once you reach a higher understanding of runes you can even switch mundane runes from other major runes to create new effects but that is for later"

"let's not even start to talk about what a runic ritual is because that be only useful to know far into the future"

"teacher I think that was to much information for me to take" it seems Timothy was lost in the amount of runic knowledge I had given him

"don't you worry about it Timmy right now all you have to do is circulate mana through your magnus runes until you can circulate through both runes then you can advance to the next rank"

"yes teacher thanks for helping me" Timothy moved a little bit away so he could sit down and start circulating mana

'I still need more energy to finish this cultivation stage but I can wait another time to finish it so I can go back to my magnus runes'

'to advance past this rank in the mortal stage I have to not only circulate mana through a rune but also hold the mana and then release the mana as a spell'

'luckily I only have to do that to one of my runes and not both but even if it was both I am easily able to advance quickly because my understanding and control of mana is advanced'

extending my hands after some time a glowing symbol made of mana appeared floating above my hands

then the symbol activated and from the center of the symbol I watched as a dirt ball appeared from nothing

I continued to watch as the ball of dirt quickly formed into a hardened stone spike but a second later an it started to crumble into nothingness

'it seems that I have advanced to the next rank but my spells are still to weak for combat uses at the moment but this is understandable as I am still in the mortal stage'

'but now I can go back to my cultivating so I can get the last energy I need for condensing my muscles'

I went back my cultivation routine as I a

side eyed my student as I watched as his body language told me that he was having trouble with the mana circulation

but after two more cycles I was able to get the necessary energy to condense my muscular system and after a minute or two I finished condensing

my attention was moved to my student that was still having trouble with magnus runes so I walked to them to help them with their mana control

walking up to them I sat down and then I pulled him onto my body so to calm them down and have a better way explaining how to control mana

"t-teacher what are y-you doing?!?!" Timothy's face turned red from something unknown to me

it seems that my nonexistent understanding of emotions has hindered me again as what I did seemed to do the opposite of calming him

"my student I saw that you were struggling an I to help you" it seems after saying that he finally calmed down and the red on his face decreased but didn't disappear

"ohhumm yes I am in the need of some help teacher"



name: Rose Avernul

soul year: 0

race: spiritual manifestation/elemental construct

bloodline: yakshi gnome beast


magnus roots: earth/nature

magnus stage: 3th rank mortal

sage roots: deep spiritual forest

sage stage: 4th rank mind awakening

cultivation roots: gnome yakshi hybrid technique

cultivation stage: 3st stage: body cleansing


strength:E- fortitude:E-

agility:E- endurance:E-

vitality:D- dexterity:D-

wisdom:D- charisma:F-
