mana control and the frozen volcano

Timothy's Pov

being pulled into my teacher's lap wasn't what I expected to happen when I heard my teacher walk over to me but it seems like Rose just wanted help me

'why am I acting like I wanted something else from teacher instead of helping me with my mana control its not like I like teacher or anything'

"Timmy if you want better control over your mana you must be calm and confident in yourself because if the mana sees that you are weak minded it wouldn't follow your commands"

"you can also use a familiar as vessel for your mana but we do not have the resources to summon a familiar for you"

"but for now you just have to remember to be confident in yourself and the mana will listen to you easily"

"thank you teacher" focusing back on my mana I tried to command it to flow through my runes and I was almost able to complete a circulation

but I got to excited and the mana started to leak and then I got worried an it all started to leak and that made me annoyed at myself

'I have to stay calm how do I do that when I get excited every time I almost finished a circulation it's so annoying there must be a solution to my problem'

I was deep in thought trying to find a solution to my problem but then I started to hear a slow rhythmic beating from behind me that came from teacher's body

'thats teacher's heart it seems so calm how does teacher stay calm all the time well they seem to be very focused on finding their purpose'

'maybe I can use that to help I should think about what I want for my future what do I want?'

'I don't want to starve ever again I want people to see that even if I'm cursed doesn't mean that I'm useless and weak'

'I should use those thoughts to fuel my confidence and finally get past this rank I find myself stuck on'

with my new plan of thoughts I started to command the mana again to follow the paths of my runes

the mana moving faster than last time I was able to finish one of my runes so I moved onto the next one and began to do the same thing again while continuing to circulate the first one

an after a slow process of making sure that the mana doesn't leak nor stop moving I was able to circulate mana through both of the runes and advance to the next rank of mortal

"I see that you were able to advance good job my student now you can rest and later we can get to the next knowledge you need to advance"

"can we do it now teacher?"

"umm it seems that you still have some energy in you so yes we can start now if you truly want to start"

"yes I what to get done with and go to sleep and I believe I can do it before the sunsets"

"okay good the next advancement you need to do is mind awakening which will take your emotions, elements, and consciousness to make a small pocket dimension and place you in it till it loses stability which takes about ten seconds"

"but to have that happen you must pull strings of your consciousness to your center and then your mind will create the pocket dimension and you will advance a rank in sage"

"of the three knowledge's it is the easiest but it is the strongest of the three at the first rank and thats why we do it last because it would overpower the others"

"now remember only you will go to the pocket dimension and it would only last a couple of seconds so if its dangerous just stay still it won't last long"

"okay so I just need to connect my consciousness to my center and I will be done that shouldn't be that hard right" that seemed to make teacher giggle

so I began the process of trying to turn my consciousness into strings and connecting them to my center and after some trial and errors I was able to successfully connect them

when they finally connected I saw the world around me started to warp and I found myself in a place beyond my belief it was absolute hell

I found myself on the side of a frozen mountain that had rivers of lave flowing down the side of the mountain and in those rivers of lave there was massive icebergs that floated down the river

the sky was filled with a mixture of ash and snow and falling from the sky was large burning chunks of ice that crashed down around me sending smaller burning chunks all over the place

but just as fast as I got here I was sent back to the real world still laying on the lap of teacher that seemed to be waiting for me

"good you are done now we can go to sleep I have to say but having a heart makes you slowly get really tired over time"

"hehe that's funny teacher"

"I don't understand why that was funny to you but tomorrow I can show you how far you have grown and what you need to do next"

"yawn yes teacher and good night"

"yes good night to you my dearest student may we hope the peacefulness of the forest is never disappears and that we can grow stronger without being disturbed"



name: Rose Avernul

soul year: 0

race: spiritual manifestation/elemental construct

bloodline: yakshi gnome beast


magnus roots: earth/nature

magnus stage: 3th rank mortal

sage roots: deep spiritual forest

sage stage: 4th rank mind awakening

cultivation roots: gnome yakshi hybrid technique

cultivation stage: 3st stage: body cleansing


strength:E- fortitude:E-

agility:E- endurance:E-

vitality:D- dexterity:D-

wisdom:D- charisma:F-
