dreams of the young

Rose Pov

sitting down in meditation allowing my mind to enter my domain I found myself once again in the forest of lost dreams

'this forest is very calming but I must stay focused on the purpose to why I'm here' I was looking for a certain object

'it seems like they felt my arrival to the forest' I was swarmed by the childish laughter of the dream wisps

"it is good that I didn't need to look for you my little wisps may I ask one of you to help me with something it will take a while"

they seemed to be excited about helping me but after hearing that it will take some time all but one of them backed off

the one that stayed was a wisp that was little bit older then the others as it was bigger then the others and it was a little bit brighter

"Hehe I will help I will help if you give me a treat"

"If you help me I will give you some fruits"

"yay yay what do you want me to do"

"well I need you to stay still and if you feel something surrounding you don't fight against it can you do that?"

"hum hum I can that hehe"

I began to stretch out a string of consciousness to the wisp I could see the shadows start to shift as they began to transform into shapes of wild animals

but they seemed to stay away from the dream wisps that where all around me so I didn't need to worry about them yet

but as I was getting close to fully surrounding the older wisp I began to see as the other wisp started to fly away to play somewhere else

as they left the shadows start to move closer to me as less light shielded me from the darkness and once it fully disappeared they would attack

then the last of the few wisps left and the light of the one wisp was enough to stop the shadows and they started to attack me

antlers stabbed into my body fangs sunk deep into my muscles claws and talons scratched my stone ribs it was painful but I kept going finishing the process of sending the wisp out of my domain

bringing myself back to the real world I collapsed to the ground my legs unable to hold my body up after the amount of damage done to them

"TEACHER!?!" Timothy ran to me an apon seeing my injuries he froze in place from shock of how many injures I had

"I am okay Timmy my body can handle more injuries than this an I knew that I was going to get injured but I was able to advance" opening my only undamaged hand freeing the wisp

"wow what's this? what is that? who is that?" the wisp was zipping around exploring the new things it could see

"t-teacher what is that?"

"that is a dream wisp they are the embodiment of children's dreams an a group of them live in my domain"

"w-why are you so injured teacher?"

"because dream wisps aren't the only thing that live in my domain there are also night crawllings they are a weak spiritual monster that like to swarm"

"most of the time they stay away from you but they saw that I was defenseless and I couldn't fight back when they started to attack me"

"that is how I got injured"

"teacher if I went into my domain will there be any creatures that may attack me?"

"no the only reason I have living things in my domain is because my domain is dense with spiritual mana and most creatures that can enter domains are made of spiritual mana"

"thank the gods above that I don't have to deal with nightmare creatures every time I go into my domain"

"you may think that it is bad to have creatures live in your domain but after time those creatures will consider your domain their home an if anything invades your domain they may attack the invades"

"oh so they are useful" I was going to continue talking to my student but the wisp started to fly around me

"can I have my treat please" it badly wanted the treat I suggest so I gave it some of our fruits

"yay yay yummy snacks yippee" the fruits entered the glow of the wisp and disappeared into its spiritual body

"hahahaha I so funny seeing you my emotionless teacher being so sweet to anything"

"yes yes it so funny but can you answer me this how long has it been since I entered my domain?"

"well it's the morning of the next day so a little bit under a hull day an I haven't finished the 4th rank mortal stage yet"

"remember that you have to stay calm and focused if you want to advance your magnus knowledge"

"yes I know that it's just hard for me to stay calm I just get really excited when I'm close to advancing"

"yes I understand now you should go back to your training because I have to deal with our new guest"

"take care of yourself teacher" Timothy walked back to his normal training area to try advancing magnus

"now then my little wisp are you ready to go back to your friends so you can play?"

"no I want to stay for a little longer please big lady" it seems that it was still wanted to explore the outside world

"I can allow you to stay longer but you must stay close to me I don't want to have you get injured or anything"

"okay I will stay close to big lady" it landed itself on my head so to be close as possible to me



name: Rose Avernul

soul year: 0

race: spiritual manifestation/elemental construct

bloodline: yakshi gnome beast


magnus roots: earth/nature

magnus stage: 3th rank mortal

sage roots: deep spiritual forest

sage stage: 2th rank mind awakening cultivation roots: gnome yakshi hybrid technique

cultivation stage: 3th stage: body cleansing


strength:E- fortitude:E-

agility:E- endurance:E-

vitality:D- dexterity:D-

wisdom:B- charisma:F-
