book of magnus and living flesh

Rose Pov

I watched as Timothy walked away to get back to his own training so I closed my eyes to enter my consciousness to begin my own training

entering my conscious storage I found it was mostly void with only a couple areas that had any at all in the void that is my conscious storage

the first of those areas was a cloud of memories that surrounded a young tree sapling that is what was left of the yakshi that created me they were in a eternal slumber

the next noticeable area was what looked like a large bubble that is where my domain resides it took about a tenth of my conscious storage

except for some small clouds of memories that drifted around in my conscious storage space there truly wasn't much here

but I didn't come here for any of them so I drifted to a more open part of my conscious storage and began to create my arcane tome

to create a arcane tome I had to fold my consciousness into arcane scrolls and connect them with mana and repeat that process about a thousand times

then I had to attach my runes to the connected arcane scrolls and to finish the creation of my arcane tome I had to fill it with mana which took some time

see the finished tome that looked like a book made of tree bark and was decorated with shiny rocks that made small designs

but I was done so I existed my conscious storage and found out that my body fully recovered during the creation of my arcane tome

'now I just have to cultivate and cleanse an I will be just one more step closer to the first ascension but like all other ranks in cultivation I don't have the necessary body to advance'

'I believe a day of purely cultivating will give me the necessary energy to create the required body for the advancement'

beginning my day long cultivation I became witness to the visible growth of the flower as the flower grew past the height of 2 meters tall

the petals of the flower seemed to glow with life and energy as it began to ascend beyond a mortal plant and became a lesser flower spirit

during my day long cultivation session Timothy came to me asking questions about what he needs to do and the latest one was him asking how to advance in rank 3 magnus so I knew that I am done cultivating he will begin his cultivation

feel the amount of energy my body is storing I felt energized and ready to begin the process of finishing the creation of my body

allowing my body to begin I felt it start by creating the rest of my organs systems filling out so of empty areas of my body

next it started to fill in the rest of my body with flesh and more muscles make a very tall skinless humanoid body but that lasts shortly until my body began growing skin

but it didn't only grow skin it also started to add more to my body like feathers that covered my legs and scales on my arms but most of my body was covered in short brown fur and I grew a tail similar to that of a cat

the last addition to my body was a pair of deer antlers that grew from a little bit behind my mask it was for now small stubs that haven't branched out

'my body is fully complete now to begin gathering energy to cleanse my body of any impurities so I can advance'

beginning to cultivate again I had some struggling at the beginning because I had to adapt at moving energies through my body

but after half a day of cultivating I had enough energy to begin the cleansing of impurities it was a slow process of circulating mana through my heart and sweat out the impurities

but afterwards I could feel the changes my body went through from the cleansing my body felt lighter and stronger than it ever has beforehand

my fur became tougher but also fluffier and my scales got stronger and they seemed to shiny with a luster that wasn't there before even my feathers had gotten sharper from the cleansing

the cleansing didn't stop at improving my body it even started to strengthen my mind an expand my conscious storage

lastly my symbols of fertility and prosperity grew in size and toughness which I didn't need because I have no want for their use

'good with this I am now one rank away from starting the trial of heaven an ascending to the next stage of knowledge'

'perhaps in that stage I may find my purpose but I don't know till I get there so I continue' but as I thinking my body started to feel heavy

'what is this feeling its like I have a overwhelming want to close my eyes all of a sudden what is this?' but then I remembered something about living beings

'ahh I know what this is since I have a living body then I must sleep even if I try to force myself not to' walking over to the sleeping Timothy I laid there and closing my eyes to let my new body rest

my larger body covered most of Timothy's body from the cold of night and gave him my new living body's body heat



name: Rose Avernul

soul year: 0

race: spiritual manifestation/elemental construct

bloodline: yakshi gnome beast


magnus roots: earth/nature

magnus stage: 2th rank mortal

sage roots: deep spiritual forest

sage stage: 2th rank mind awakening cultivation roots: gnome yakshi hybrid technique

cultivation stage: 4th stage: bloodline awakening


strength:C- fortitude:D-

agility:D- endurance:C-

vitality:C- dexterity:C-

wisdom:G charisma:D-
