Chapter 10 : David and Sebastian

' What? Bronze colour Tablet? ' the old man was shocked when he saw that the young man he ignored has a bronze colour Tablet. He start regretting about his attitude towards that young man. He could have suck up to that young man thighs.

But it was already very late because that young man had left already.

Arthur didn't know what that old man was thinking. But it doesn't matter even if he knows. That old man was not worth it to waste his time.

When Arthur was standing at the symbol on the ground. He suddenly felt like his surroundings began to change. It was a weird feeling that can't be described. The changes Stoped after a few seconds then he say that he has reached at the place that have the same symbols on its ground. Their was also a old man sitting on the chair near the exit. He didn't talk to the old man. He walked directly towards the exit then reached ground floor. He realised that he was teleported on the first floor.

"It must be the floor for public to use." thought Arthur then he walked towards Lily who was talking to another person.

Arthur didn't disturbed them instead he waited for their talk to finish. Lily and that person talked for about 5 mins then the person left. Arthur walked towards Lily when he saw that.

' Did my brother finished his test, Miss Lily ' asked Arthur with a smile.

' Yes your brother had already completed his test within 30 mins. Even your friend Eddy completed his test. They both are waiting for you. ' Said Lily then walked towards waiting room at the corner of the building.

When Arthur entered the room. he saw that Michael and Eddy were talking to 2 stranger's. Michael saw Arthur when he entered.

' Brother here ' Said Michael while waving his hand towards Arthur.

' haha, did you perform well in the test ' asked Arthur with a laughter while giving his brother a deep hug.

' I can't breathe, brother. Of course i have performed excellent. I completed my test within 30 mins. Even brother Eddy took more than 30 mins ' said Michael proudly.

' tsk! You both brother's are freak and you guy's both got combat talents that's why you were faster than me. It's still impressive i passed with my talent which is healing. ' said Eddy dissatisfied with myself for not performing well.

' Don't mind him Eddy. He's still a kid. It's indeed impressive that you could pass the tier 3 with your talent. And who are these guy's ' Said Arthur with a smile while looking at the two young man's.

' Oh, they are the guy's that you asked me to find for our guild. This is Sebastian Paul. He's my cousin from my mother side. He's trustworthy. He got Peak Earth Rank Combat type Talent called Water Lord which is a Mutated talent that is not weaker then low Sky Rank Talent. Which mean he could increase his strength by 1 substage. ' said Eddy while pointing at young man around early twenties with blue eyes and blue hairs. He was 179 cm tall with sharp blue eyebrows. In simple words he's handsome.

' His eyes and hair colour changed from black to blue when he awaken his talent. And he's David Miller. His father's work's at my restaurant. He's a good man. He got Low Sky Rank defensive Talent called Absolute shield. He could create a shield around him which can withstand attacks one substage higher than him. The range of his shield is 100 Meter At body Tempting Realm. ' Said Eddy while pointing at the short young man. He was 170 cm with average looks.

' Hii Nice to meet you Sir ' Said said David respectfully. While Sebastien only Said hii.

' just call me Arthur. You don't have to say sir. When i create the guild you could call me leader in front of others. But just call me Arthur when there's no one except us. ' said Arthur while pointing at Michael, Eddy and Sebastien. By us he meant whoever his present here.

' Yes si-Arthur ' David Said nervously

' Come on David, now you're one of us the founding member of The Titans ' Eddy said when he saw David was getting nervous.

' Titans? ' Asked Arthur to Eddy with a confused face.

' Brother that will be our guild name. Brother Eddy decided on this name. What do you think. ' before Eddy could say anything Michael interrupted him and said.

' That's not a bad name. What do you guys think. ' Said Arthur then looked at David and Sebastian.

' I like this name. We could use it. ' said Sebastien with a smile.

' I'm good with any name ' David smiled and said.

' Then it's decided. Did you guys got the WTA card and WTA Tablet. ' Asked Arthur while looking at David and Sebastian. He was also satisfied with the guild name

' Yes we passed our test. We took tier 2. ' David and Sebastian said at the same time.

' What about your strengths ' asked Arthur while looking at the two of them.

' We both have broken through to the Body Tempting Realm Stage 4 ' both of them said again at the same time.

' Arthur i got a insider news from my father ' Said Eddy while looking around cautiously.

' What insider news? ' Arthur got serious when he saw Eddy acting weirdly.

' You know about the different colours in WTA tablets. Right? ' Asked Eddy while looking at Arthur.

' Yes i know about that ' Said Arthur with a serious expression.

' Then the tablet we got is called copper colour Tablet. After copper colour Tablet there is bronze colour Tablet. With the help of that table someone could buy a Alchemy Pills called Body Refinement Pills. If a person in body Tempting Realm use that pills to cultivate he would have 100% of breaking though to the next substage. That's means anyone can reach Peak Body Tempting Realm after using 10 of these pills. Its just that it's really expensive. I wish we had a bronze colour Tablet. ' Eddy said excitedly.

' we do have a bronze colour Tablet and where do you hear this news from ' Arthur said while taking his bronze colour tablet from the inventory.

' what!, you really have a bronze colour Tablet. Where did you get this from. Only King's and Emperor got this Tablet. Some of the weaker king are even keeping it as a family heirloom. This is great. We could use this table for our guild and family. Can we, Arthur? ' Eddy exclaimed when he saw the tablet in Arthur hand.

' Of course you could use it for the guild. We could even create a powerful guild with this tablet. And Branch Master Stebin gave this to me. ' Said Arthur with a smile.

' Ohh ' Eddy gave a understanding nod. Because he knows about Arthur talent.

' You guys wait here. I have got some corpse to sell. ' Arthur said before turning around and heading towards help desk.

' Miss Lily, i want to sell some corpse ' Arthur said to Lily at the help desk.

' Branch Master wanted to meet you. You could also sell those corpse directly to him. ' Lily Said to Arthur with a smile.

' Ok please take me to him ' Arthur said.

' This way ' after saying that lily started walking towards the lift. Arthur follows her then got inside the lift.

Lily then pressed a button with the 6 written on it.

Meanwhile Stebin was sitting inside his office while looking at the Eddy and Michael test results with a smile on his tablet and thought.

' Even his friend and brother got Peak Sky Rank Talent. And this young man named Eddy even got a very rare healing talent. I have a feeling that he will become a powerful expert in the future. ' Said Stebin in low voice like he was talking to himself. Then put his tablet away and was about to continue his work when someone knocked on his door.

' Come in ' Stebin Said while looking at the door.

Lily walked inside and said. ' Sir, Arthur is here '.

' Oh, send him inside then ' Stebin said with a smile.

' Yes sir. ' Lily said respectfully then left the room.

' he's waiting for you inside ' Lily said to Arthur as soon as she was outside the room.

' Thank you for your help ' Arthur walked inside the room after thanking her. And Lily left to do her work.

After Arthur entered the room he saw that Stebin was looking at him with a smile.

' Hello brother Stebin, i heard you were looking for me ' Arthur asked with a smile.

' Haha Arthur, come and sit. ' Stebin Said to Arthur while pointing at the sofa.

' Have you decided on creating your guild ' Stebin asked to Arthur.

' Yes i have decided to create my guild ' Said Arthur.

' So i have some news for you ' Stebin Said while smiling.

' What is it brother Stebin ' Arthur asked with a curious expression.

' have you heard about Body Refinement Pills? ' Stebin asked with a smile.

' i have heard about Body Refinement Pills from my friend. ' Said Arthur with a smile.

' great, I don't have explain about that. It would be very helpful for your guild in the early stages. The second thing I want to say about is this. ' after saying that Stebin took a thick piece of paper like it's made of skin.

' what is it ' Arthur asked with a confused expression when he saw that piece of paper.