Chapter 2: Evening with The Best Friend

Heather’s POV

“How was your day, my blonde goddess?”

Heather cannot help but roll her eyes and smile at her best friend Lucy’s greeting.

“Goddess, really? How many drinks have you had?” Heather says with a laugh.

“I may have had a couple of glasses at happy hour. My boss demanded the whole department go as some kind of bonding exercise. Completely ridiculous, but it means free drinks and I am still home by seven to hang out with my best friend to hear all about her day at Evil Incorporated,” Lucy says with a smile on her face.

Heather is so lucky to have a best friend that has supported her through the good, the bad, and the mundane ever since they met in middle school.

“First, the whole company isn’t evil. I don’t think so at least. And second, today was a big day. I finally have full access to Sullivan Solutions' financials for the past two years. It does mean I have a long night of work ahead of me, so just the one glass of wine for now,” Heather responds, wanting to share the good news with her friend.

Watching Lucy move around the kitchen, Heather cannot help but be slightly jealous of Lucy’s beauty and confidence. Lucy Perez is short, barely five feet tall, but she is a commanding presence. Her dark brown hair is short and spiky, making her big green eyes and full lips stand out all the more. She is the more outgoing of the two, always the center of attention, and always looking to have a good time. Friends since middle school, Heather knows Lucy will always be there for her. Lucy is the closest thing she has to family at this point.

“That is incredible, finally making some progress, Heather. So what’s up? If it is all such good news why are you all somber and contemplative when it is a time for celebration,” Lucy asks, concerned as she hands Heather a glass of wine.

Heather gratefully takes the oversized and completely full glass of wine.

“I was called into the COO’s office this morning. By myself! I had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen. Next thing I know I am alone in a room with Casey Sullivan and he is telling me he needs my help. Not just that, but that I am the only one who can help him,” Heather rambles in explanation.

“I see what the problem is. You were all alone with the prodigal son as he handed you the keys to the palace, which should be a moment of pure victory. But you couldn't stop thinking about how pretty he is, right?” Lucy says, knowing exactly what was on her best friend’s mind.

“Do you really think I am so superficial that I would allow myself to be distracted from my sacred mission by a man who looks like a freaking adonis?” Heather asks, feigning offense.

“Yes, that is exactly what I think happened.” Lucy flatly responds.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. Your faith in me is astounding.” Heather sarcastically banters back.

“Of course, sweetie. Anything for you. How about you get to the details of this meeting? If you can remember them, that is?” Lucy asks with genuine interest while also continuing to tease her friend for her new crush.

“I can remember just fine,” Heather casually flips Lucy off as she speaks. “Casey called me into his office because he found discrepancies in the transactions. Over 2 million dollars have gone missing in the last year. He has no leads and no idea who to trust.”

Heather cannot believe the opportunity Casey presented to her. It almost seems too good to be true. Thankfully, she has Lucy to talk to about everything.

“So he decided to trust you? Why?” Lucy immediately asks the most important question.

“I have only been with the company for four months and money has been going missing long before I started. Also, he likes that I specialize in forensic accounting,” Heather shares Casey’s reasoning.

Heather believes what Casey told her. Even though she had never met him before, she feels a connection with him. His concern seemed genuine and the files she has looked at definitely prove that someone is embezzling from the company.

“So now you have an in with a top executive at Sullivan Solutions and complete access to their financial records. Sounds like some real progress was made today. How are you feeling about that?” Lucy asks, wanting to check in on her friend’s emotional well-being.

Heather hesitates before she answers and finishes her glass of wine before reaching for the bottle and refilling her glass. So much for only one glass. She doesn't know how to express everything she is thinking and feeling about what happened today. However, if there is anyone she can trust to understand her ramblings it's Lucy.

“I don’t know how I feel. From a career advancement point of view, this is incredible because I am being given such a major opportunity after being with the company for just a few months. On the other hand, I didn’t take this job for career advancement. And Casey has limited my access to the last two years. It will help me identify who is currently stealing from the company, but it doesn’t get the information I need for my investigation. Plus, I hate the idea of doing something that could help Liam Sullivan,” Heather shares all of her concerns with her best friend.

“I know you hate the psychotic devil, but you don’t know that finding the thief will help him. This is the most progress you’ve had in your investigation into Liam since you started working at Sullivan Solutions. You just have to keep a positive spirit,” Lucy reassures Heather.

Heather knows that Lucy is right. But this little bit of progress has just made it all the more clear how far she is from taking Liam down.

“Four years of nothing makes it pretty hard to have a positive attitude,” Heather says with dejection filling her voice.

“I know we have been trying to find a way to put Liam Sullivan behind bars for the past four years, but you have only been at the company a few months. This is proof that working this is the way to get the evidence you need,” Lucy says to offer perspective to Heather. “Now let us focus on Casey Sullivan and your very obvious feelings for him. By the way, why do you keep calling him Casey?” Lucy gleefully asks, eager for some fun girl talk.

“Because he told me to. Please don’t read into it anymore,” Heather says to shut down the conversation.

Heather usually loves that Lucy knows her so well. But she is not ready to analyze or even acknowledge her feelings for Casey. It is just too much to deal with at the moment. Denial is her friend.

“Fine, I will leave that alone for now. In exchange, tell me more about Casey. I want to know more about the man; his interests, his attitude, the kind of aftershave he uses. You know, the usual. Just wait while I grab more wine and some snacks.”

Heather is relieved Lucy isn’t making her talk about her feelings or the connection between her and Casey. But she knows telling her about Casey will provide Lucy with plenty of information. Lucy walks back into the living room with a bottle of wine tucked under her arms and chips and guacamole in her hands.

“Ok, I’m ready. Tell me all about the future, Mr. Heather Winters.” Lucy says with a large smile on her face as she settles on the couch and pops a chip in her mouth.

“Lucy, it’s not like that,” Heather denies. “You know he is good-looking, I’ve seen you looking at gossip rags. I don’t know, it wasn’t that long a meeting. I couldn’t get a good read on him. He’s an enigma,” Heather tries to downplay her thoughts on Casey.

“Well I know how much my girl loves a good mystery,” Lucy interjects.

“Exactly! An enigmatic man presenting me with an enticing mystery. Of course, I’m attracted. I mean intrigued. That was the wine talking.” Heather blushes as she realizes how much she has revealed.

Lucy laughs. “That means it was the truth. It’s ok to be attracted to him, hun. I know you won’t let it get in the way of your work. Just be careful. He is the son of the devil,” Lucy’s concern is obvious as she speaks.

“Don’t remind me. Casey is serious, but he doesn’t seem evil at all. Not that it matters. I can’t get distracted. Casey is giving me the access I need to take down Liam Sullivan. That’s all there is to it,” Heather definitively states, trying to convince Lucy and herself.

“And I know you will take down that son of a b*tch. What is the first step?” Lucy asks, eager for justice as well.

“I need to get started going over the files Casey gave me. I think I’m going to get ready for bed and do some work in my room,” Heather says, wanting the distraction of work to keep away any thoughts of Casey.

“Ok. Good night Heather” Lucy says as she allows her friend to lose herself in her work.

“Night Lucy.”

Heather walks down the hall and into her bedroom, downing the last of her wine. She can hear Lucy turning on the TV and hopes her friend can have a relaxing evening without Heather around to bring her down.

Heather changes into her favorite and most comfortable sweats and starts looking at the files. She knows she needs to find the evidence Casey is looking for, but she is also looking for something else. Proof Liam Sullivan had her mother killed.

Nancy Callum worked the night shift as a nurse in the emergency department. She saw all kinds of violence brought in night after night. Heather knew her mom had a dangerous job, but she never thought it could get her killed.

Heather was a freshman in college and home for the winter break. She woke up on Christmas Eve to someone knocking on her door. On the other side of the door were two police officers telling her that her mother had been killed. A victim of a random mugging.

That story is a lie.

Grabbing her phone, Heather plays the oldest voicemail, the last phone call her mom ever made:

‘Heather, sweetie, something is going on at the hospital. These men came for Dr. Garrity and are taking him to the parking garage. I don’t know why I’m following, but John is a good man and I just want to make sure he is alright. I know I am doing everything I tell you not to do sweetheart, but I am trusting my instincts. Always trust your instincts and they will lead you to…Liam Sullivan. What is he doing here? Oh! I think they saw me. I have to go. See you at home. Love you!’

Only Nancy never came home and Heather never saw her mother again. Dr. John Garrity’s body was found in the river two weeks later. Liam Sullivan is responsible and Heather is going to prove it.

Heather stays up late into the night looking through Sullivan Solutions’ financial records. Finally, she finds something. The first thread to take down Liam Sullivan.

“Liam, you aren’t as smart as you think you are. You used company resources to pay for outside security and I will prove that one of those men killed my mother on your orders.”