Chapter 1: The First Meeting

Heather’s POV

Heather rushes into the elevator as the door is closing, slightly breathless.

“Hey, Heather! Where are you rushing off to this morning?” her colleague Mark asks.

“Oh, I have been summoned to the executive floor to meet with the COO immediately. What about you Mark? Who is in desperate need of IT help first thing in the morning?” Heather responds, hoping the light conversation will keep her nerves in check.

“Someone in Marketing is having a meltdown because they cannot access their presentation. Nowhere near as exciting as you having a meeting with the heir apparent,” Mark says with a laugh.

“I don’t even know why he would want to see me. I have never met Casey Sullivan let alone been in the same room as him.” Heather doesn’t bother to hide her confusion.

“Well, maybe you are part of his plan to establish himself in the company. He has only been here three months and most people think he is just a yes man for his father. Having his own people could be good for our future CEO,” Mark offers, as he is better with office politics.

“That is a crazy way to think. And so manipulative,” Heather says, cringing at the idea.

“Maybe, but if it’s true, put in a good word for me. This is my floor. Good luck!” Marks shouts behind him as he dashes out of the elevator.

Heather is now the only person left with three floors to go before she reaches her destination. She glances at her reflection in the elevator doors, her blonde hair falls just below her shoulders as pin straight as it always is, her dress is a simple wrap style with a scoop neck and falls to her knees, and her gray flats are more for comfort than style. Heather is not thrilled with the way she looks, but she is also not ashamed of her appearance.

She has been trying to go unnoticed in her job as an accountant at Sullivan Solutions. However, the COO calling her to his office is proof that she has not succeeded. As she takes a deep breath to calm herself the elevator dings and the doors open to the 42nd floor, home of the Chief Operations Officer.

Heather walks over to the desk in front of Casey Sullivan’s office, but there is no one there. Suddenly, the door to the COO’s office opens and the most attractive man Heather has ever seen is standing in front of her and speaking to her.

“Heather Winters?” the gorgeous man asks as he addresses her.

“Yes, sir,” Heather responds, thankful she didn’t stutter.

“Good! Please come in, we have a lot to discuss.” he steps aside and invites Heather into his office.

Heather walks into the office and hears him close the door behind him. She is now in the office of Casey Sullivan, COO of Sullivan Solutions. She takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk while trying not to stare at the gorgeous specimen in front of her. She knew Casey Sullivan was attractive, and the media attention his family got made it impossible not to know who he is but being in the same room as him takes it all to a whole different level.

He is tall and strong, clearly still in shape from his decade in the military. His suit, which probably costs more than her entire wardrobe, highlights his physique while the green tie perfectly matches his eyes. As he starts talking, Heather forces herself to pay attention to what he is saying.

Casey’s POV

“Ms. Winters, I called you here this morning because I need an accountant’s assistance in figuring out some discrepancies I’ve discovered from the past year,” Casey says firmly, aiming to sound confident and in control.

But inside is anything but confident and feels himself spinning out of control. Casey finds himself caught off guard by the beautiful woman in front of him. He selected Heather Winters because she was an accountant and had been with the company for less than six months. The irregularities he found began long before then, so he thought a recently hired employee would be a better choice to help. He only looked at her qualifications and how long she has worked at the company, but now all he can focus on are the most incredible blue eyes he has ever seen.

“Discrepancies, sir? Heather asks.

“Over two million dollars have gone unaccounted for in the last year and it seems no one has noticed. There is also no sign that the culprit is finished. The last transaction was on Friday. I need someone to find out how much money is missing, who is responsible for taking it, and where it is now.” Casey forces himself to focus on the business and lays it all out for Heather.

“Mr. Sullivan this seems to be a rather large issue and I wonder why I am the only accountant you have called. Everyone in the department has more experience than me and knows the company’s financial systems better because they have been here longer,” Heather responds with confusion but does not seem intimidated by him or the investigation.

Casey cannot help but be impressed with Heather’s direct approach to responding to him and her willingness to point out her own flaws. Now he is even more sure that Heather Winters is the right person to help him find the thief.

“That’s exactly why you are the one I want working on this. Many of these transactions predate your start at the company. I also saw that you specialize in forensic accounting. Your skill set should make it much easier to track down the culprit. I want this done quickly and quietly. Can I count on you?” Casey looks directly into Heather’s eyes as he asks her, wanting her to see how important this is to him. That he is choosing to trust her.

“Yes, sir. You can count on me, Mr. Sullivan,” Heather says strongly and confidently.

Casey stands and comes around his desk. “Please call me Casey. My father is Mr. Sullivan and anyone calling me sir makes me think I am back in the military” Casey says, trying to lighten the mood between them.

“Of course, Casey. I will get right to work on tracking the money and finding who is stealing from your company,” Heather looks directly into his eyes as she is talking and Casey has no doubt that she will be victorious.

“Thank you, Heather. Please keep this to yourself. I do not want anyone to become aware of this investigation. This must remain private. Contact me whenever you have any information,” Casey authoritatively states, not allowing himself to become any more familiar with Heather.

“Of course sir, I mean Casey, I will not tell anyone,” Heather reassures him.

Casey reaches out to shake Heather’s hand and feels something of a spark when their hands touch. He notices Heather’s eyes widen at the same moment which makes him think that she felt the same thing.

Heather turns and walks out of the office and Casey cannot help but watch her walk away. Casey has never felt such a connection with someone before. He pushes his feelings aside because she is his employee and he needs to remain focused on the investigation. His family’s company and its reputation are at stake and he cannot afford any distractions.

Sullivan Solutions is the company his grandfather founded and his father has expanded it to be the most successful company in Boston. Ever since he was a young boy he was told he would one day inherit the company for himself and the thought of that drove him to the military. He did not want the responsibility of running the company, but he understands that it is what he must do. The military helped him to become focused and disciplined and he can use that to be the man his family has always wanted him to be. Casey can work for his father, learn about the company, and eventually take over.

Casey now finds himself in the corporate world and dealing with a corporate enemy. And his only ally is the most captivating woman he has ever met.

“I hope I am right about you, Heather Winters,” Casey murmurs to himself.