Chapter 5: Face to Face with The Devil

Casey POV

“Dad, millions of dollars have been stolen from our company. We found over $3 million have gone missing in the past year alone. We have found even more suspicious transactions going back three years. Who knows how long this has been going on and how much money has been stolen,” Casey shares the findings of the investigation with his father.

“Who is this “we”, you are talking about Casey… Who is it who has such sensitive information about our company? Information that could destroy the company and the family if it ever went public! How could you be so– so stupid as to bring in other people before bringing this to me? I am the first and only person you come to when there is a problem connected to my company– Do I make myself clear?” Liam berates his son.

“Yes, sir,” Casey responds.

Casey finds himself slipping back into soldier mode when his father is like this. Liam Sullivan has always been a demanding and controlling man with high expectations for his eldest son. No matter what Casey did it was never good enough for his father.

“I need more than a meek ‘yes sir’ Casey! I need you to tell me who else is walking around with such damaging information about my company.” Liam shouts at his son, trying to intimidate him.

“I have only told one other person. Heather Winters. She works in the accounting department and also specializes in forensic accounting. She has only been with the company for six months which means she is not the culprit as the embezzlement precedes her employment. We have already made some headway and hope to have it wrapped up in the next couple of weeks.” Casey gives his father the name and details he has been demanding.

Casey hates giving his father Heather’s name, but he knows he cannot keep it from him. His father had to be told about the missing money. Casey did not expect his father to focus more on keeping the information contained than finding the thief. However, Liam Sullivan has always cared about his reputation more than anything else.

“What do you know about this Heather Winters? If she has only been with us for a few months then she has no reason to be loyal to Sullivan Solutions. She may even be a corporate spy planted by one of our competitors. Casey, do you ever think at all? My company could be on the verge of ruin and it will be all your fault.” Liam lambastes his COO and son.

“Dad, you’re being ridiculous. I had Heather checked out before I asked for her help. I trust her and we have made substantial progress,” Casey defends himself and Heather. Then he questions the direction of his father’s anger, “Shouldn’t you be more upset about the fact that one of your employees has been stealing millions of dollars from your company for years and it has gone completely unnoticed until now–”

“Don’t you dare take that tone with me, boy,” Liam threatens with a menacing tone.

Casey has had enough and will not let his father treat him like a rebellious teenager who stayed out past curfew.

“I will speak to you, however, I deem necessary. You all but begged me to leave the military and take my place in the family company. You are so quick to call this your company, but before long it will be my company. I take that responsibility seriously which is why I was going over the numbers so carefully. I figured out that someone was stealing from our company and am in the process of uncovering the culprit. You should be thanking me instead of scolding me,” Casey confidently stands up to his father, unwilling to be scolded when he has done nothing wrong.

Liam chuckles darkly at his son’s audacity.

“You want a pat on the head and a treat? Be told that you are a good boy? You won’t get that from me. You did your job. That’s all. Tomorrow I have our monthly meeting with the accounting department to go over the company’s financials. You will come to this meeting and make sure that Heather Winters also attends. I want to meet this woman you have decided to trust. That is all. Get out of my office and go do something productive. I have a company to run,” Liam mockingly speaks to his son while making his demands clear.

Casey knows there is no point in fighting with his father. He won’t listen to Casey and any further attempts at conversation will just lead to more insults and ridicule for Casey.

“Yes, Father.” Casey dejectedly says.

Casy turns to leave and starts to walk out the door when his father stops him.

“Oh and Casey. It will always be my company.”


The next day Casey gets into the office early. He hardly slept the night before because of his nerves about today’s meeting. He has no idea how his father will treat Heather or if he will bring the entire department in on the investigation.

After an eight-mile run and a vigorous workout to try to expel some of his nervous energy, Casey decides the best thing he can do is to go to the office to find Heather and talk to her before the meeting at 9 AM.

Casey walks through the cubicles that make up most of the accounting floor, hoping for a glimpse of blonde hair or bright blue eyes. When he finds her he feels his whole body relax. Casey tries not to think about why the mere sight of Heather is soothing to him and instead focuses on making his way over to her.

“I had a feeling you would be here early,” Casey says as he reaches her.

“Casey, you surprised me! What are you doing here in the accounting department before 8 AM?” Heather asks.

“Looking for you actually. I assume you heard that your presence is required at this morning's meeting,” Casey answers her as he sits on the edge of her desk.

“I did. Do you know why, because my supervisor certainly had no idea?” Heather asks as she looks up at him.

Casey is nervous about telling Heather about his father. He doesn’t want her to be nervous about the meeting, but he knows she deserves to know what is happening.

“I spoke to my father yesterday and told him about our investigation. He wants the chance to meet you to make sure that you can be trusted with such sensitive information about the company.” Casey says as the need to protect and reassure her overwhelms him.

“Your father wants to meet me?” Casey can hear a bit of nervousness and maybe even fear in Heather’s voice.

He knows his father is an intimidating man and hopes he can reassure Heather. The last thing Casey wants is for her to be afraid of him or his family.

“My father likes to be in control of everything. He is not happy that I have been handling this on my own. Don’t worry about meeting him. You aren’t some corporate spy trying to destroy him and once he is sure of that he will let us go back to our investigation and leave you alone, I hope,” Casey tries to reassure her, but his nerves get the best of him.

“You were doing a very good job of reassuring me until that last bit,” Heather says with a laugh, but her nerves are still clear.

“I’m sorry. My father can be a difficult man. He and I argued about all of this yesterday. I think it is one of the first times I stood up to him without immediately running away. None of that is something for you to worry about though. Just get through the meeting and I will make a quick introduction between you and dear old dad at the end. Ok?” Casey does a better job of sounding confident this time.

“I guess I don’t have much of a choice. But Casey, I do worry. About you, I mean. If you need to talk to someone about anything, especially venting about your dad, you can talk to me.” Heather says to Casey while placing her hand over his.

Casey cannot help but stare at Heather in awe for a moment. No one has ever seen him as someone separate from his father. There has never been someone who would choose to support him over his father. She is remarkable.

“Thank you, Heather. I will remember that.” Casey says as he briefly squeezes her hand.

They make it through the meeting without issue. His father is smart enough not to bring up the matter in front of the entire department and most people don’t seem surprised to see Heather in the meeting. As everyone starts to clear out Casey nods to Heather for her to come over.

“Dad, this is Heather Winters, the accountant I was telling you about. Heather, this is my father Liam Sullivan, CEO of Sullivan Solution,” Casey quickly offers introductions.

“Hello, Mr. Sullivan, it is an honor to meet you,” Heather says, sounding pleasant but Casey can hear something else in her voice. Something he can’t quite place.

His father grabs Heather’s outstretched hand to pull her directly in front of him.

“I will destroy you if you do anything to hurt my company or my reputation. Do you understand me, little girl? I don’t care that my son is distracted by your skill on your knees, I don’t trust you one bit.” Liam looms over Heather as he threatens and insults her.

“Dad! Heather is completely professional and nothing is going on between the two of us. Her work is impeccable and you should trust that at least.” Casey has never been so ashamed to be Liam Sullivan’s son.

He cannot believe his father would make such an assumption about Heather. It also makes Casey feel all the worse about himself because he is so drawn to Heather and wishes he could be with her. However, his father has just made it all the more clear that it cannot happen if Heather’s reputation is to remain intact.

“You want me to trust this girl, fine. I went over your work and it is clear someone is stealing my money. Find out who it is and bring everything to me. I will be in charge of this investigation from now on. Casey, do not disappoint me,” Liam issues his orders knowing he won’t be questioned.

Liam then walks out of the room leaving Casey and Heather both disturbed by the encounter.

“Heather, I am so sorry for what my father said. I hope it does not make you think less of the company or me.”

Casey knows he is being selfish by looking for reassurance from Heather when she has been so blatantly insulted, but he is terrified that his father has scared off the most incredible woman he has ever met.

“Casey, I know you are not your father, believe me, but I appreciate the apology. If anything I think more of you knowing that you were raised by such a man and turned out so differently. I know you are a good man Casey Sullivan. I have to go, but I will see you Friday for our dinner with Peter O’Brien.”

Casey watches Heather walk away completely captivated by her. He may not be able to act on his feelings, but he can still provide her with a small token of his affection. He rushes back to his office to put his plan in motion. He calls his personal shopper.

“Hello! I need to make an appointment for this afternoon. I am looking for a cocktail dress. Preferably blue.”