Chapter 6: An Overprotective Ex Boyfriend And A Special Delivery

Heather POV

“Heather, what you are doing is way too risky. Now you are telling me that Liam Sullivan is personally aware of you. What if he connects you and your mother?” a young man in a police uniform aggravatedly paces in Heather’s apartment.

“He won’t, Tommy. I go by my father’s last name and I look nothing like my mother. Besides, I doubt Liam Sullivan thinks about a woman he had murdered four years ago,” Heather offers reassurance to the flustered man.

Heather has known Tommy McNeil since they were seven years old and were both in Sister Paul Joseph’s class in second grade. They were friends for years before Tommy asked her out sophomore year. He was Heather’s first in every way and she loved him. Heather ended things after high school so she could enjoy college without anything holding her back.

“Fine maybe he won’t connect you to your mom, but that doesn’t mean this plan is any less foolish. Why can’t you let the police handle it? I haven’t stopped looking into it, Heather,” Tommy tries to reason with her.

Tommy McNeil looks at her with those sad blue eyes, begging her to let him take care of her and Heather just wants to scream. Tommy has always been overprotective. It can be sweet, but it is mostly annoying. Heather knows that Tommy is still in love with her, but she got over him a long time ago.

“Tommy, I have access to Sullivan Solution’s full accounting records. I know he is using company funds to pay for private security forces and who knows what else. I will prove he is using his company to fund his illegal activities and turn that evidence over to the police. I want that man behind bars and I will do whatever it takes. You can’t stop me, Tommy. Haven’t you known me long enough to figure that out?” Heather argues, desperate for Tommy to listen to her and understand.

The police will never investigate Liam Sullivan on their own. He is rich and powerful with friends in all the right places. Heather knows the only way to put Liam behind bars is to gift-wrap the entire case with foolproof evidence for the police. Even then it will take leaking it to the press to have immense public pressure on the district attorney to take it to trial.

Heather has thought all of this through. She knows what she is doing and will not stop. Tommy’s efforts to get her to back down are frustrating and annoying.

“I know I can’t stop you, but I care about you enough to never stop trying,” Tommy says, wearing his heart on his sleeve.

“Then care about me enough to let me make my own choices. Tommy, I care about you too, but we aren’t a couple. I do not want you to protect or save me. All I am asking is for you to trust me,” Heather tries to get him to understand.

“Of course, I trust you, Heather. I just want you to be safe. The thought of something happening to you makes me sick. Don’t you know how important you are to me? How much I care about you?” Tommy pleads.

Heather can tell that Tommy is gearing up to present yet another argument for why they should get back together when she is saved by the doorbell ringing. She is surprised by the delivery, but signs for it and closes the door.

“What is that?” Tommy asks as he hovers over her shoulder.

“I don’t know Tommy. How about you let me open it and find out?” Heather responds as she rolls her eyes and steps away from him.

The packaging is elaborate and the logo is for a high-end boutique that Heather and Lucy have walked by when they feel like window shopping, but the prices are so far outside their budget it has never been worth going inside. Heather is shocked to find a gorgeous dress with matching shoes and accessories inside the box. The note at the top of the box reads: ‘I saw this and knew it was meant for you. The color made me think of your eyes. Wear it tonight. Casey.’

“Who’s Casey?” Tommy asks with a jealous tone.

Heather was so caught up in looking at the dress and shocked that Casey would go to such

lengths for her that she did not realize Tommy had come up behind her and was reading over her shoulder.

“Casey Sullivan. Not that it is any of your business.” Heather says as she places the note in the box and places the lid on it.

“Casey Sullivan. Son of the devil, Liam Sullivan. Why is he buying you a fancy outfit?” Tommy demands.

“We have dinner tonight with an important investor. It’s at a fancy restaurant and he probably wants to make sure I will be dressed appropriately.” Heather tries to downplay Casey’s actions even as butterflies explode in her stomach at the thought that Casey would do something so special for her.

“Or he is trying to pimp you out to this investor,” Tommy mentions, thinking the worst of Casey.

“Casey would never do that! Tommy, I think it is time for you to go. I will let you know when I have any information on Liam Sullivan’s criminal activity.” Heather pushes Tommy toward the door as she scolds him.

“Fine, I will let you get ready for your date with your new boyfriend, Casey,” Tommy snidely replies.

“Jealousy doesn’t look good on you Tommy. Casey is my friend and my boss. There is nothing else happening,” Heather snaps back at him.

Heather closes the door behind Tommy and picks up the delivery from Casey. She cannot believe that he went to the trouble of buying an entire outfit for her. An expensive outfit. All of this would have cost her several months of rent. As she pulls out the dress to get a better look at it, she realizes Casey is right that it does match her eyes. She can’t help but hope that Casey noticing the color of his eyes to such an extent that he could pick out a dress to match is a sign of his affection. She knows they can’t be together, but to have this proof that he cares, that he noticed her, means something.

Heather takes her time getting ready. She carefully does her hair and makeup and puts on everything Casey gifted her. The dress is a perfect fit and clings to her body, stopping just above her knees. The sweetheart neckline gives her perfect cleavage and the delicate straps crisscross in the back. Heather has never felt so beautiful.

When she finishes she calls Lucy to her room.

“How do I look?” Heather asks as she does a little twirl.

Lucy lets out a wolf whistle before answering. “You are gorgeous Heather. Casey picked out a killer dress for you,”

“It’s weird, right? My boss sent me a designer dress that I don’t even want to know the cost of, as well as shoes and jewelry. How do I respond to that?” Heather shifts uncomfortably as she asks her best friend for advice and reassurance.

“I think the words thank you should suffice. Don’t worry too much about it. Billionaires do weird things,” Lucy keeps her response light.

“It’s weird though. I’m hiding so much from him… I want to trust him so badly, but I’m not sure I can,” Heather reveals her deepest concern.

Casey has been incredible to her, but he is still Liam’s son. If she can hide so much from him, then he could be hiding just as much from her. As guilty as Heather feels about keeping the truth from Casey, she cannot imagine telling him everything until she is sure she can completely trust him.

“So try to get close to Casey, flirt with him a little… See if you can find out what kind of man he is. If he is like his father, then use him for information and try to get dirt on him too. If you are right and he isn’t like his father or aware of his father’s illegal activities, then try to get what information you can from him. Use him to get closer to Liam,” Lucy offers.

“I don’t want to use him, Lucy. He seems like a good guy. If he has nothing to do with his father’s criminal activities then I cannot use him like that,” Heather says, her feelings for Casey clear.

“I hope he is a good guy, but Heather we have to be sure. You are going to be working closely together during this embezzlement investigation, so get to know him. Find out what he knows and how much you can trust him,” Lucy provides Heather with the advice she needs.

“Do you think if we decide I can trust him that I should tell him everything?” Heather asks, hoping her friend will solve her worries.

“Maybe. That will be up to you sweetie,” Lucy responds honestly, knowing it will have to be Heather’s decision.

“I’m not sure I can do this. I’m better at reading numbers than people,” Heather says as she feels her nerves skyrocket as she considers what she has to accomplish and the people who are getting caught up in her pursuit of justice.

“Trust your instincts, sweetie. And when in doubt tell me everything and I will help you figure it out,” Lucy tries to lighten the mood and relax her friend.

“I don’t know what I would do without you, Lucy.” Heather wraps Lucy in a firm embrace.

“You won’t ever have to figure that out because I am not going anywhere. Now get out of here and go see your prince charming,” Lucy reassures Heather as she fixes her hair before letting her go.

“He is not my prince charming and this is a business dinner. Tonight is just about getting information to help find who is stealing from the company,” Heather isn’t sure if she is trying to convince Lucy or herself.

“You just keep telling yourself that, girlie,” Lucy says with a laugh.

Heather walks out the door and goes downstairs to find the car already waiting for her. Casey had insisted on providing for her. During the drive to the restaurant, Heather desperately tries to get control over herself. Tonight is a business meeting and a chance to get information about who is stealing from Sullivan Solutions. If she says that enough, maybe she will actually believe it.

The car pulls up to the restaurant and Heather sees Casey waiting outside. He looks stunning in a black suit with a gray shirt sans tie and the top few buttons were undone. Heather knows she is completely done for and has no idea how to stop it. Casey walks over and opens the door for her and Heather steps out.
