Not like that… yet


'It's ok' he thought to himself. 'I can get rid of this new boy.' He didn't know how, but he would get that money. "Jack'o'lantern! Get your fat butt down here - mom's got dinner on!" Called Fred, Jacks brother, trying to find a nickname to get under Jack's skin.

"Coming!" He called. That's when he got it. A single text, that would set the dominos for Jack's world to come crashing down like a chandelier in a bad horror movie.


Hey bb


No. I'm not your bb. Goodbye.


Yes you are. I miss you.


I know you do but I don't feel the same any more


You did last month.....

It was true. Jack missed Addy like a dog to its owner, just not anymore. He did last week in fact. Or even yesterday. Just not now. All he could think about was the money, his grades and getting his scholarship. Jack left Addy on read and went down for dinner.


Akilah ran up to her room. Matthew was already there, sat on her bed, reading their book. Akilah grinned "don't start without me!" She teased.

"Would I ever?" Matthew asked putting the book down. "So?" Matthew said with a questioning look.

"So what?" Akilah asked, throwing her pastel pink bag down. It matched her room. Pink walls and pink bed set. She was definitely a girly girl. She turned on her fairy lights and looked at Matthew, who had an eyebrow raised, Akilah could guess what he was about to say.

"Really? You're playing dumb?" Matthew sarcastically stated. Upon seeing Akilah's 'clueless' face he sighed. "Who was that? He's attractive. Just your type-" Matthew pointed out. Akilah scoffed.

"You know I don't have a type Matty." She said rolling her eyes. "No romance till I graduate."

"Look how many times do you get a boy as attractive as me offered up on a silver platter?" Matthew asked smiling like a hyena.

"C'mon let's study." Akilah said acting annoyed although she was smiling on the inside. She had known Matthew for her whole life, they were best friends. Her only friend. As they studied her mind kept wondering to Jack. 'No,' she thought 'I don't like him like that.'


Jack was talking to Fred after dinner about school. "C'mon dude!" Fred accused, "you're using a girl for money? You're breaking her heart? For money?" Jack felt bad. She didn't deserve it. 'Money is money.' He reminded himself. Since when did he care about others' feelings. They don't care about his. "Hello? Earth to Jack! Earth to Jack!" Said Fred, snapping his fingers in Jack's face.

"Sorry - what were you saying?" Jack asked, completely unaware he had zoned-out.

"I was just saying that Lincoln changed you. You're not the bro I remember. This is a new low." Fred said with a sympathetic look.

"Look I don't need a lecture right now!" Jack said leaving the room. He slammed the door. He didn't care! Why would he? It's not like she would ever love him! No one loved Jack Pointer.