Cry me a river


Jack was walking home, alone. Tears started to fall. Once he was home, Jack locked himself in his room and cried. The only time he'd cried like this was when his parents divorced. A part of Jack was missing. He pulled out his phone.


Ok darling xxx

Today 19:23


Akilah? Darling?

Not delivered

No. No. Akilah blocked him. He tried everything but he was out of her life, battling to find a way back in. Jack buried his head in his knees. Jack had previously been in a state of depression and Akilah brought him out. Now it was as if she had dropped him back in. There was a bridge by the lake where the pair had walked on their first date...


Elijah walked Akilah home. He was kind, charming and incredibly funny. He knew what to say to make Akilah feel better. Elijah even convinced her to unblock Jack. She spent the rest of the night with Elijah because he made her feel better. He was such a good friend. When she woke up, Elijah had left. Thank lord there was no school on Saturday. Since her parents were home, no doubt they'd want to see her play piano or show them her latest A+.

"Akilah darling, do you want to go on a walk this fine evening?" Her mother asked.

"It's morning." Akilah pointed out. She was going to get dragged out the door regardless. While walking, she saw Jack. He was leaning over the bridge and writing what looked like a letter. 'Ignore it' the voice in her head warned. Jack looked up, with tears in his eyes. He saw Akilah, but upon noticing her parents, he left.

"I miss you. I love you, darling." He mouthed. No way liar. He didn't love her! How could he? Lovers don't betray one another. She had told him what hurt her most and he did it perfectly.


Jack had almost done this. He was still clutching his note. It read:

Dear Fred, Daisy and Akilah

I'm sorry. To Fred. Don't blame yourself. I wasn't ready for pain like this again. It was never your fault that I couldn't hold on. I'm sorry.

To Daisy. I'm sorry for not being brave like you asked. I really tried, but like you brought Fred out, the girl who brought me out let me go. I deserved it for the way I used her.

Akilah my love. At first, yes you were my target in life. Until I realised, life is the target, I am the arrow and you are the bow. I didn't mean to hurt you. I told them it was over. That there would be no bet. I even saved up for a gift. I know your birthday was coming up so I gave you this. The best gift ever. Getting out of your life. Good bye darling. I love you.

No. He couldn't do it in front of Akilah. That would break her. He would endure another night of disappointment pain and hatred. His mother blamed the divorce on him.


Akilah spent the night texting Elijah. He knew how to deal with Jack. He also knew how to make her feel loved. By a friend of course. Something about it felt wrong though. There was a hole in her heart; it was eating her up from the inside. Jack had hurt her so much, she feared it was irreparable. No one could fix it. "Maybe," she thought, "if I was prettier, he would've loved me. Maybe, if I was smarter or cooler or loved his stupid motorcycle!" Her thoughts escalated to things like: "If I had longer hair." Akilah was pointing out every small detail. She was convinced she was the problem. Elijah took her mind off things.