Why not


Jack got home and immediately regretted his decision not to jump. No one was left to love him. No one would miss him. His mother was sat in her usual chair. She had a dazed look in her eyes and a smile plastered on her face. Jack saw the pills in her hand, he snatched them off her. "MA!" He cried in anger. "You can't have these!" But she didn't move. "Ma! Are you listening?" There was still no signs of movement. He shook her, but her body fell limp. Oh god. "FRED!" Jack screamed. "FRED GET DOWN HERE! MA- MA'S DEAD!" He was so paralysed he couldn't feel his fingers. It was as if he'd turned off. He didn't hear Fred flying down the banisters. He didn't see Fred start the CPR (not nearly as well as Akilah). He didn't feel Fred shake him awake. He snapped back to reality.

"Jack, call an ambulance." Fred said to calm for comfort. "NOW!" He shouted.

"Wasdepoin?" Jack muttered.

"What?" Fred shouted, still shaking Ma.

"WHATS THE POINT?" Jack yelled. "SHES DEAD! WHAT CAN AN AMBULANCE DO FRED?" He asked. Fred stared. "She- she's gone. The only other woman who loved me! I lost them both in one day! Twelve hours, it took. For everyone who loved me to leave." Jack picked up his phone and dialled nine one one. He watched as she was carted away. Fred left to call Daisy. Fred cried on the inside. With that he was left alone. Daisy was meant to reveal the baby to Fred tonight but Jack guessed she'd postpone until next week. Daisy had told Jack first. About two weeks ago. He picked up the phone and called Akilah. Who else would he have to call? No one would care about him.


Akilah was in the company of Elijah. As it turned out, he was in maths club. Mathew started hanging out with Akilah now Jack was gone. She missed Jack more than a fish missed water, but he was gone, and never coming back. 'We still miss him.' Her heart told her brain, but her brain had always been in charge. "He won't call he won't text." Akilah said

when Elijah asked if she was sure. Just then. At THAT moment, Jack called.

"Pick up." Elijah encouraged, non encouragingly. It was more the tone he used, more of a sigh than a tone. Akilah took this as a way of saying "don't give that fool a time of day." In response she declined. No way was she risking this tanned dark, haired, genius of a guy for a stunning, sweet, supportive and- backstabbing player like Jack. Elijah pulled Akilah in front of him and leaned in. "Good choice. Now that you're over him, would you go out with me?" Akilah pulled away. Sure she hated Jacks guts (or so she kept telling herself) but this was moving too fast! They'd only broken up three days ago! Then again, it might be nice to go out with a friend as friends. Elijah wasn't her type. She was into tall, smart jocks with brown hair, green eyes and freckles.

"Why not?" Akilah said. She'd already got out into the dating world so why not go for round two? Elijah knew they were just friends and did Akilah. "But no funny business." Elijah handed her a small card with a date on. He didn't say goodbye, he just left. Mathew was more than thrilled to find out that she had a date with Mr Smart Guy. Even if it was as "just friends."