Chapter 4

'Holy shit, I never realized just how many Robert Reynolds would be and even narrowing it down to middle aged blonde overweight meth addicts did eliminate alot but still a few thousand is still a bit much. The only other way would be to locate Professor Cornelius and track the Golden Serum through him and know when the best time to grab the serum and keep a mentally unbalanced addict from gaining so much power.' Using his time within the library to research the last known location of Professor Cornelius as well as local junk yards for electronics, as for the professor he wasn't able to find much but he didn't stress too much, after all would it be that easy to find a scientist that is part of Weapon X, now junk electronics was exactly what he was looking for.

After some time he was able to locate several electronic recycling facilities that had contracts with Stark Industries and Oscorp. 'Hank Pym must have his own means of getting rid of lab equipment and broken computers cause not one facility had any contract publicly.' Memorizing the locations of each facility he decided to scout each place using the Historama, which functions as a crystal ball that grants a number of abilities such as Clairvoyants, Clairaudience, Remote Sensing, Extra-dimensional detection, True Sight as well as Dimensional and Temporal viewing.

'Now that I have my locations now I need to discreetly transform back into SHAZAM so I can get back to the Rock of Eternity to use Historama to scout which is best locations with the best stuff to save time and effort limiting chances of being caught by SHIELD or the Sorcerer Supreme. Definitely don't want to have to deal with him or her depending on if this is the movie version or the comic version. In most universes in comics the Ancient One was an old man with a white beard and long eye lashes basically the stereotypical Fu Manchu. There were a few female Ancient Ones in different universes, hence why it didn't spark any controversy when they used a female. Hopefully it's the one from the movies cause the female versions of Ancient One were more friendly and usually opted to communicate with words first rather than battle first like the male versions. Not to say the female Yoa was weaker cause in no way was she, hell even Odin and Thanos both feared her and Thanos waited for her to pass on before launching his attack.'

Exiting the public library Billy tried to think where the best place is to retreat without being seen.

As Billy was looking for a secluded area to do his thing, a few states away on the top floor of an unmarked building, three people can be seen having a meeting. The one leading the meeting was a young Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Fury, or better known as Fury by everyone, even his mother, looking exactly like a young Samuel L Jackson. The other two being the current Director of SHIELD R. Keller who looks like Ben Mendelsohn but much more in shape than what was portrayed in Captain Marvel and lastly the rookie recruit Phillip J "Phil" Coulson looking just like he did in the movie just much younger and is fresh out of the academy.

Fury:"About an hour ago an unknown object of unknown origins appeared about 23,000 feet above New York and wasn't detected by any radar. A passenger airline pilot called in a UFO sighting to air traffic control which was intercepted by our communication department. After routing the satellite we were able to get a visual on the object but were unable to focus in due to limitations due to equipment and size and wasn't designed to focus on objects of that size at that height but all future observational satellites will have that capability."

Keller: "Ok great, but what are we looking at? Is it a drone or an aircraft? I just see a smudge of black.

Coulson: "I don't think its an aircraft cause there's no heat from an exhaust plus it knew it was being tracked cause once we got birds in the air for visual it moved higher and away and once our aircraft changed course to intercept that confirmed the objects suspicion and then took off faster than we could track. So that tells us its either intelligent or is being controlled by someone."

Fury: "I agree with Agent Coulson, whatever we are dealing with is definitely intelligent. So I'd like permission to head to the New York branch to investigate further and locate what it was."

Keller: "Why New York? Are you thinking that this isn't an isolated incident?"

Fury: "My gut says no it isn't an isolated event. Notice how even when it confirmed tracking it stayed within New York air space even though it moved faster than we could track it still headed back towards New York. It may have a limited range if its unmanned and now whoever made it will probably lay low since they know they were found. I can ask Howard if he can help make a piece of equipment to watch the skies easier since radar didn't pick it up he may be able to think of a solution."

Keller: "Granted but just you and Agent Coulson here. If it's a new technology that can get past even our systems imagine what we could do with it. But don't divulge too much right away to see if Howard's systems detected any anomalies above New York and if not just tell him we DID that way it'll be cheaper when we purchase upgrades. Leave out the pilot's initial report."

Finally realizing the reasons the Director had for ordering him to with hold vital information to one of the founders of SHIELD a look of enlightenment dawned on both Fury and Phil's faces.

Fury: "And when asked about the system or engineer that detected?"

Keller: "I don't care just pick one that we don't mind losing in case anything happens. You know the drill.

Fury: "We receiving a end date on this or do you want us on this until further notice?"

Keller: "Oh your both on this unless something else more important then flying stealth technology that can outrun and outmaneuvers state of the art aircraft and sensors, the best that you can buy. So find it and confiscate if possible or bring them in. America needs this tech."

Coulson: "I just want to say I still think it looks like its the shape of a person if you look closely."

Fury: "Of course we see it now rookie but thats due to the Rorschach effect. Once someone speaks out what they see in any ambiguous photo or video the rest can gravitate to see the same. But what your implicating is impossible, people don't fly."

Coulson: "Isn't there Magneto from way back documented as able to fly?"

Keller: "True but since the attack on the President mutant detectors have been in place and we would've known it was him due to we have developed sensors looking for magnetic distortions specific for him. Along with the required arsenal. No this is new and this is just what SHIELD needs. Even if it's a person bring them in I don't care. Now go on I got a meeting with the council to try to explain what we're dealing with.

Fury and Phil salute the Director and leave the office. Phil having an excited smile plastered across his face, fresh out of the academy top of his class and finally a worthy investigation. Yeah he investigated assassinations and counter-terrorism investigation but that's the typical thing. Phil wanted higher than that, he is part of the same organization as his hero Captain America. He was ready. Fury seeing the excited expression chuckled to himself remember his younger days when he joined the Howling Commandos under Corporal Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan who took over after Captain America was killed in action. He too was proud to serve on the same team that Captain America led into battle and became friends with alot of the survivors that knew and fought next to Steve Rogers.

Fury: "Alright Coulson pack your bags and meet me in at the SHIELD transportation hub first thing tomorrow morning at 0600 hrs and make sure you have everything in order for an extended trip. I have a feeling it may be a bit, I was against using military aircraft for visual but was quickly rebuffed stating a private plane couldn't remove if found to be hostile."