Chapter 5

Back at the new and improved realm that was once dark and ominous, and a little creepy for being a force for good. The only hero that can pull that off and get away with it would be Batman and that because well, cause he's Batman. In its place was a classical medieval style castle with a projected image of earth's sun and moon which was magically done in tune with the time outside in New York. The castle was not just any classical style castle, at first glance you could tell it was built for war. To Billy his logic behind his design was the best defense is offense. Using the knowledge he gained through the Throne of SHAZAM of not only spell circles and runes but also of the treasury vault where he found all sorts of metals such as Nth metal in large quantities and even a surprising amount of Element X or Tenth metal which was supposed to be rare. The reason for it being rare was SHAZAM knew of the dangers it could cause if it was abundant so he always was able to grab up most of it throughout the cosmos of its origin thus making it extremely rare to find. But it was still a minuscule amount compared to the other metals.

Using the Rock of Eternity as a median Billy was able to construct the castle with a fully equipped dungeon for the sealed Gargoyles of Sin and the dragon known as Three Faces of Evil. The metals were used to create a very Tony Stark interior complete with holographic displays made from kryptonian geo liquid. I was the complete opposite of what you would expect looking at from the outside. Not only was the castle much larger on the inside due to spatial runes but had hidden traps and weapons everywhere. No matter if it is attacked from the outside or from within, particularly from the area in and around the dungeon but still spread throughout the castle. Enchanted Gatlin guns of various kinds for just about anything, magical traps and doors. Within the throne room what once was just a crystal ball that was the Historama now are multiple displays. Each depicted a location and data detailing inventory and crew information.

Using a computer built fully with Tenth metal he was able to replicate the Mother Box and Father Box. The Father Box was designed to manage the realm and interdimensional connections to the Rock of Eternity, while the Mother Box was designed to be with Billy to help keep him safe while he isn't in his SHAZAM form and it would give him access to boom tubes to travel when needed. Coupled with its ability to connect to the Father Box and its ability to access the Historama he could boom tube wherever he wanted unless it was specifically protected against it. He already tried looking for Kamar Taj, K'un-Lun and Shangri La but even using what he had he couldn't view inside. He could tell where they were but could not view it like he could Wakanda or the rest of the world and galaxy.

'Well now that the new place is set up I need to start working on fixing some of the connections soon. I guess I can have the Father Box compile the universes that need repaired and their relative danger. I guess I should name the Mother Box and Father Box since they do have sentience thanks to Tenth metal. But what to name them? Well I already know what to call the Mother Box since I modeled it after Fallouts Pip-Boy so Angel would be fine. Now for the Father Box, probably Oracle since it's main purpose is to manage the realm and dungeon.'

Making his decision Billy speaks up, "Mother Box your new designated name shall be Angel and Father Box you will have the designated name of Oracle." After receiving confirmation and acceptance from both he continued, "Oracle, I need you to scan the connections to the multiverse and compile a list of worlds ranked from how damaged it is and also categorize them by strength level." After receiving confirmation from Oracle and an estimated time for a complete scan Billy decided to head back to the city to track down the Golden Sentry Serum and the Professor. After locating Professor using Angel, he had her open a Boom tube in a secluded area inside one of the restrooms on the same floor as the Professors lab in Canada.

'Weapon X really loves Canada.'

Stepping out of the Boom tube Billy made sure he looked as inconspicuous as possible. Using Angel to give a visual change to blend in changing his suit to look like a staff member for the lab. Using the layout that his Pip Boy displayed he casually made his way to Professor Cornelius' office. After Angel overrides the electronic lock, Billy makes his way into the office and goes straight to the computer. "Angel see what you can find on the computer, I want anything and everything you can find on Project Sentry and anything related. And try to keep our intrusion with minimal tracks as much as possible but if getting what I'm looking for will leave traces of us its fine but do your best to reduce risk." After giving confirmation Angel used her ability to take over non sentient machines to hack the computer while Billy searched through the filing cabinets.

After not finding anything on paper he began to look around for hidden places but as soon as he noticed a hidden compartment and started moving towards it, suddenly a Boom tube opened in front of him forcing him back to his realm. "What the hell? What happened? I just saw something good." Receiving Angels telepathic response a surprised expression lit up on his face. Angel had located the information not specifically on that computer but since that computer was used to access the servers on site of where they are testing the serum so to get the best results Angel did a two pronged attack on the server masking the frontal assault as an attack from HYDRA and using that distraction to input a hidden code that would assimilate into the systems firewalls granting free range of the private server with no need to worry about being tracked due to their own systems would literally view us as part of the system. So in about 6 hours the virus will have fully assimilated allowing both Oracle and Angel full access without needing to be discreet. Angel had portaled him out because security forces from multiple government agencies were already notified of the attack on a government run server and were on their way to that terminal, to mask what she was after Angel made it look like it was a system hack on the Professors computer and that it wasn't specifically after Project Sentry but what he was currently working on with Bolivar Trask on gene sequencing to make Sentinels more adaptable.

'Alright what to do, I've got 6 hours to kill till I have what I need for my mortal body to upgrade. But constantly having Wisdom of Solomon as well as all the other magical buffs can be overwhelming unless you're focused on a task. You can't really relax. Full of energy and constantly aware of your surroundings with no need to eat, sleep or breathe. I don't know how Teth Adam maintained it constantly for so long that's probably why he was always angry. I mean you avenged your kid and was banished and even after 5,000 years still lets his rage get the better of him. Maybe if he'd spend time outside SHAZAM he would be able to slow down and process things.'

'I know what I can work on, saving Howard and Maria Stark from being murdered by Bucky Barnes under mind control as the Winter Soldier. But I'll need it to look like he killed them to himself so that he will just go for the super soldier serum that he was transporting like the arrogant prick he is. I mean why would you transport a highly sought after serum with your wife, hopefully he will lose that arrogance after almost being killed along with his wife so will have to allow Howard to be aware of his surroundings as the Winter Soldier attacks.'

'Angel what's the date today?' Receiving the answer of April 28th 1991 stunned him. 'Damn how long was I sitting and accepting that inheritance? Knowing Detective Stacy he's probably out looking for me since I never went back. Hopefully he got promoted to Captain and wont be out on patrol. Those other cops won't really be looking for a runaway orphan. Detective George Stacy was another breed of police officers. He's definitely one to save too.'