Chapter 6

Making his way to a special area he designed which would allow him to undo his SHAZAM form within the Rock of Eternity, after all even though tracking him through the power transfer may be difficult for the world he came from you can never be too careful in Marvel.

Even the least knowledgeable comic book fan could list at least 5 people within that universe to track him down.

'I wonder how long I'll be able to keep myself unknown or at least my identity. SHIELD is beast mode when it comes to finding out secret identities. Hell, even in the comics well before the Civil War, Fury and his top personnel knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man and Peter Parker was the Spider-Man who guarded his secret identity hardcore to the point it made his life as Peter Parker so shit. Kinda like Barry Allen, for the fastest man alive who can run back in time is always late, I mean what the heck, you can pretty much play patty cake with yourself while running into the time stream, so being on time should be simple.'

'Well maybe I have this logic due to being an orphan. Things can definitely go badly if a powerful enough enemy knows who you are, but obviously you could at least be prepared. Tony Stark and Fantastic Four were open about their hero identities and you don't see their families or friends getting attacked, can't really count lovers due to it sells more.'

After releasing the SHAZAM form and returning to his 10 year old form. Using a Boom tube to head back into a secluded alleyway in the city.. Making his way out of the alleyway into the the sidewalk he begins to make his way to one of the recycling facilities to get some parts to create some tech that he dont mind selling. Even though Nth metal does have an equivalent in this universe, Vibranium, Tenth Metal really doesn't. The closest would be Uru but its still a big gap between them. Uru and Tenth metal are both magical metals but Tenth metal is much more versatile. Tenth metal can alter reality and create things from nothing. If he wanted, he could pretty much have the Mother Box change his DNA to Kryptonian as long as it has scanned one and has it's genetic code mapped.

Looking up into the night sky, as he passes a news stand he hears a song on the radio that kicks in a whole round of ideas in his head. What song inspired a whole new range of ideas you may ask, "Come and get your love" by Redbone. That's right good ol Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord, the questionable leader of Gardians of the Galaxy.

'That's what was bugging me about this date, a 10 year old Peter is getting his ship or has already gotten it, time gets a little funky out in the universe. He's probably learning to pilot it right now.'

At this exact moment, a great distance away in another part of the universe a young dark haired boy can be seen piloting an orange and blue M-class spaceship that he received as a gift from his Ravager Boss Yondu Udonta. In the pilot seat the boy sneezes. 'I wonder if someone is thinking about me?' Shrugging his shoulders and with a wide smile continued to learn how to pilot his ship he has now named "Milano".

Back on Earth.

'Maybe after I get the Sentry serum I'll head out to be with Peter since that seems much better than waiting around for 20 years for things to kick up, plus less likely to have any run in's with Ancient One. Just too many unknowns with the Sorcerer Supreme. And I really don't have complete confidence in winning at all or even escaping.'

'So what if I run to my realm, Sorcerer Supreme can travel dimensions no issue. Or trap me in a time loop or some crap. I'd rather show up when stuff hits the fan or at least till Steven Strange takes over. Now him I don't fear, at least not at this point in time. He does become the strongest amongst the Sorcerer Supreme but that's much later.'

'Man I'm so indecisive, I need to stick to something. Although these new plans do match my taste much more. I mean who hasn't ever looked up to the stars and wondered what it would be like to travel up there. It solves a lot of issues and as soon as I save the Stark husband and wife I have a feeling I may be getting a visit from the Ancient One for changing events.'

That was the reason Billy had so much doubt, he knew thats why he hasn't been messed with or approached by Ancient One, yet. Ancient One is like that, unless you mess with what he/she felt was best you were pretty much left alone. But if you did something to go against what needed to happen then your done for.

Using the kidnapping of Tony Stark as an example. If Billy tried to stop the kidnapping all together or even rescue both Tony and Doctor Ho Yinsen stopping his death, Ancient One would step in. Without the kidnapping and Tony witnessing his new friends death in order to buy more time for Tonys suit to start up, there would be no Iron man. And if there was an Iron man without those events, well we were shown exactly what would've happened when "Superior Iron man" was released.

Basically the Scarlet Witch in order to defeat the Red Onslaught version of Red Skull, the spell used reversed the morality of everyone it effected. When it first happened it was thought that Tony wasn't inverted thanks to his armor because it didn't invert him like others. It basically reverted him to before the kidnapping when his ego and greed where at their worst. He will literally become so greedy he literally made a free app that infected all its millions of users with Extremis 3.0 then once infected started charging to keep using. Effectively holding the world hostage since he controlled the virus. So yeah pretty dark.

Meanwhile in one of the many offices owned by Stark Industries a discussion amongst three individuals and a young genius protégée spying in on the discussion.

Fury: "Howard is there any recent hits on that new radar?"

Howard: "No. How many times do I have to say that as soon as anything is detected you'll be the first to know as I'm sure you are aware. Hell I even lost sleep when trying to adjust the system to stop picking up pigeons. For god sake do you know how many pigeons are in New York? Well I do now. So what's with the sudden interest?"

Coulson: "A research lab was infiltrated, nothing too serious although its implications are questionable. Apparently from the signature of the hack implicate an organization thought to be eradicated in World War II. Many believe it was an isolated event of someone that just got his hands on tech they not really knowing who made it, but he says his gut says there's more to it."

Howard: "You think it has something to do with what we're looking for?"

Fury: "Something just seems off, HYDRA was destroyed with Red Skull. The Captain made sure of that. It could be a coincidence but doing this as long as I have you learn coincidence is extremely rare. The most damaging is what other projects the professor had worked on and currently working that makes this all the more troubling."

Howard: "Damn Fury, anyone ever tell you you're one paranoid individual? I mean what scientist hasn't worked on the super soldier serum, even I have a working sample that should be done in a few months. So far everything looks good, not only is it better than that Infinity Formula they gave you but it will eliminate the need for repeated injections. I think Doctor Sternberg made the formula purposely to hold the recipients life in his hands. Miss an inject and aging increases becoming fast and faster the longer your on it."

Fury: "Well that's good to hear, but stay on this. But just in case there is a lab that is here in New York we are going to stake out for a while. It maybe nothing but my gut tells me that we will find something. You ever heard of Project Sentry?"