Chapter 7

After sneaking in to various recycling plants Billy was able to gather enough materials for what he planned on, except for a power source since those are usually proprietary tech that they use their own means of disposal. Finding Stark and Oscorp processors and chips a plenty he didn't need too much.

What was he planning and why? Obviously he has plenty of means to accomplish his goal of saving Maria Stark, he's still undecided on Howard.

Well that's easy, why would he hand over any of his precious material. If he gave them super powers, very simply by making something out of Tenth metal. If that happens and it's found out he has means of unlocking powers he will be hunted by not only every agency on the planet, but even those Bigfoot hunters would be after him and that's a scary bunch.

What he is building is a very low rate shield generator with a hard light holographic projector with a variable sound wave emitter. Basically he plans to make Winter Soldier assume they both are dead after the crash.

He will slip the device onto Howards vehicle, upon impacting the device will simulate a fire and using a microwave emitter it would simulate heat to make it as real as possible.

'I'm going to leave it to Howard's luck, the shield will have enough to cushion the occupants avoiding injury while putting Maria into a coma. Howard will be aware of everything but unable to move, in order to increase the terror he will feel seeing what was coming. Where Howard's luck comes in is the shield generator will protect against bullets but not if Winter Soldier reaches in and breaks his neck.'

'Howard was killed after exiting the vehicle to check on either the serum he was transporting or his wife, it's anyone's guess, but my money would be on serum. While stumbling out of the car the Winter Soldier came from behind and Maria was shot three times. So knowing Winter Soldier even with the fire he will shoot them both to ensure his task is complete, if that's all he does then they both will live.'

Using his acquired knowledge and using Angel to customize some parts using her ability to modify non sentient parts to build the generator and using a spell circle as a temporary power source. He used recycled parts to reduce the energy cost for Angel. The Mother and Father boxes were alive and if they use up their energy without recharging they will die.

Even Darkseid had his Mother box sacrificed itself to protect him by using every bit of its energy to heal him after his fight with Doomsday.

They are extremely loyal and would even self-destruct if their owner dies and it's unable to use its own life to save them.

Using the spare parts to build a replica of his Pip Boy because he felt having Angel so out in the open was just asking for trouble.

Deciding to copy Mr Miracle's idea he had Angel weave herself into the fabric of his clothes effectively hiding from any knowing eyes at a glance.

After getting everything ready and using his spare time to get the location of the Golden Sentry Serum and using Oracle to plan his heist.

After seeing the facility he finally understood how Robert Reynolds was able to get in so easily. Now granted the facility really had no idea what it would actually do, it was more of a pet project of an unnamed professor who worked under Professor Cornelius. He had found a sample of Project Sentry and ended up perfecting it.

Project Sentry aimed to magnify the super soldier serum effects a thousand times over, but due to the Cold War the project was interfered with and over time fragmented. Over time it was outsourced with no central administration. Professor Cornelius had worked on the serum himself for a while until he put it off for other projects since he couldn't stabilize the formula. Then in comes an unknown professor who wasn't even there for long accomplished it.

Here's the kicker, the reason he was unknown was because before he discovered he perfected it he was killed in an accident and because he wasn't anyone well known and was fresh out of school plus not having any accomplishments his research was just boxed up and put into storage which was in a temperature controlled warehouse separate from the main lab.

So finding the best time to do a little B and E was nothing. Most security was focused on the lab. There were a few cameras and a deadbolt and an alarm system that came straight out of the cold war.

After gathering the device he created so that he can get everything in place to handle everything in one trip out at night.

Attach the device to Howard's car then head to the lab to gain the Sentry abilities.

'Once this is over I don't need to worry about ending up like Injustice SHAZAM and Teth Adams son Hurut. Even if I'm hurt enough to kill me it would be temporary due to Void. Then whoever killed me would have to deal with Void till I can gain back control. Plus I'll basically still benefit when shifting into SHAZAM theoretically. As far as I know, it magically enhances the host equal to its respective God. There was one time Superman was granted the powers of SHAZAM temporarily and he stated they were about equal, but that was a borrowing of power mainly to help cover his weaknesses.'

Plus SHAZAM has his own weaknesses, thats why I dread having to fight Ancient One. High Order magic due to being magical in nature and Ancient One specializes in that type of magic, Electricity ironically and obviously the Voice, if cant speak SHAZAM or interrupted it over. If hit with a strong enough bolt of lightning from Thor, Storm or Magneto once he gets off his ass and really learns what his powers are capable of, SHAZAM could be forced back leaving my mortal body exposed and vulnerable unless I could call it back fast enough.'

Waiting for the perfect time to make his move Billy made sure to choose a secluded spot near the vehicle Howard will head to the Pentagon with Maria in, so as to be able to just leave the house and not be seen entering and leaving thus doubling his chances of looking suspicious.

Plus being a 10 year old, even though you would draw attention but not suspicion to doing something like what he was planning such as breaking in. The worst thing they may think is that he toilet papered or egged the Starks or something and maybe even chuckle remembering their own antics as children.

After setting up the plan to do his snatch and grab for a few months due to seeing that the security will be short handed due to the July 4th holiday and quite a few guards were scheduled off for vacation. After making his choice on the date he returned to the throne to continue with the inheritance.

Little did he know a certain super spy was also using his connections to research the exact lab as well due to a hunch. The one thing Angel did to try to mask Billy's goal was what led him to this exact lab.

Fury had already cleared out all the documented serums. After seeing one serum missing after confiscating the reports he at first thought he missed the culprit but once again his instincts told him to be patient and after seeing the schedule for the staff he too saw a perfect opportunity for someone to get in. So he and Coulson set up a state of the art system to the lab's main building, adding wireless cameras covering all entrance and angle.

He still has both eyes and the implications of possible HYDRA involvement has his instincts running on overdrive. His arch nemesis from his time in Howling Commandos.

Anyone who knows HYDRA they know anything related to the Super Soldier Serum HYDRA wasn't far behind.

Within an office across the street from the lab, Fury and Phil Coulson can be seen within what could only be called a war room.

Three of the walls loaded floor to ceiling with every weapon the full might of SHIELD can buy in this era. The final wall has various monitors showing different angles and multiple types of visual scanning such as heat, night and magnetic field detectors for both inside and outside.

Coulson: "Uuumm, don't you think this is a little overboard, sir?

After receiving the infamous Fury Stare-down Phil went to continue, but suddenly feeling a shiver run down his spine quickly took a seat at the one terminal to begin Operation: Forced Capture.

Fury's eyes glued to the monitors and looking at how he would break in and planning scenario after scenario in his mind and how to plan and spring his trap. His decoy serum is already in place in the main building, where the original was. Multiple traps surround the decoy all set to stun.