Chaper 8

After a few getting everything prepared and using the wait time for his operation to accomplish a few things while he waited.

Using some of the materials found within the vault of the Rock of Eternity he was able to construct an energy source to help reduce the Father boxes energy usage.

After a few weeks he had determined that with all tasks he had assigned to Oracle he had realized that Oracle's energy was being used just a tad bit faster than it was able to recover.

He definitely didn't want either of his creations to perish, sure he has some more Tenth metal but he had already used quite a bit to create the two already.

It took multiple attempts to create them, even the New Gods of Apokolips who specialized in their creation was said to only get one out every 10 they attempted to make successfully, thankfully it doesn't take much of the metal so even after all his failed attempts he still had a good amount.

It would be finite until he was able to start up the multiversal travel. He hadn't realized using his own recent connection to the Rock to change the realm would disrupt the connections established after the transfer of ownership. The connections weren't stable enough but thankfully, by him using a portion of the materials found, the connections weren't broken. Just weakened, for a few days Billy was berating himself for not using his brain before acting. He almost destroyed the multiversal, had those connections severed all seven Sins and the Three Faces of Evil would've been released and he knew for a fact he was in no way ready.

Even though he was the only SHAZAM so he was at his strongest, once he shares his power he does weaken a little each time only able to create 6 other SHAZAM welders at most, he knew he was no match against them. They already killed team SHAZAM and seriously injured the main one.

Even though he was same level of power and receiving the knowledge and experience of using his powers, knowing and actually doing is two separate things. Muscle memory and experience is the only solution.

He practiced the spells and lightning control since he knew that was always Billy Batsons weakness. For a being of magic he didn't actually use magic until way later when he finally started to harness spells. Granted they aren't needed often, but he felt that if he worked on control of the two it may reduce his weaknesses to magic and electricity.

After being notified of the time to start his plan, since it was the date he planned to get the serum and then get out to space to explore and it can also hide his travel to other universes by getting his own ship and using scouting missions away from Peter to explore other other universes.

Excited about the future Billy entered his room designed to allow him to drop his SHAZAM form within his realm and exited just outside the Stark mansion. Ensuring no one was around Billy sneaked his way to Howards car and placed the shield generator in the location required to not only work but to remain undetected.

After attaching the device and quickly exciting the yard he quickly jumped onto his skateboard and headed to the lab. Not far from Stark mansion a red sports car came speeding past. Seeing it was a young Tony Stark he began to thank his luck cause if he was any slower Tony may have stopped him had he been further back since Starks house was the last house on the road.

'I don't know if this is a good sign or bad. Well I planned for just about every scenario and nothing beats Prep-Time, just ask Captain America and Batman.'

It took him about 45 minutes thanks to him having to duck and dodge the men in blue. He didn't need George Stacy seeing him or any of his buddies, not when he hasn't accomplished what he needed.

Once seeing the property excitement started to bubble up within him. Taking a look at the guards present and taking not of there habits, not seeing anything out of the norm Billy stashes his skateboard into his backpack and made his way to the storage warehouse where he confirmed is still there.

Had Billy had his SHAZAM active his instincts would've been able to tell him something wasn't right. Little did Billy know that once he made it to the warehouse he was already being tracked and seen by two men.

Phil Coulson furiously typing on the computer running checks on his identity while Fury was equipping himself.

Coulson: "He is William Bass, he is an 11 year old orphan, says here he's been missing for almost a year."

Fury doesn't say anything as he watches Billy break into the warehouse.

Coulson: "At least tell me your going in with nonlethal ammo, it's just a kid and he obviously isn't HYDRA since he's not even after the serum in the main building. We checked in there and there's nothing but a buch of notes and office supplies."

Fury: "He may not be HYDRA but the kid is up to something and I intend to find out what. Something in the way he moves and notice he's not hesitating, he was trained. What other organization other than HYDRA and Red Room that trains kids. He may not be HYDRA but Leviathan seems credible. Keep in touch and keep your eyes on him. Time to say hello and get some answers."

Making his way out of his war room, Phil Coulson released a sigh. Switching to one of the newly installed cameras inside the warehouse he watched as Billy went straight to a section without stopping.

Seeing this and among other small details, Phil began to wonder if Fury was right. The kid moved with purpose, like he knew exactly where he was going. Calling out to Fury to update him on where the kid was and what he was doing, he watched Fury approach the door to the warehouse and enter silently.

Giving the location of where the kid was Phil watched as the kid went through a box and seeing him pull out something, he wasn't able to see what he pulled out, but seeing the look on the kids face he could tell the kid got what he came for. Quickly activating the radio he informed Fury that the kid just retrieved something from a box and that it looked like he got what he came for.

Hearing that Fury quickly but quietly made his way towards where he was. Millions of questions appeared in his mind.

Did they miss something? They both went through this warehouse and already removed anything dangerous that was recorded, he even moved things that weren't even that dangerous but because the research was done by some well know scientist he had them moved to a secured SHIELD facility.

Deciding to leave those questions for later Fury took a deep breath to calm himself down and clear his mind to focus on his task. All he has to do is capture the kid, getting info from a kid is not a hard task at all, easily outwitted and tricked into giving information without even knowing.

Remembering hearing that the kid was an orphan and already reported missing as a run away a plan for extracting information formed. Fear of the unknown was the worst and he planned to take full advantage. Threatening to have him disappear should he not talk and let him think no one would know or care to look for him should seal the deal on extracting all he can.

Not that Fury would actually do that to the kid or any kid, even if he was HYDRA, Fury wouldn't hurt the kid unless it was necessary. He has dealt with HYDRA and Red Room enough to know of their brainwashing. Unless himself or others were in danger he would opt for non lethal capture.

Reaching the area where the kid was, Fury took aim and observed for a little to see if the kid calls anyone before he makes himself known. After observing the kid and seeing the look of joy on his face as he looked at what was in his hand. After getting a better look at what was in the kids hands Furys eyes narrowed, what he saw was a vial with a golden liquid inside and even though he had no idea what it was, his instincts screamed at him.


Billy: "HOLY SHIT, BATMAN?!!?"