Chapter 18

Looking at each Avenger and seeing each willing to help if asked Billy smiled and shook his head. He couldn't bring them even if he wanted. He knew of upcoming events and if the Avengers weren't around to deal with them then this world may be very different upon their return. Hydra may have taken over by then.

"Even though your assistance would be appreciated unfortunately I am unable to bring you along. At least not now, you will all be needed here. Time moves differently among different universes. Just recently I returned from one, lets just say I spent 3 days there and I left shortly after the lab incident. So you do the math.." Billy paused to let that sink in.

Tony and Bruce were the first to realize what he was saying.

"So you spent 3 days in another universe while a little over 10 years passed here? Hmm I know Einstein said time was relative but... no wonder you're still a kid after so much time." Tony responded with a look of amusement.

"Pretty much, so as you can guess if I took you all with me there's no telling how long you would be gone for and this world needs its Avengers or else things may not be what they are when you come back. Besides I'm sure Fury will have plenty for you to do while I'm gone, I believe he's found himself a new mission that I'm sure you all will enjoy thanks to my intervention." Billy responded with a smirk which made the Avengers all shudder a bit.

After saying their goodbyes and promising Tony a tour of the Infinity on a later date Billy flew up leaving Earth's atmosphere to head towards where his ship was. Upon entering the Infinity he was welcomed by Cortana.

"I have completed the task assigned and released the information you requested. As predicted Hydra has moved their timetable up for Project Insight and they haven't detected the changes made to their algorithm. Fury has begun his internal investigation and has already begun activating his underground network." Cortana informed Billy of her activities.

"Good work Cortana. I want you to leave a single ship here and monitor this world for me especially the individuals I listed earlier and don't interfere unless necessary, if it involves the Phoenix Force, I don't want a Dark Phoenix on my hands when I return so interfere as much as necessary to keep it away from Earth if possible." Billy answered as he moved through the ship towards the command center.

"As you wish." Cortana replied with a smile then vanished. Not long after, a lone ship exited the Infinity and moved towards Earth to stay within communication and tracking distance.

Entering the command center Billy goes to the holographic table and has Oracle display the world in which the alert was on. Seeing the all too familiar world in front of him Billy began to think about how he should proceed. He didn't care to keep the status quo and maintain the plots to each world, he knew that was useless. He read many fan fictions and couldn't stand when they tip toed around trying to maintain the original plot. He found it cute but very nieve to say the least. No matter what things change the moment the character enters into the world. Even if they sat in a secluded wooded area in that world and not interact with anyone the world changes. Obviously doing so would have minimal changes to the world's tragectory by staying away, but where's the fun in that?

Any world he entered even if he kept his interactions to a minimum would change things whether for better or worse. He knew as much and wasn't going to try and fumble his way thru each world he entered by walking on figurative egg shells to avoid changing its story.

Billy felt like the worlds were already changed to a degree by the sin's influence, thus him adding onto those changes wouldn't amount to much no matter what he did, unless he destroyed it entirely.

Looking at the world of Danmachi he couldn't help but feel nostalgic, he was a mixture of a few of the gods in that world after all.. Had it been before he acquired the Sentry Serum he may have felt the need to tip-toe his way around the various gods especially when it came to Zeus or Ouranos considering he was only on par with them with just the powers of SHAZAM.

Escape? Of course he could escape from any one god or even a few, he had the same abilities as six gods in one. Well really five gods and a king blessed by a god with unparalleled wisdom.

Defeating them? Sure quite a number of the gods he could've defeated, in fact most all of the gods he could defeat easily except for the powerhouses like Zeus, Hera, Hades and other similar ranked gods from other pantheons such as Amaterasu he wouldn't have been able to.

At best he would've only been able to fight to a draw, however with his Sentry abilities that toppled the scales.

'Hehe, if my SHAZAM was god-like before.... now that it has combined with the golden serum causing it to be amplified many times over, now it's god-like to the 100th power... well maybe not that high but at a minimal multiple of 10 but that's besides the point. Now even if Zeus and every god combined forces against me it would only bring the fight to an even match. However the chances of that are slim to none since Zeus isn't well received by many due to his familia pretty much being the strongest for so long and once destroyed along with Hera's by the One Eyed Dragon he was banished by Loki and Freya out of Orario. So as long as I don't go all Ragnarok or whatever, even if he called for an alliance not even half the other gods would even give him the time of day.'

Billy knew who the real issues would be with, Ouranos, Freya and Loki. The three of them ran the most stable and strongest familia in the series from the start of it. The series introduced Bell about 15 years after Zeus and Hera familias were destroyed and subsequently banished.

'Seeing the readings from the probe on the time differences between not just the Danmachi-verse but also looking across many other probes sent to each world to gather information I think I can safely assume the lower in the technology tree they are the slower its time. Danmachi is the complete opposite of the Halo-verse so I won't need to worry about missing out on anything here. Plus I can return anytime I want so even if Mr Purple Potato head shows up I can return immediately.' Billy thought to himself as he looked for what was different from what he knew of the world so he at least knew what he needed to do to stabilize and repair the connection to the Rock of Eternity.

Although nothing could be seen differently on the surface he had a feeling he knew where those changes were mostly.

The dungeon, it would be the easiest to manipulate and change with little to no interference from the gods of that world. Ouranos concentrated most of his attention to the dungeon but that was only to keep its monsters within and that was pretty much it. He wouldn't even detect a large change unless it suddenly completely changed out of the blue, but the sins wouldn't go that far. Not because they feared the gods but because they would find it harder long term to take over and end the magic within that realm.

If the changes were too big all at once then the gods would notice and begin countermeasures, but the sin's while enjoying frontal assaults they in fact preferred those frontal assaults to be sudden and when least expected to cause the most damage. Plus no one truly knew how deep the dungeon truly was and what was at the very bottom. Some thought it was the One Eyed Dragon but many felt that although the dragon was down there it wasn't the dungeon boss or master.

It was repeatedly hinted at throughout the series that the dungeon itself was alive, and the Xenos called it their mother. This led many to think Gaia was the final boss at the bottom.

"Angel, initiate the slip-drive sequence and put the ship outside the planet and away from prying eyes. I don't need to show all my cards at once and would rather have external powers hidden, a hidden weapon is always nice to have just in case." After receiving his command and receiving confirmation from Angel he felt and heard the ship begin to power up its slipspace engines.

Remembering what the Bald One had done before he began placing countermeasures to ensure she wouldn't be able to interfere with his travels on a whim. Although he respected her to a degree didn't mean he wanted to be her attack dog or goffer. Now if she tried the same thing as before the system would be able to assimilate and store the eldritch energies and utilize it to charge Angels power reserves.

After Billy made the adjustments to the ships defenses magically he was notified of their arrival into Danmachi. Looking at the timeline he noticed that he arrived a few years ahead of Bells adventures.

After seeing the time difference more in his favor he decided to balance the scales a bit and stay within this world to age a bit before returning to Marvel. He wanted to begin building his harem and that would be impossible as he is now, after all physically he was still a young teen and the only way he could begin as he is would to go into Game of Thrones, Vikings or some similar world where the age you were considered an adult was much much lower than modern societies. So how was he supposed to chase girls? They would just take him for a kid and laugh of his flirtations and may even flirt back but that would be all it would ever amount too. Worste yet they could friend zome him or pull the brother card if he stuck around and continued.

So being able to stay and age till he won't age further while at most a few weeks would've taken place in Marvel all the better.

'Now the question still remains how to make an entrance. I will need to make it good if I'm going to make it easier to establish my own familia since I can already tell I can't join one myself considering I already have a blessing, six to be exact which is an impossibility in this world. I could join one thru contract but that was rarely done even in times of desperation due to the fact they were more likely to just bring over other familia members from other allied familias. After all, if they were betrayed by their allied members they knew where to find that familia for recompense, revenge or compensation while a lone outsider could disappear and locating them would be difficult to say the least.' Billy thought as he reviewed his plans for this world.

Then he saw it, the perfect entrance for himself. The annual Monster Feria. It would be happening in a week according to the flyers he saw around Orario.

'Gives me some time to build up some mental defensives against charms and such, wouldn't want to be charmed into a mindless puppet like most of Freya and Ishtar's men. Charms are so much harder to avoid than mind control, even Gods can be charmed and only a few can tell they are being charmed in the first place to avoid it fully taking effect. Now the question remains, which god should I say I am blessed by cause if I use Zeus that will probably end poorly.' Billy thought to himself.

"Oracle, notify me as soon as the Monster Feria starts. I will be in the launch bay preparing my mental defenses against charms." Billy said aloud as he made his way to the hangar.