Chapter 19

As Billy was getting himself prepared for his grand entrance into Orario, down in the city many of the inhabitants and familias were also preparing for the festivities.

The Monster Feria was a big event held by the Genosha Familia, it was mainly to help low level adventurers to see the monsters found in the dungeon so that they would know how to deal with them when down there themselves..

Currently the Loki Familia is getting ready to announce their newest level 3 Lefiya, and the Takemikazuchi Familia were settling in the city of Orario in hopes to find Haruhime who was disowned by her father a few years earlier and was unknowingly bought by the Ishtar Familia, as well as to work to earn money to support their orphanage.

Many of the gods had no idea of Billy entering into the world while a few of the stronger ones such as Ouranos, Zeus, Freya, Loki and Artemis all felt it but had no clue what or who it was. Hephaestus who was currently in her forge creating a short sword for a client suddenly stopped hammering on the heated blade. Looking up towards a corner of the room in the direction she felt an enormous pure flame multiple times stronger than the sun itself. Immediately she stops working on the sword not caring that should she stop, the sword would cool and would be ruined thus causing her to have to start over. Rushing out of the building she looks in the direction of the moon which was just barely visible due to the sun still being out.

Being the god of the forge and smithing she had a closeness to flames and the flames she felt now were much stronger than any she felt before, even in heaven.

Many questions arose in her head as she looked for the source but couldn't locate it. Many of the other gods were doing the same, even Ouranos left his usual place under the guild to try to locate the source of the disturbance.

Unable to locate it Ouranos decided he would join in on the next Gods Banquet this time around, he felt something would happen.

As the handful of gods that detected Billy entering the universe searched for the source, outside of Orario Zeus, disguised as a regular farmer froze in place looking at the barely visible moon. Unlike the other gods he had a bit more to go off of, he felt a hint of his own power within that overwhelming fire. He knew it was a blessing but not like what he was familiar with.

"Grandpa, Grandpa... look what I brought home!"

Brought out of his thoughts by the immature voice of his adopted grandson Bell, Zeus gives a hearty laugh as he looks at the large boar the young Bell had hunted.

"Great my boy, looks like we will be eating well tonight and in the morning." Zeus responded as he pushed the thoughts of what he felt near the moon aside, for now.

He knew something was coming and it was related to him. He just wasn't sure if they were there for him or for someone else.

'I may need to send Bell somewhere safe for a while in case whoever it is comes here. I may need to send Hercules to train Bell somewhere safe for a bit of time, he isn't ready for Orario just yet. A couple more years he should be ready but if whoever is here is after me I can't let him find out about Bell.' Zeus thought to himself as he assisted in preparing the boar while teaching Bell so he could fend for himself in the future.

Hercules was one of the few survivors of the Zeus Familia and worked on the side for Hermes whenever needed. Many thought he had died during that war, and in a sense he did. He was so heavily injured his level had dropped drastically. He was once a level 8 like their captain Maxim but after the fight with the One Eyed Dragon his level dropped to 4.

He didn't stay there for long and began training once again and over the last decade has been able to raise his level up to 6 and because of his prior strength and having to rebuild his level he was much stronger than previously when he was the same level. He currently can easily fight a level above himself and still win making him on par with Ottar.

After Zeus and Bell finished with skinning and dissecting the boar they began to prepare dinner.

During dinner Zeus informed Bell he and his Uncle Herc would be going out to train for a while, to which Bell had sparkles in his eyes upon hearing it.

He hadn't left the little village for as long as he could remember. He didn't even question why this time his training wasn't going to be in the usual training area within the village. So focused on the thoughts of finally seeing the outside world he completely missed Hercules look towards Zeus.

Hercules knew of Zeus' plan to fake his death once Bell was ready and he agreed with it. He was very close to both Bell's parents and was glad to be able to watch over Bell and train him. Although most of the training was for Bell to increase his physical body since he didn't have a blessing from a god and Zeus wouldn't give his blessing to Bell because he knew it would hinder him in the future. Their goal was to give Bell a head start for when he does receive a blessing he would be able to survive and be able to at least get to level 3 easily but after that it would depend on his own strength and luck.

Zeus seeing the questioning look he was getting from one of the few remaining children of his familia he shook his head and gave him a look which said 'not now'.

Giving a nod of acknowledgement Hercules continued to eat while many questions arose within his mind. He watched as Bell celebrated the news as Zeus laughed at Bell's excitement. Once again looking up at the now bright moon Zeus releases a sigh and told Bell to wash up, he had a journey to embark on come first light.

It wasn't just the gods in Orario that felt Billy entering near the moon, in the far east Amaterasu also felt him. She being a god of the sun was easily able to detect the Sentry powers, after all he had the power equivalent to a million exploding suns. Much like a Kryptonian he absorbed solar radiation and had near limitless access to those energies, his own self being the limiter.

So due to his close affiliation to the sun, any god of flame, sun or light would feel his presence.

Immediately after feeling his entrance Amaterasu summoned the other gods of her pantheon and ordered them to decide who would go west to investigate the presence and if possible bring them to her. She wanted them for herself and felt the power held by whoever it was, they belonged by her side.

In the end they had decided to send Tsukuyomi to investigate due to her close relationship with Takemikazuchi who had already left to go west, they felt she would be able to gather the information the quickest, plus her being the lowest of the gods in the pantheon they felt that even if things went bad and she was sent back to heaven they wouldn't lose much power.

As the gods that resided in the mortal realm all did what they could to discreetly search for the source, a certain sleeping goddess suddenly opened her eyes. She too felt the pure flames after he entered the world.

Hestia, the goddess of the hearth was never the strongest of the gods in raw power but she had many worshippers throughout the ages. She never took sides in any conflict between gods, preferring to sleep so she could watch over the homes of her believers, watching as the families grew. She enjoyed that most all the gods within her pantheon were in the mortal realm, it allowed her to sleep undisturbed for as long as she wanted.

Usually many of the male gods would bother her trying to get her into their beds, she was a virgin goddess after all, one of the few virgin goddesses in existence. So many of the gods took it as a challenge to bed her, but none succeeded.

Looking into her hearth that forever burned within her temple she searched and found the source.

Because she was in heaven she had full access to her arcanum with no restrictions, so she was able to easily locate Billy on his ship. Seeing him sitting in a large room with strange looking large objects she had no idea what they were but she didn't care, she was solely focused on the red haired boy who was just sitting with his eyes closed deep within his own mind.

After watching him for some time she decided she would take Hephaestus up on her offer to come down to the mortal realm after all. For years Hephaestus has tried to get her to leave heaven and join her in the mortal world, but Hestia enjoyed her peace and quiet. She didn't want to deal with the other gods, especially Zeus, Apollo, Hermes and Loki. Zeus and Apollo due to they had bothered her the most in trying to bed her while Hermes did most of the invitations from all the gods to her so he was put on her list as well. Loki and her never got along and were constantly bickering anytime they saw each other.

Overtime as each god descended and less and less gods were in heaven she did begin to miss the gods she was on good terms with such as Hephaestus, Artemis, Athena and Demeter. Usually they would spend time together and talk but because they all descended she hasn't talked to anyone for years face to face. Only thru her eternal hearth has she communicated with Hephaestus and her other friends over the years.

Each has tried to get her to join them many times but she refused each time. However now as she looks into the flames and sees the boy she has a feeling that she hasn't ever felt before, unsure of what those feelings are but determined to explore it and learn what it is, she decided to descend.

Using her connection to the flame she reached out to Hephaestus to notify her of her decision and to get Ouranos to seal her arcanum as that is the rule the gods must abide by if they wish to descend.

After passing along the message and receiving approval, she once again looked at Billy and engraved his image into her mind. She would seek him out and find out what this new feeling was.

Hestia had been questioning her decision to stay in heaven for a little while and had thoughts of descending sporadically but when asked she would lose her nerve and decline each time, she knew eventually she would descend but now she had a real reason to go to the mortal world.

As Hestia got ready to finally descend from heaven earlier than she had originally, another god had begun to make preparations for Billy's arrival.

Apollo had felt Billy as well and much like Amaterasu, he wanted that source of power but rather than keep it by his side like her, what he wanted to do was something which was forbidden. He wanted to take the power for himself and merge it with his own divinity to give him a permanent boost.

Apollo although being a sun god was the weakest of the other sun gods. Helios, Sol, Horus and Amaterasu were all sun gods too but they had much more raw power than himself. He had tried to bed Amaterasu for ages only to be ignored, which was fine in the beginning for him for he had been rejected before but after continued persistence he would usually get what he wanted. If not he would go so far as taking it by force.

This was something he did attempt eventually with Amaterasu but was quickly shown how outclassed he was compared to her. After that he began challenging other gods of the sun only to lose each match, each loss causing a bit of his own divinity going to the god that defeated him thus widening the gap further.

Looking up at the moon, a wide toothy grin slowly spread across his face as he thought of his revenge on Amaterasu along with a few other gods and how he would enjoy breaking each one. He would have all the fun he could before stealing their divinity to become the only sun god.