Chapter 3: First Summon

What he needed to do next, he didn't even hesitate. He focused back on the brothel in front of him and another screen appeared in front of him.

[Would you like to use your free summon opportunity Y/N? Chance will go away if building levels up to 2.]

He quickly chose yes. This would be his first step towards conquering this new world and was nervous and excited about it. What or who would show up? What rank? And how would he react or they react when they meet? These questions swam through his head as he confirmed his choice.

A moment later, a faint white light could be seen coming through the edges of the door. The light started to grow in intensity as the seconds passed. After about 10 seconds, the light had gotten so bright, that he had to shield his eyes.

Finally, after another 10 seconds, the light faded away. As he looked back at the doorway where the light came from, the door opened and out slowly walked what he thought to be the sexiest woman he had ever laid eyes upon. He felt his brother down south harden instantly. He was so transfixed by her beauty that he ignored the screen that popped up in front of him that displayed her information.

The woman was almost as tall as him with a slim, tight body, medium hips, and a pair of voluptuous breasts, D cup from what Davis could tell. She had long, shiny, black and crimson red hair that went down to her shapely tight ass. Her eyes were a crimson red with pitch black iris's. Her lips were thin and a crimson red. Her skin was flawless, smooth, and pale white. She had shin, sharp eyebrows that had a slight slant. She adorned a long, tight, black dress with no sleeves that showed off her seductive body and a majority of her impressive cleavage.

As she stepped through the door, she had a neutral expression on her face as she looked around her new environment. When she spotted him, she stopped looking around and her lips curled upwards in a seductive grin. She proceeded to walked towards him while swinging her hips in a provocative manner. Davis could only swallow his drool at this as his package grew even harder. When she was within a couple feet of him, she stopped, looked at him in the eyes and spoke.

"Lady Morgana greets my lord."

A still stunned and hard Davis was still shocked by her appearance and beauty for a few seconds after she spoke before he finally snapped out of it.

"Ah. Sorry about that. I am Lord Davis. I was just momentarily stunned by your beauty. Do you know why you are here and where you are?"

Chuckling a little seeing and hearing his response, she responded with a grin.

"Indeed my lord. We are in the infinite plain, a world with seemingly no end. I am here to help the lord with world domination, to grow stronger, and to help him with... aaaanything... he may require"

She said anything in such a way that it made him shiver as his crotch grew a little harder and he couldn't help but imagine doing naughty and sexy things to her. Trying not to show that he was a bit flustered and even horny by her, he cleared his throat a bit before asking another question.

"I see. What do you about lord's and their territories?"

"I know that billions of alien lord were transported to this world by some sort of magic or something. These lords are of various species. Each lord has their own starting territory of the same size, 100' by 100' as well as their own hero building in which they could summon heroes. These heroes help the lord expand the territory by fighting monsters and collecting resources to upgrade the lords castle. We heroes also help the lord grow stronger by killing monsters and other enemies. The lord's also have their own talents with a rank of between F and SSS. These talents usually determine the potential of the lord. Also, depending on the talent of the lord, the lord and heroes can acquire even more power."

Davis nodded and processed what he had just heard. She knew somehow through whatever this magic or whatever is. Did she also know of what his talent was? His face grew slightly red from this thought. But, he asked her anyway despite his nervousness.

"Do you know what my talent is?"

Hearing his questions, the beauty chuckled, grinned, and walked closer toward him. he wanted to move back a bit, but his legs refused to listen. She only stopped when her breasts pressed up against his chest. He could feel her nipples even through their clothing. Suddenly he felt as his could would pierce right through his pants it was so hard and stiff. As he gulped nervously, she leaned in and whispered in his ear with a seductive voice.

"Indeed I do. Want to go inside and test out these talents of yours?"

As she said that, he felt her hand reach inside his pants and grab his rock hard cock firmly. She then started to slowly stoke it. He felt like cumming instantly from that but held back with all his will and effort. as he closed his eyes in pleasure. After a few seconds of enjoying it, he collected himself.

"As you can clearly feel, I would love nothing more than to test my talents with you. however, before that, I have finish a couple things real quick."

She nibbled on his ear for a second before replying.

"I will be waiting. But don't make me wait for too long lord."

After that, she gave his cock one last firm grab before removing her hand and stepping back looking at him with a horny, seductive gaze. With that, he shivered, let out a slow sigh and pulled up her screen to find out more about this seductress that wanted to jump him.