Chapter 4:

[Lady Morgana: Vampire Succubus

Rank: S

Elements: Darkness, Blood

Charmed Points: 1 (Increases attributes by 100 per point)

Strength: Level 1 (0/100)


HP: 1500 +100 = 1600

Magic Attack: 1500 + 100 = 1600

Physical Attack: 750 + 100 = 850

Defense: 200 + 100 = 300

Agility: 1000 + 100 = 1100

Mana: 1000 + 100 = 1100


Energy Drain (Level 1: 0/100): Absorbs residual energy from slain, non-holy elementally aligned enemies. Gain 10 % base attributes of random enemy stat. Cooldown: 1 minute.

Dark Creation (Level 1: 0/100, 0/100): manipulate dark elements to create 2 effects.

-Dark blast: Shoot an orb of dark magic. Range and AOE is 10 x level (20) feet. Damage: 50 % magic attack to all enemies within (20) feet. Cost: 100 mana Cooldown: 10 minutes

-Dark Scythe: Create a scythe made of darkness. deals 100% physical damage to enemy. Lasts for 10 minutes or until dismissed. Cost: 100 to cast and 10/minute while it is active. Cooldown: 10 minutes after scythe disappears]

Strong. Super Strong. First, she was S ranked, so Davis couldn't even imagine how powerful heroes above S rank were. The skills were amazingly overpowered too, especially the first. This would allow her another way to get stronger, which in turn would make him stronger as well when they had some "fun" time. He immediately decided that he would chose this skill when used his talent on her, or rather, in her...

Dark creation gave her an area of effect skill as well as a single damage skill. They were both powerful. All she was missing was a healing type skill. Vampires in stories from Earth could heal or had a rapid regeneration ability through blood. Maybe she hadn't awakened it yet so he decided to ask her about it.

"Lady Morgana, in regards to skills, if you level up in the future, do you know if you will awaken anymore and if you do, do you know what they will be?"

"Please, lord, call me Morgana. In regards to your question, I will awaken more. I will get 1 skill every 10 levels up to level 50. I will have 7 naturally awakened skills by level 50. However, I do not know what they will be. They are random, though they will be compatible with me and my elements. Also, I can have more from loot monsters drop, treasure chests, equipment I put on, as well as from gift skill scrolls you lord can get from the brothel shop when it unlocks."

"Ah. thank you Morgana. Good to know. Now, time to see what these other functions do"

When all the information poured into his head at the beginning, it included a couple other functions which were chat, trade, and friends. All he had to do to open them was say the function in his head. So he started with chat. With the thought, a screen popped up.

[Elemental]: HAHA! I have an elemental building. I can summon elementals of every element when I level it up in the future. I just summoned a Lightning elemental who is A ranked!

[Unnamed]: Lucky. I have a goblin hero building. such trash. Though my talent is B ranked. All my heroes gain a +25% attribute bonus.]

{Mage King}: My talent is A ranked. All mage heroes I summon have a +50% casting speed and attack bonus.

Since he didn't immediately look at it when he arrived, he missed a ton of messages. Now, they were mostly discussing what talents and hero buildings they got. After thinking about it for a moment, he thought these people were fools. Why would they tell others what talents and heroes they got? This was a battle for domination. Would you tell your enemy your weaknesses or any information that could be used against you? Of course not, it's idiotic. These people were brainless.

Shaking his head he closed the screen out and opened the trade and friends list. They were both empty at the moment. The trade function allowed other lords to trade items to one another through whatever system this was and the friends function allowed you to apply and add friends and form alliances. For Davis, he was thinking he would have no need for friends, as he was used to being a loner, but he decided to keep an open mind if they were helpful for his development and information.

When that was done, he closed the screens and tried to face Morgana once again. She was extremely close, and it was just at this moment he realized she was massaging his chest while her breasts were pressed up against his back. He could feel her breath up against his neck as she also gave it small licks. He trembled and his dick got rock hard again.

{How the hell didn't I notice this? I must have been too focused. Damn. She is making it extremely hard for me to resist. Fuck!}

He closed his eyes again and calmed himself down as best as he could before he reopened them and stepped forward a bit and turned around. She frowned a bit at that.

"I'm sorry Morgana. Not quite yet. I want you badly too, but one last thing. I want to test the strength of these monsters out there first and at least test your skills first before we have some fun. I promise when we are done, we will have all the fun want. Deal?"

Hearing him say the first part, she groaned a bit first, but after he finished, she jumped in glee clapping her hands. He watched in fascination and lust as her breasts bounced with her.

"Deal, my lord. Time to kill some monsters, get some energy, and finally for you, some nice tight wet ass pussy!"