Chapter 5: First fight

Excited for their future activities, Davis and Morgana headed to edge of his territory. they stopped right before the barrier to the outside of the territory. and took a look around. The countless tall trees, that started about 10 feet away from the territory provided enough cover to block most of the bright light from the sun that hung high in the clear blue sky. Some light did manage to find it's way down to the ground which gave them a beautiful view of their surroundings.

After a few moments of inspecting their surroundings, they suddenly heard sounds coming from their slight right, in the woods. It sounded like a group of something were rushing towards them in a very rapid manner. they turned in the direction they heard the sounds coming from and looked. What Davis saw nearly made him piss himself in fear.

Charging towards him and Morgana were some weird green skinned creatures. Based on stories and games from Earth, he guessed that these were goblins. There seemed to be around 10 or so. All for one of them looked to be about the same. Roughly 4 feet tall, forest green skin, long pointy ears, and sporting tattered lather armor. each had either a wooden club that were about 2 feet in length or a small pair of rusted daggers. The last creature was a bit different. He was taller by about a foot, foot and a half, had a wider, bulkier body with muscles for days. he had a scar going vertically down his right eye, and had a giant rusted great sword in which he carried with both hands. He had the same type of tattered leather armor as the others though.

They were charging furiously and were about 50 feet out, which was lessening by the second. Davis quickly stepped back inside his territory so the golden barrier separated him and the goblins. He quickly pulled up the information on the smaller goblins as well as the bigger goblin.

[Minor Goblin]

Rank: F

Level: 1


HP: 100

Physical Attack: 10

Defense: 2

Agility: 5

Mana: 10

[Mid-Goblin warrior]

Rank: E

Strength: Level 3


HP: 1000

Physical Attack: 150

Defense: 50

Agility: 30

Mana: 100

After looking at the stats of the bigger goblin, it gave him a fright for a second. The stats of a single smaller goblin was something he could only barely take care of not to mention the stats of the warrior goblin. However, he quickly remembered Morgana and his fear subsided. She would wipe the floor with them. The stats between them were miles apart. With a smirk of arrogance and confidence he commanded Morgana.

"Kill them all."

She grinned at him.

"With pleasure, my lord. For trying to attack my dear lord, they deserve to die a thousand deaths."

She lifted her arm so her palm was facing outward towards the unsuspecting goblins that no idea that they were rushing to their own destruction. She waited until they were within 20 feet before she activated her AOE skill.

"Dark creation, dark blast."

Immediately a small baseball sized orb of darkness appeared in front of her palm. It stayed their for less than a second before shooting off towards the group of goblins. To Davis, it was so fast, it seemed as if the orb teleported itself to the goblins. One second, it was floating at her palm, the next, the goblins were covered in a pitch black dome of dark energy.

The dome must have concealed the screams of the goblins because as soon as it appeared, he couldn't hear them anymore. Either that, or they were killed instantly. he thought the latter was more likely though. A couple seconds passed before the dome faded away, leaving them with a sight of the aftermath.

There was only one goblin of the 10 still standing, and it was the goblin warrior. A HP bar appeared above him and it showed he was down to a quarter heath. His body looked shriveled, and dried out while his skin had a dark grey color to it no, instead of it's original green. it looked like it could barely stand let alone run and hold a giant sword, which was on the ground. It looked at Morgana in immense fear, his legs trembling. The other smaller goblins were obviously dead, their bodies looking eerily similar to that of the warrior.

After looking at the death she caused and at the barely living survivor of her attack, Morgana scoffed before looking back at Davis and grinning.

"Dark creation, dark scythe."

A five foot pitch black colored weapon with a curved blade made of dark energy appeared in her hands less than a second later. The handle was 4 feet in length with less than an inch diameter. At the end was a foot long curved blade. When it appeared she made her move. With her ridiculously high agility stat, Davis had no way of seeing her movement. She disappeared from where she stood and reappeared in front of the heavily injured goblin. Even if he was not hut and was in a perfect condition, it had no way to see, or block her attack.

Her arms and scythe moved and a split second later, the blade separated the goblins head from its body. Even before the head and body hit the ground, the weapon disappeared, and she activated her other skill on the now dead warrior goblin.

"Energy drain".

From her hand appeared a black tendril that grew and attached itself to the goblin. A few seconds later, it disappeared, as well as her. She appeared again in front of Davis a moment later while he was looking over the notifications that appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! Your hero, Morgana, has killed 9 minor goblins (Rank F, level 1) and 1 Mid-goblin warrior (Rank E, level 3). She gains 81 XP and 54 XP from the battle (133/100). You have gained 9 XP and 6 XP from the battle (15/100). ]

[Congratulations! Your hero, Morgana, has leveled up to level 2 (33/200). Her attributes have increased.]

[Congratulations! You have defeated a small squad of goblins and their leader. You have been awarded a wooden treasure chest. Item has been placed in your inventory.]

Seeing these notifications, he grinned , closed them out and pulled up Morgana details, eager to see how much she improved.

[Lady Morgana: Vampire Succubus

Rank: S

Elements: Dark, Blood

Charmed Points: 1 (Increases attributes by 100 per point)

Strength: Level 2 (33/200)


HP: 3000 +100 = 3100

Magic Attack: 3000 + 100 = 3100

Physical Attack: 1515 + 100 = 1615

Defense: 400 + 100 = 500

Agility: 2000 + 100 = 2100

Mana: 2000 + 100 = 2100


Energy Drain (Level 1: 1/100): Absorbs residual energy from slain, non-holy elementally aligned enemies. Gain 10 % base attributes of random enemy stat. Cooldown: 1 minute.

Dark Creation (Level 1: 9/100, 1/100): manipulate dark elements to create 2 effects.

-Dark blast: Shoot an orb of dark magic. Range and AOE is 10 x level (20) feet. Damage: 50 % magic attack to all enemies within (20) feet. Cost: 100 mana Cooldown: 10 minutes

-Dark Scythe: Create a scythe made of darkness. deals 100% physical damage to enemy. Lasts for 10 minutes or until dismissed. Cost: 100 to cast and 10/minute while it is active. Cooldown: 10 minutes after scythe disappears]

When he finished reading her new stats, he closed it out, and looked at her with satisfaction.

"Excellent job Morgana."

"Thank you my lord. now that we have tested out my weapons, why don't we test out your weapon for a while?"