The Brat Gets Beaten Up

Dong Nuan was already very used to the fact that Madam Dong Wu did not speak from time to time. If it was anyone else, they would probably laugh in anger after hearing Madam Dong Wu's words.

She thought it was pointless for the girl to get to eat it. Why could she not give it to Dong Yao? 

Dong Nuan did not even think about it. As she casually searched for worms in the fields, she said leisurely, "At least I'll still work in the fields after eating it. I can contribute to the family afterward. Dong Yao will only grow fat after eating it. Mom thinks it's pointless for me to eat it? Your little girl needs to eat so she can work."

Her words made Madam Dong Wu speechless again. When Dong Yao saw that his mother could not get the apricot, he rushed over and prepared to snatch it away.

Dong Nuan had been paying attention to him. She allowed him to rush toward her at a high speed, and while he was running, she even took a hateful bite of the big apricot and sighed softly. "The flesh is so tender and sweet."

Dong Yao was so angry that his eyes turned red. He flew over like a rock from a slingshot.

Noticing that he was about to bump into her back, Dong Nuan calmly took a step to the side.

Dong Yao's momentum was too much. He could not stop at all. He flew past Dong Nuan and then toward Second Aunt.

Second Aunt was already unhappy when she saw Dong Nuan eating the big apricots. Now, as this scene was unfolding, her expression was ugly. She cursed in her heart.

In the end, Dong Yao smashed into her back.

Second Aunt, who had nowhere to vent her anger, almost broke her old waist from the collision. As she reacted to the impact, she instinctively turned around and pulled up Dong Yao, who had almost fallen.

When Madam Dong Wu saw Dong Yao charging at high speed, she was originally frightened. However, after seeing that he was aiming himself at Dong Nuan, she was relieved.

Lil Nuan had been too disobedient the past two days. It was indeed time to teach her a lesson. She should be obedient now that she was in pain.

How could an older sister not protect her younger brother? Should she not give him whatever she had to eat? 

The little girl had eaten so much good food, and it was all wasted. She should have left it for him to eat.

Madam Dong Wu had just heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Dong Nuan casually take a step to the side, as if she had eyes in the back of her head. 

When she saw this, Madam Dong Wu's anger grew again. She almost shouted, "Lil Yao, you…"

Before she could finish her sentence, Dong Yao had already bumped into Second Aunt's back.


Although it was not a hard knock, it still hurt.

Second Aunt could not help but curse. Madam Dong Wu was so frightened that her face turned pale. Second Sister-in-law was not a reasonable person. If she was really hurt by Lil Yao, what would Madam Dong Wu do?

Madam Dong Wu was so frightened that she could not care less about anything else in that moment. She walked forward quickly and realized that Second Sister-in-law had picked Dong Yao up to prevent him from falling. Madam Dong Wu nodded in agreement. 'We should indeed protect the boys at home. Second Sister-in-law finally has some common sense!'

Soon, Madam Dong Wu realized that she had let the matter go too early!

That was because Second Aunt was in so much pain that she was gritting her teeth. After scooping Dong Yao up, she picked up her fan-like hand and his Yao's butt.

She had always liked to bully the third branch of the family. It was their fault for being the weakest. Of course, there was still the fourth branch.

In addition, she had made enemies with the third branch yesterday. Second Aunt was very unhappy.

Now that Dong Yao had hit her so hard that her lower back felt like it was about to break, how could she feel happy?

At this time, who cared if Dong Yao was Madam Dong Wu's treasure?

She had already defeated Madam Dong Wu, let alone her half-grown child.

Second Aunt raised her hand and smacked him again. Madam Dong Wu's eyelids twitched, and her heart ached.

"Second Sister-in-law, if there's anything you're unhappy about, come at me. Lil Yao is my son. You can't hit him like this…" Madam Dong Wu muttered as she ran.

Unfortunately, Second Aunt's ruthless palm still landed on Dong Yao's back and buttocks one after another, beating him up until he wailed like a ghost. It was very pitiful.

"Ah! It's murder! Help! Mom, save me! Dad!" Dong Yao screamed miserably. He wanted to struggle, but he was only eight years old. Even if he ate well, stole food from a few sisters, and had grown fat, he was still young. He really could not break free from Second Aunt's brute force. In the end, he could only scream at the top of his lungs.

"Isn't that a nice sound?" Dong Nuan did not care much about this spoiled brat screaming at all. Instead, she ate an apricot while walking to Dong Tao and Dong Zao.

Dong Nuan spoke casually. Dong Zao and Dong Tao stared at the apricot in her hand. They could not help but drool, and their eyes were fixed on it.

From yesterday to today, Dong Nuan had been merciless. When she tricked Dong Yao, she did not show any mercy. However, her two sisters were really stupid. They could not think through anything clearly. They thought that Dong Nuan would give in to them just because she was their sister.

If Dong Nuan was still the same girl as before, she would have given them whatever they needed without them even saying anything.

However, the new Dong Nuan had yet to do so. She had even cruelly eaten the apricot in front of them. The two sisters looked at each other and understood that their sister was still the same sister who ate the eggs by herself last night and was unwilling to even look at them.

It would not be easy to get something to eat from this sister.


The apricot looked yellow and shiny. There was a lot of flesh and juice. It looked delicious.

Although Dong Nuan was quite refined when she ate, they were close to her, and their attention was all on the apricot, so they could clearly hear the squishing sounds when Dong Nuan bit into the apricot.

One could tell that this apricot was especially delicious.

The two girls were extremely hungry. Dong Zao was still young, and she was drooling.

Dong Tao could still restrain herself a little, but she was about to start drooling too.

Seeing the two of them like this, Dong Nuan raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Do you want to eat some apricots?"

The two of them nodded quickly, their faces filled with undisguised desire.

"Easy. My job this morning is to catch two ridges' worth of worms. You two take one ridge each. After you're done, I'll give each of you a big apricot. Don't try to fool me. If Grandma says that the job wasn't done well, I'll beat the two of you up until you spit the apricot back out!" As she finished speaking, Dong Nuan stopped smiling and shook her fist, which was quite unthreatening, honestly.

Even so, Dong Nuan's eyes were slightly cold and did not have the slightest smile to them, so she still frightened the two young girls.

Getting a big apricot with just a small amount of work was a huge temptation to the two girls.

In any case, it did not matter how much work they did.

As for fooling Dong Nuan?

Of course they did not dare to. Dong Nuan was someone who dared to fight Dong Man. If she said that she wanted to beat them up, she would probably really do it.

If this was yesterday, the two girls might not have taken Dong Nuan's words seriously.

However, the two little girls did not dare to think that way anymore.