Chaotic Battle Mode

Two ridges away, two sisters-in-law were fighting, their hair and saliva flying around everywhere. 

Old Madam Dong looked at them coldly and said sinisterly, ""If you dare to trample on the crops, I'll skin you alive!"

Second Aunt and Madam Dong Wu shuddered in fear, but that did not stop them from fighting.

"How dare you hit my Lil Yao? I'll fight you to the death!" Dong Yao was Madam Dong Wu's line in the sand. No one could touch him! Thus, she was ruthless.

Yesterday, when Dong Nuan's head was bleeding, she was indifferent to it. One would not guess from her bhavior then how ruthless she could be when she cared. 

Even a lazy cat had a temper.

However, even though she was going crazy, Second Aunt's strength was nothing to sneeze at either. It could even be said that Second Aunt was the best fighter in the family. 

Moreover, she was still suppressing her anger, so she had the potential to be even more ruthless.

The fight between the sisters-in-law was especially ugly. The old lady wanted to stop them, but the two of them were fighting so hard that it was difficult for the old lady to get close enough to break it up.

Coincidentally, she still had to feed her grandsons, so she could not be bothered with these two crazy women.

She would deal with them when they stopped being crazy!

The old lady naturally heard what Dong Nuan said to Dong Zao and Dong Tao. She wanted to say a few words, but…

There was still a big apricot stuffed inside her pocket. Dong Nuan had an advantage. Now, when Old Madam Dong looked at her granddaughter, she found her a little more pleasing to the eye.

If she did not like to work, so be it. Perhaps it was because she had worked too much in the past, so she now felt dissatisfied and wanted to make up for it.

Actually, after thinking about it carefully, this was quite good. If she continued being so passive, she would definitely be at a disadvantage when she got married in the future. Her new family would probably not be able to benefit from her.

Back then, she was so skinny one could miss her even if they flung three sticks at now. It was impossible to expect much from her. 

It was good to be more powerful. If a powerful woman could be in charge, many things could be controlled.

Thinking of this, Old Madam Dong convinced herself that Dong Nuan was really great.

As for Old Master Dong, he was thinking even more.

In the past, Dong Nuan was a quiet girl and did not have much of a presence at home.

However, ever since he woke up yesterday, she seemed to have changed a lot. Old Master Dong did not think too much about it. He figured she had a sudden revelation. Perhaps Dong Nuan got over being weak.

After considering the pheasant from last night, Old Master Dong thought about it and did not say anything in the end. He let Dong Nuan do whatever she wanted.

Dong Nuan instructed her two sisters to help with the work. Dong Xing watched from the side with hatred.

She wanted to eat that big apricot too!

Although her name was Dong Xing, which meant 'apricots', she also liked apricot!

There was no conflict between her being named after apricots and her liking them. She was not literally an apricot, so why could she not eat them?

However, she just fought with Dong Nuan yesterday, and the two of them were still not on good terms. She was unwilling to be thick-skinned and ask for it. In the end, she could only work for a while before turning to glare at Dong Nuan.

Every time, Dong Xing's eyes met Dong Nuan's, Dong Nuan would smile and look good-tempered.

However, looking at Dong Zao and Dong Tao obediently being enslaved, it was obvious that Dong Nuan only looked good-tempered. She was not actually that nice. 

Dong Xing did not dare to underestimate Dong Nuan anymore.

If this was the past, she would have definitely snatched the apricot away. However, she hesitated a lot today. Besides being injured, there was also an indescribable fear in her that stopped her.

Although Dong Xing did not want to admit that she was afraid of Dong Nuan as it was embarrassing, deep in her heart, her animal-like instincts told her to stay away from Dong Nuan. Otherwise, she might be beaten up.

Dong Xing was filled with hatred. Dong Miao thought highly of herself and was unwilling to play with Dong Nuan and the others, although she was also craving the apricot now.

As she worked, she drooled. After staring at the insects in the ground for a long time, they started to look like yellow apricots to her too.

"Slurp." Dong Miao could not control herself and had to swallow her drool slightly. Then, she quietly glanced at her disappointing sister, Dong Ya.

Unfortunately, Dong Ya was not even looking at her. She had accepted a mission and left the ridge.

Therefore, she was currently surrounded Dong Chang and chattering.

Of course, she gave a small portion of the apricot to Dong Chang. She wanted to satisfy Dong Chang's cravings.

Dong Chang wanted to snatch it, but he felt that it was a little embarrassing to snatch his sister's food away. Moreover, he did love his sister, after all.

Anyway, did his younger sister not also give him a share? Dong Chang felt that if he got too greedy, it would come back to bit him in the back later.

"Third Brother, Third Brother, why don't you go to the county to study? I heard that there are many delicious foods in the county. You'll definitely be able to eat well there."

"Third Brother, if you go to the county to study, you won't have to work in the fields. It's so hot today. You'll have a lot of work to do in the fields. How can it be better than studying?"

Dong Ya spared no effort in persuading him. She was still young, so if she tried to use complicated methods, Dong Nuan was afraid that she would not be able to learn the persuasion tactic and it would have the opposite effect, so she used the most direct and best technique.

Eldest Uncle had three sons. The eldest son, Dong Xu, was already a Children's Scholar. His second son, Dong Xing, did not like to study. He was usually lazy and did not like to work.

In addition, it was already good enough that the family could support two scholars. Dong Xing probably knew that he had no chance, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Although his third son, Dong Chang, also liked to play, he was very scheming.

In the past, he did not dare to think about studying. Of course, he was also not very interested in studying as he usually got a headache listening to the books that his brother brought back with him to study with. 

However, if he could study and work without going to the fields…

As he thought about it, he started looking forward to it.

"A scholar can also refuse to be conscripted. Third Brother, you're still young, so you don't need to go. When you're older in two years' time, you'll definitely have to go. Second Brother said that digging river pits must be very tiring. Otherwise, they would not set a limit on how many people from a family can go." Dong Ya was still chattering at the side.

Hearing his sister's words, Dong Chang fell into deep thought.

Dong Nuan, on the other hand, was eating apricot while scheming in her heart. The family's chaotic battle mode had been activated. Should she also stick a carrot in front of Old Master Dong?

Dong Nuan could clearly see that if she wanted to live a good and quiet life in this family, Old Master Dong was the key. As long as she had him under her thumb, although she could not get to her Fifth Uncle in this family, she would at least not be forced to do this and that.

Of course, if her carrots were hung well, it was possible to add some food for herself on the stick too occasionally.

Dong Nuan was thinking about some practical and useful carrots in her mind. Something suitable for the farmyard that could arouse the ambitions of Old Master Dong and the other houses, and something that was beneficial to her and could not be easily obtained.

If it was too easy to obtain, it would not be cherished.

"What should I do?" Dong Nuan was squatting in the ridge thinking when she heard a crisp and tender voice from the side. "Sister Nuan, I'm helping you with your work. Can you give me half of the apricot too?"