The Uninvited Visitors

"At this time, as long as someone whispers something into her ear, she will easily fall into the delusion of being harmed. She always feels that the people around her want to harm her so she wants to kill the people around her."

After hearing Ye Leng'an's explanation, Chen Kang couldn't help but take a deep breath. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and asked, "After Hailan recovers, will she suffer any consequences?"

No wonder he was worried. After all, no one knew what would happen to the brain. Chen Hailan's nerve center had been damaged. Even if she was cured, it would probably be difficult for her to fully recover.

"No," Ye Leng'an replied calmly. "Since I've promised you, I'll definitely cure her."

If it was an ordinary doctor, there would definitely be sequelae after the treatment. But since she was asked to be Chen Hailan's doctor, there would absolutely be no problem.