One Million

"We can still have a talk whether it's a misunderstanding or not, can't we?" The countenance on Mrs. Zhao's face did not change. She even gave a faint smile. "Whether it conforms with the regulations or not, that depends on the outcome of our discussion! The police are also quite busy. Isn't it better if we don't add to their burden?"

"I don't think so." Ye Leng'an shook her head with a smile. "Aren't police officers supposed to help the people? I think they should be happy to seek justice for me."

There was a gleam in Mrs. Zhao's eyes when she saw Ye Leng'an's stubbornness. She still had a smile on her face, as if she did not hear Ye Leng'an's rejection at all. "Ye Leng'an, Yanran was indeed at fault this time. However, this was not her intention. She was just misled by those rumors. In the end, the culprit was the most detestable."