Going Back to School 2

Ye Leng'an wasn't surprised by the situation inside. She raised her eyebrows and followed Sun Jiaxing into the classroom.

Quite a few boys in the class started to kick up a fuss when they saw Ye Leng'an standing behind Sun Jiaxing. There were even some of them who started to whistle at Ye Leng'an.

"Wow, what a beauty! Lao Sun, where did you get such a beautiful girl?"

"Lao Sun, you're really too kind. We love you!"

"Hey, beauty, what's your name? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Ye Leng'an didn't get angry at the jeering and teasing of these people. Instead, she found it interesting. Although these people were talking nonsense, they were clear-eyed and obviously were just joking. It seemed that Class F wasn't as bad as the rumors said!

Sun Jiaxing raised his hand and gestured for everyone to quiet down. Then, he introduced, "This is Ye Leng'an who transferred to our class today. Let's give our warm welcome to her with a round of applause!"