Going Back to School 3

Ye Leng'an couldn't help but sigh at this thought. It seemed that it was better for her to focus on her lessons during this period of time. Even if she wanted to take leave, she would have to wait until she got first place in the Mathematical Olympiad qualifier.

"Ye Leng'an!"

With a loud shout, a figure rushed forward and was to slap Ye Leng'an across her face.

Even though Ye Leng'an was thinking about something, she had very quick reactions. She dodged and raised her hand, slapping the person charging at her.

There was a resounding slap.

"Ye Leng'an, how dare you hit me!" The person's eyes widened as if she couldn't believe she had just been slapped. Her face was filled with shock and then anger. "I'm going to kill you."

She was about to pounce on Ye Leng'an again while speaking, but she was pulled back by the students beside her.