The Woman in Black 3

"Master, should we inform Nangong Xuyao about this matter?" Li San asked. 

"No need for now," Huangfu Ruiling said lightly. "I'll tell An'an about this first. She can decide what to do after thinking it over, then we'll make a decision."

Although he felt unhappy about the connection between Ye Leng'an and Nangong Xuyao, he wouldn't hide this matter from her. Ye Leng'an was one of the people involved, so she should know about it. Also, he wouldn't let anyone else take credit that belonged to Ye Leng'an.

The next afternoon, Ye Leng'an arrived at the cafe where she had previously met with Pang Tingting. She didn't arrive early, but right on time. 

It had been a while since she last saw Pang Tingting. When she saw her again, she was shocked. The person in front of her looked almost like a different person compared to before.