The Woman in Black 4

After hearing Ye Leng'an's words, a hint of hesitation appeared on Pang Tingting's face. She didn't know if she should take it out, because that item was now her only trump card. She was afraid that once she took it out, Ye Leng'an would snatch it away, and she would really be in tears.

After all, Ye Leng'an had not promised her anything so far. In fact, Ye Leng'an hadn't even promised to help her. She was afraid she would end up with nothing in the end. 

Ye Leng'an could see Pang Tingting's hesitation. She was in no hurry and slowly said, "Actually, you can take your time to think about it. I'm not in a rush at all. Maybe you still need to go back and ponder it over. Let's talk after you've thought it through!"

She didn't like empty talk, so if Pang Tingting wanted her to take action, she had to show some sincerity first. Otherwise, there would be nothing to discuss next.