There's Definitely No Place for You

The people present were taken aback, as no one expected Ye Yikun to be at a disadvantage against Huangfu Ruiling. The sudden act of Huangfu Ruiling standing up from the wheelchair added to their astonishment.

"Father!" Ye Hongxuan turned around, rushing to Ye Yikun's side. He reached out to support him, expressing concern, "Are you alright?"

Despite his father's uneasy appearance, Ye Hongxuan was unaware of the circumstances.

Ye Wanwan had fainted on the ground, and Lian Mengzhu stood by her side.

Had Ye Hongxuan not dismissed the servants upon Ye Leng'an's arrival, a crowd would likely be gathering now.

With Ye Yikun holding onto Ye Hongxuan for support, he looked at Huangfu Ruiling with visible shock. "Who are you?"

Standing beside Ye Leng'an, Huangfu Ruiling's cold eyes were fixed on Ye Yikun, akin to observing a lifeless body.