I'll Be There Anytime

"You insolent…" Ye Yikun was so infuriated that he could barely articulate his words. "Ye Leng'an, you wretch! Let me make it clear; you'll never gain the acknowledgment of the Ye family in your entire life."

"Father, Leng'an is just…" Ye Hongxuan began, but he was promptly cut off by Ye Yikun.

"Ye Hongxuan, Lian Mengzhu, let me solemnly tell you both that Ye Leng'an will never step through the doors of the Ye family," declared Ye Yikun with an icy demeanor. "Your daughter is Ye Wanwan. Remember that."

Since the details of Ye Leng'an's actions were known only to those present, outsiders remained oblivious. Despite Ye Wanwan's current disabled state, being in the Ye family with its alchemists and precious elixirs offered a high chance of her eventual recovery.