
As soon as the words fell, all eyes in the dormitory turned to focus on Ye Leng'an.

Just moments ago, they had been discussing the matter of Murong Yumeng, and Ye Leng'an had remained silent. But now, hearing that Murong Yumeng was looking for her, they all wondered when they had met.

They were all certain that the Senior Sister Murong the girl referred to must be Murong Yumeng. In Capital University, only Murong Yumeng could command such respect as "Senior Sister Murong" from so many.

Facing the collective gaze, Ye Leng'an seemed oblivious, her focus still on the girl. She frowned slightly. "Are you referring to Murong Yumeng?"

How could she forget any interaction with Murong Yumeng? Back in the small town, their encounters were anything but pleasant. So, Murong Yumeng seeking her out now raised suspicion.

"Yes, it's her!" The girl nodded vigorously. "You better hurry down! Senior Sister Murong is waiting!"