An Opportunity

Originally, she thought Murong Yumeng wouldn't wait downstairs. However, when she arrived, she found her sitting in a nearby pavilion, waiting.

Murong Yumeng sat upright, a sign of her upbringing in a prestigious family. Not playing with her phone, she instead gazed towards the dormitory direction, displaying no impatience.

A hint of gloominess flickered in Ye Leng'an's eyes as she approached Murong Yumeng.

In fact, Murong Yumeng had seen her the moment she descended. Yet, she remained seated, deeming it unnecessary to rise and greet.

Capital University's dormitory rules were strict; outsiders couldn't enter casually. Only dorm residents could invite guests.

Though she could enter if she wanted, seeking out Ye Leng'an was already a concession. Going up personally would be too much. Plus, she didn't want their conversation overheard.

So, she had someone call Ye Leng'an out. She didn't expect her to be so ungrateful, making her wait.