
After listening to Ye Leng'an's response, Murong Yumeng couldn't maintain her careful smile any longer. "Junior Sister Ye, did you perhaps mishear what I said just now?"

She couldn't believe her ears. Ye Leng'an had actually refused her. How was that possible? She dared to claim that no student in the entire Capital University could resist such temptation.

"I heard you loud and clear." Ye Leng'an's lips curled into a smile as she continued, "Senior Sister Murong, weren't you inviting me to join the Student Council? Since you've extended a formal invitation, I naturally have to formally decline."

With Ye Leng'an's answer confirmed, Murong Yumeng didn't furrow her brows. "Junior Sister Ye, do you know how many people in the whole school want to join the Student Council? Being a part of it would add a splendid note to your resume."