Improper Intentions

"This is my guest!" Zhongyu Liuying stood up, smiling as she explained, "We really shouldn't have invited anyone over today. But, it's rare for someone from the Hidden World's Zhongyu family to visit, so I asked her to join us for the occasion."

As she spoke, she glanced around the room and continued, "I believe everyone wouldn't mind!"

Though she said this, in reality, she had already decided. She was simply informing them now.

"Today being Brother's birthday, as long as he's okay with it, we have no objections," Huangfu Jingxian said casually.

"I certainly don't mind," Huangfu Jingzhang added, shaking his head. "Having more people come to bless me would indeed be delightful."

Meanwhile, Ye Leng'an cracked melon seeds, watching the exchange between Huangfu Jingzhang and Zhongyu Liuying with great interest.