Do You Dare to Swear?

Zhongyu Lingshan's words carried an air of righteousness, but nobody in the room believed them.

"I have no improper intentions!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Leng'an blinked, then smiled and spoke, "Really? Then, do you dare to swear?"

As soon as these words were uttered, Zhongyu Lingshan's expression immediately darkened. "Miss Ye, do you no longer trust me?"

Her righteous demeanor appeared as that of someone wrongfully accused. In such a situation, it should have been impossible for anyone to continue pressing on. Especially considering both families were prominent, maintaining their relationship was essential. They couldn't afford to escalate matters!

However, evidently, Zhongyu Lingshan didn't understand Ye Leng'an at all.

No one anticipated that after hearing Zhongyu Lingshan's words, Ye Leng'an would nod seriously. "Indeed! I simply don't trust you! So, Miss Zhongyu, do you dare to swear?"