A Precious Gift

At this moment, Huangfu Jingzhang's expression turned dark. When he glanced at Huangfu Ruiling, his eyes were ablaze with fury. If it weren't for Huangfu Ruiling's status, he might have started cursing by now.

Under the scrutiny of everyone, Ye Leng'an shook her head. "Let's discuss this after dinner."

Soon, the group arrived at the dining hall.

It was already dinner time, and the kitchen had prepared the meal, waiting only for the master's command to start serving

Everyone had gathered here to celebrate Huangfu Jingzhang's birthday. Naturally, they had all brought gifts for the occasion, including Zhongyu Lingshan, who had joined them at the last minute.

Among the gifts, Zhongyu Lingshan's stood out the most. It was a medicinal pill. Although it appeared unremarkable, after Zhongyu Lingshan's explanation, everyone looked at the pill with eager eyes.