Get out

"Are we still going to eat?" A cold voice rang out, and it wasn't from anyone else but Huangfu Ruiling. His gaze landed on Huangfu Jingzhang. "If you're not eating, then we'll leave."

His icy words sent shivers down everyone's spines. Especially Huangfu Jingzhang, though Huangfu Ruiling was his son, couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear. But as soon as he realized, anger surged within him.

Because today Zhongyu Lingshan had given him a Longevity Pill, revealing the existence of such treasures in the Hidden World. However, Huangfu Ruiling, the head of the Hidden World's Huangfu family, had never considered giving them Longevity Pills.

Huangfu Ruiling was truly an ingrate. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have let Huangfu Ruiling be born. Or maybe, after his birth, they should have drowned him. Then, he would still be the head of the Huangfu family.