Chapter 3

After when I asked him to eat at a pizza restaurant, we became close. We are not very open with each other yet because we are not really friends yet. It seems that our closeness is still out of 5 over 20 but that's okay at least there is progress between the two of us.

Out of the two of us, I'm the only one who always talks and he just keeps quiet and listens. I like his attitude that you can't feel that he is not interested in what you are saying because even if he doesn't speak, you can feel that he is listening to you sincerely.

We always talk on instagram and I only say nonsense to him. I even told him that I had a crush on him but he didn't want to believe me because he thought I was just joking.

My weekdays are not very full because it's all about studying. Just a normal day for a student, I'm a dean lister and I have a high position in our university because I am an SSG president that's why most of the students respected me. When it was Sunday again, Vaughn and I talked about meeting outside the church after mass.

I looked around in case I saw him. The mass just finished and I'm here in front of the church, looking for Vaughn.

"Looking for someone?"

"Oh! Holy sh--" I covered my mouth when I realized that I was in front of the church!

He laughed at my reaction, "Don't curse, you just went to church." He laughed so I rolled my eyes on him.

I was about to speak when I was turned to the girl running towards Vaughn. I held my mouth when Vaughn carried the cute girl, oh my gosh. He looked at me, confused "Why are you giving me that look?"

Is it his daughter? Does he have a wife? Is he married? He has a family! OMG.

I pointed at him, "You... You-" I can't even form a sentence! I looked at the girl again and she looked exactly like him, inherited from his Daddy.

"Me, what?" he curiously asked. The little girl looked at me, also curious. She's beautiful, her hair is in a ponytail, she's wearing a dress, she's cute, her cheeks are like a siopao, it's nice to pinch her cute cheeks.

I gasped and pointed at him again, "Y-You... You have a daughter?!" My eyes widened after I asked that. He looked at me full of wonder. He blinked twice, no thrice. Before he could get my point, he laughed softly and looked at me.

"Do we look alike?" I held my mouth again because of his question, OMG it's true! It's her daughter OMG!

He was about to speak again when a woman approached us. She's wearing a Cropped Jacket on the top, Mini Skirt on the bottom, a suit. She wore a black boots, and she's so good looking.

Is she.... His wife?

"What took you so long?" The woman approaches Vaughn. She glanced at me and smiled, I gave her an awkward smile "H-Hello." I greeted. She carried the baby girl and looked at Vaughn before looking at me, it's awkward to call them a couple. I'm a little broken hearted in that part, just a little.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The woman asked Vaughn. Vaughn didn't answer so I answered right away, maybe I'll be scolded in front of the church, no not gonna happen!

"H-Well, no. I didn't know Vaughn had a daughter. I'm not his girlfriend, I promise." Next thing I said, he looked at me as if confused and Vaughn laughed.

The woman, Vaughn's wife, stared at me for about 1 minute. When she suddenly laughed and held her stomach, Vaughn shook his head and joined his wife's laughter. What's happening? Why are they laughing? Did I say something?

"You're funny. I like you." The girl was still laughing and took a deep breath and looked at me, still laughing. Do I look like a clown now?

"Bella is our younger sister, I'm the older, My name is Vallerie. I never thought you would think like that, you made me laugh." When she explained she laughed again. She left with Bella because she though that me and Vaughn have something to talk about. Well, there is none. I'm still embarrassed of the words I said earlier.

In the long silence between the two of us, he was the first to speak. "Have you eat breakfast?" He asked.

That's when I realized that Auntie was gone! I haven't had breakfast yet and I don't have a car because we used her car, I hope she didn't leave me.

"Hey" he called my attention so I looked at him, "Are you looking for someone?"

I modded, "I was looking for my aunt. We were supposed to go home together but I think she left me." I pouted and get my phone to text her.

To: 09*******

Aunt, where are you? Did you leave me here? I can't find you.

I waited for her reply and a few seconds I received a message coming from her.

From: 09*******

Oh my... I'm so sorry, darling! I was in rush, I have a emergency. You have your wallet right? Just grab a taxi, take care bye!

I pouted even more. I didn't bring my wallet because I thought we were going home together!

"'I'll take you home. Have you eaten breakfast?" He said

I shook my head, "Not yet. I haven't eaten my breakfast yet, we can go on a date if you want." I joked. He just turned his back to go to his car so I followed him with a smile. He opened the door for me so I entered and sat on the shotgun seat. Your daddy is a gentleman! He sat in the driver's seat and drove away..

While he was driving, we were quiet so I was a bit left out so I just talked to him to get to know him better. "By the way, my friend is asking for your number." I said and He looked at me and smirked.

"Your friend or you?"

I smirked, "Hmm, Will you give me your number if I say I am?"

"Hmm, ofcourse. Give me your phone." He said so I laughed and get my phone. He type his phone number so I immediately add it on my contacts.

"Where's your condo?" he asked after we ate. I drank some iced tea before answering.

"Are you free today?" I asked.

"No, not really. Why?" He asked back.

"I plan to go to my brother if you don't mind, can you accompany me? It's okay if you don't want to." I'm embarrassed to ask, I just miss my brother.

He smiled " No problem."

I told him where we were going, we were quiet until we got to the cemetery. I go down first and he followed me. He was behind me and I was in front.

"Hi brother. It's me. It took me a while to visit, sorry." I smiled while looking at his tombstone. I sat on the space and Vaughn was just standing beside me.

"Brother, this is Vaughn, a friend of mine." I pointed at Vaughn and smiled. "Hello. I am Amber's friend and crush." I slapped him lightly because of what he said at the end. He laughed and accepted my slap so I stopped.

I was just talking to my brother and Vaughn just gave me space and time to have a free time with my brother. My brother died in a accident and I always blame myself for what happened. When Vaughn noticed that I was crying he immediately gave me his handkerchief so I take it and wipe my tears away. He shush me and I can't even process anything when he hug me.

"Shushh, it's okay. I'm here." He said those words with his comforting and soft voice.

I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder. I'm so happy that there's one person who I can lean on. I'm starting to fall in love with you Vaughn, I hope you will catch me.