Chapter 4

"I was with him all day, sis." I told Ash about what happened yesterday except the cemetery part.

"OMG! You're making a move, Nyx! Maybe by the end of the month, he'll be your boyfriend."

I laughed, " Silly, it's just a crush. Nothing more, nothing else." I said proudly.

She smirked, " No one knows, darling." I just laugh at her statement.

The bell has come so we can go in for our last subject. Now, we changed into PE uniforms and went to the covered court afterwards. Our game today is badminton, I'm paired with Ash. After the activity, I said goodbye to Ash and went home immediately. I thought about calling Vaughn when I got home. I dialed his number and he answered it immediately, was he expecting my call? He doesn't know my number!

"Hello? Who's this?" He asked as soon as he answered the call.

Even on the call, his voice is still beautiful.

"Hello Sir? This is shoppee delivery, Your parcel is already here, just send your location, thank you." I hold my laugh, waiting for his reply.

"Tss, Amber."

"How did you recognize me right away?" I asked, acting like I was annoyed.

" Better luck next time. What's up? Why did you call? "

I bit my lower lip, " Are you busy? " I asked.

"No, I'm not. I'm free." He answered.

I was smiling while looking at my mirror, "Ofcourse you are free because I was the one who called you," I laughed and I heard him chuckled, "Kidding." I added.

We we're just having a chitchat and bid our goodbyes because I am going to cook for our dinner now. I charged my phone first before going out to my room. I saw my auntie infront of her laptop, she was so busy so I did not bother to disturb her because she might scold me. I just go straight to our kitchen and cooked her favorite dish which is ampalaya. When I was done cooking, I called her and we ate together.

I volunteer that I'll wash the dishes since I'm not busy. She thanked me for that and goes back to the living room continue her report. My auntie was a teacher. After doing washing the dishes, I go to my room and do my night routine. I don't have any homework and I was too lazy to read my books for advance study so I just sleep.

"Amber where are you?" I heard my brother's voice, asking where I am. He sounded so very worried. My tears started to flow down to my cheeks hearing his voice.

"It's already 2 in the morning, please go home. I won't scold you I promise. Kuya is here for you so please tell me where you are." I still did not answer.

I heard a loud crash coming from the other line and my heart start to beat so fast. My hands was trembling, my tears was flowing, my legs was shaking. I heard him utter his last words before the call ends.

"I.... I... Love you, b-bunso."

"Kuya!" I shouted and wiped my tears but they have their own life. They were flowing like a river.

I woke up because of my nightmare. My brother died because of me. It was because of me. If I hadn't left that day, maybe, he's still here beside me. Hugging me, kissing my forehead, singing a song for me. It was because of me.

I cover my face using my palms and start crying. When I felt that I'm okay I get my phone and scroll to my albums looking for my picture with my brother. He pinched my cheeks while smiling, I smiled sadly remembering our last day together.

Our pictures is still living in my phone.

I dialed Vaughn's number and before I could realize what I've just done, he already answered the call.

'Hello? ' He answered. I can sense in his voice that he was sleepy.

'S-sorry, It was an accident. ' I was about to end the call when he say something.

'Amber, is there something wrong?' he asked, worried now.

'No, ' I faked a laugh, ' I just pressed your number accidentally, sorry for disturbing your sleep.'

'No... It's okay.. I was about to get up but thank you for waking me up, ' I heard him chuckle, ' Are you having a nightmare?'

How did he know?!

I told him about my nightmare and he was worried. I told him that it was okay but he seems like he's not convinced. At the end, we just bid our goodbye's and just prepare for our school.

I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower, I haven't wear my uniform yet because it's still 5 in the morning. I just watch some movies and netflix and when I noticed that its already 7, I already changed into my uniform and eat my breakfast. I don't usually eat rice in breakfast so I just ate a bread with nutella partner with coffee.

I opened my Instagram account and message Vaughn.

AmberNyx: Hi, good morning! Did you already took a shower?

After a few minutes he replied.

VLeo: I just took a shower.. I'm cooking my breakfast now.

AmberNyx: Oohh, boyfriend material hahaha.

VLeo: Really?

AmberNyx: But I prefer husband material 😉

VLeo: Hahahaha funny!

AmberNyx: Enjoy you breakfast, hubby ❤️

VLeo: Enjoy your breakfast too, wife.

I was shocked because of his reply and I can feel my cheeks turned red. When I look at the mirror, gosh, I look like a potato! I was smiling ear to ear but my smile faded when a message popped up again.

VLeo: Kidding.

I didn't bother to reply his message because I was annoyed! I aggressively put my phone inside my bag and finish my breakfast and ready to go to school. I was already having my imagination because of the word 'wife' but he just ended it by saying 'kidding' tch!

Around 7:25 I arrived at school. I immediately saw my bestfriend sitting in the table where we usually eat during break time and lunch. She was using her phone but her brows are furrowed, it looks like she's annoyed. Hmm, I wonder what happened.

"Good morning, Ash! What's up?" I greeted her. She just gave me a small smile so I sat infront of her and start asking questions.

"What happened? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

She pouted, "I hate dad." She answered. By just her answer, I already know what happened.

"Let me guess. He didn't allow you to go to date with the who has a brown hair, your fling? What's his name again?" I asked. She has many flings, I can't deny that my best friend is really pretty. Well, that's my bestie.

She nodded, "His name is Rex. My dad allows me to go to date with him but I have to bring my brother with me, funny right?" She looks really annoyed. I laughed and asked her what happened.

"My brother ruined my date! Well, I didn't hate my brother though it's just that I realized what Rex personality is. My brother accidentally spilled his drinks on Rex shirt and he got angry, he was about to hurt my brother but I stopped him and slap his face. I told him that we should just stop being fling because of his personality, if he could not respect my brother then I should end things. After all, it was just a fling."

I nodded, " Well, you did the right thing. To be honest, I don't like him for you. He has this 'fuck boy' looks, I don't like it." We just laughed and now she's the one asking me questions.

"And what about you? What happened with the church guy?"

I chuckled, " There's a progress, sis." I just smiled and told her that we still have classes so we enter to our class.

When we entered the class, Alexa approach us. "Ohh, the war freak is already here. How are you, bitch?" She asked Ash. Here we go again.

Ash crossed her arms and looks at her in annoyance, "What now? Aren't you tired picking a fight with me, bitch? Come on!"

The bitch smirked, "I saw you yesterday having a date with your so called boyfriend. Did he dump you?" She asked acting like she's worried, what a bitch. I was about to interrupt when my bestfriend answered her.

"Why are you meddling with my life? For your information, he did not dump me and he's not my boyfriend. Why? Are you gonna chase after him and fuck him just like what you always do? What a whore."

"Excuse me?! I'm the class president here, how dare you to give me that attitude?! You should respect me, bitch! " Ohh, she's annoyed now.

" You're the president? Then act like you're one. You're so childish, girl. I'll give you some advice, huh? Fix your self and your attitude if you want to be respected." After that Ash left her and sat on her seat. I just followed her and seat beside her. Alexa left dump founded and just seat on her seat when the professor came in.

Serve you right.

(Kuya means brother and bunso means younger sister. Ampalaya is a Filipino vegetable dish consist of bitter and egg.)