Chapter 5

I was in the kitchen cooking for our dinner, Ash and Luke were in the living room fighting. That's their love language, kidding! Luke is our boy best friend since we we're in first year junior high school.

''Even I was in the kitchen, I heard your voices. Maybe you'll end up together.'' I teased them. I saw how Ash faced Luke with a disgusted face, Luke did the same.

''No. Never!'' They said in unison and looked at each other.

I know Luke likes Ash since we were in high school, but that guy is stupid. He doesn't say it but I can sense it based on his actions, and this Ash is very numb. The three of us ate together and our dish for today's dinner was Sinigang. While eating, the two still couldn't stop fighting. I washed the dishes after we eat, Ash is watching Netflix and Luke is doing his homework.

'Nyx! Someone is calling your phone, I'll answer it!'' I heard Luke shout.

''Okay!'' I shouted back, maybe it's Auntie.

After I washed, I went out and went to the living room. Maybe he just finished the call and Luke gave me the cellphone, he's nervous, I don't know.

''Why?'' I asked.

''A man called you. Is he your boyfriend?'' he asked. I wonder who it is so I checked my phone calls and my eyes widen who it is. It's Vaughn.

"His name is Vaughn, right? I think he's angry, Nyx.'' Ash approached us when he heard the name Vaughn.

''Why?'' Ash asked while looking at me smirking.

''What did you two talk about?'' I also asked.

''I said hello then he said who's this so I said Luke. He asked me where Nyx was and I said she was doing something and then he asked where are we so I said we were at your aunt's condo bonding and then he immediately hung up. He's so rude, Nyx!'' Ash hit him hard on the arm.

''Stupid!'' Luke got angry because of that and they started fighting again.

Luke seems to have said it wrong. I feel guilty and I need to explain to Vaughn about the call. Why would I explain, we're not even in a relationship. I admit that I have this feeling that if I can't talk to him I feel sad. And every time we go out and he calls someone, it's like... I feel jealous. Is it like? No, maybe not. Maybe it's just like this. Wednesday passed and it's boring. There are quizzes and activities but I have no appetite, I don't know why but I feel something is missing. I've been wondering this whole night, we don't have a thing like girlfriend or boyfriend but why do I feel so down that I can't see him? Am I too used to it?

I don't know if I like him like what Ash told me. I shared this problem of mine to her and she said that maybe I like him that I'm just in a denial stage. When the time that Luke answered the call it made me anxious, like I had to tell him something. He's a gentleman, not hard to like, handsome, grumpy sometimes but also sweet sometimes. It's not impossible for me to like him but it's not my plan, I swear it's really just a crush. On Thursday after class I asked Ash if she could arrange me a blind date. If I could feel the way I feel every time Vaughn is with me.

The guy that I met is good looking, he has a manly scent, also a gentleman but I didn't feel anything different. I went home first and told him that I have an emergency.

Friday and still boring. Luke wants us to go to Amusement Park tomorrow, childish. I cried because I've been stressed these days, I need to have fun. Vaughn and I didn't communicate for 3 days... kinda miss him. Maybe I won't think about something that I feel. I took a shower first and did my night routine. After that I watched some netflix but when I got bored I turned it off and slept. Saturday and I woke up around 10am, we were still going at 1pm. I took a shower first and brushed my teeth. After I went out to eat, I was hungry. Auntie is nowhere to be seen, is she really busy? I hardly see her here in the condo.

I decided to go grocery shopping first since our foods are running low. I just bought Meat, Chicken, Pork, Sausage, Egg and some canned goods. I paid it of course and drove home to get dressed. I'm wearing my Cropped T-shirt on the inner and Argyle Cardigan on the outer. Puddle jeans on the bottom and Sneakers for my shoes.

Around 12:30 I left the condo, I locked it first and went to the parking lot. I drove to the Amusement Park, there wasn't much traffic so I got there right away. I parked my car first and got out, Luke called me earlier that they were there to buy cotton candy so I went there. I waved my hands when I saw them, Ash is wearing a Cotton top and Ribcage bootcut jeans, Super court adidas for her shoes. Luke is wearing a white t-shirt on the inner and Frayed Collar Denim Jacket on the outer, Cuff trousers on the bottom and black shoes.

''Let's ride the Viking.'' Luke invited us. Ash looked at him anxiously as well.

''Why? "Don't say you're scared?" Luke said teasingly so I immediately hit him on the arm.

''No, we're not. Let's go.'' I said full of confidence, Ash followed me and Luke was behind us.

''Aren't you afraid?'' Ash asked me.

''I am, but that guy will tease us for sure, so let's give him a damn.'' I said softly to Ash, he might hear us, it's still gossip.

We sat at the end because that was the seat chosen by him. He was in the center and I was on the right side and Ash was on his left side. The ride is starting, at first the viking's movement is slow but as time goes on it gets stronger. I screamed because I was scared, I grabbed Luke's arm and released all the fear. Ash closed his eyes while screaming and the girl made a vi-video and complained continuously because of me pinching her arm and her hair that Ash was holding. When the ride was over, I sat down panting. Luke bought us water so we drank it right away. When I feel okay, we decided to buy ice cream.

''Hey let's take a picture.'' I said and took out my phone.

I smiled at the screen, Luke is in my side and he has a peace sign, Ash is in my right side and she just winks and smiles at the camera. I took some before putting the phone back in my sling bag.

''Aww.'' I looked at Ash when a girl bumped into him.

Ash leaned so that their height was equal. The little girl is so familiar, oh, it's bella by the way. Vaughn's little sister, is he here?

''Hi cutie.'' Ash said in a cute voice.

''Hello.'' Bella answered.

''Hi Bella.'' I leaned, too so that our height was equal.

''You know her?'' Ash asked me.

''She's Vaughn's little sister.'' Her lips formed an 'o'.

''Is your brother here?'' I asked, anxious.

She nodded that made me look around.

''You are so cute. I have a little brother, too, if we meet again I'll introduce him to you.'' Ash smiled.

''I have a boyfriend.'' Bella said with a snort and Ash was dumbfounded.

Luke laughed so hard that Ash faced him with annoyance, '' 'That kid has a boyfriend Ash, while you don't.'' and he laughed loudly.

Ash was about to hit him but Luke hid behind me, they are like cats and dogs.

''Where is your bro--'' I got cut off.

"Bella! I told you not to go... anywhere.'' Vaughn said page by page when he noticed my presence. The two stopped and looked in Vaughn's direction.

He walked towards me and picked up Bella. He greeted us and looked at my direction then turned to Luke.

''Nyx, he's the one who called you.'' Luke whispered and I flinched that made me slap his arms.

''Nice to meet you.'' I don't know but it seems sarcastic when he said that to Luke.

Luke smiled and held out his hand, ''Hi dude, nice to meet you too. Luke by the way,''

''I didn't ask your name.'' Vaughn said rudely and looked at me.

Luke took his hand back in shame, poor him.

''How's your day?'' he asked in a sarcastic tone.

"A-Ah Nyx, Luke and I will go there first. I think you have something to talk about, eh." Ash broke the tension.

I nodded at her and she dragged Luke with her.

"Hey, haha." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah, hi." He's still sarcastic until now.

"I didn't know you we're here.. Shall we sit there first?" I pointed to the bench and went there first. He said something else to Bella and the boy nodded. I just noticed what he was wearing, he's wearing a beige long coat that reached his knees and he wore a pants too, sneakers for his shoes. When Bella left, Vaughn immediately went to my side. He sat beside me. Awkward.

"Uh, Bella?" I broke the long silence.

"Val is here, I told her to go to her sister." He's still acting so cold!

"Are you..mad?"

"Why would I?" He asked and looked at me with his dark aura.

"How do I know? Tell me what's wrong."

"Why didn't you text for a few days?"