Chapter 22

I woke up late because flashbacks kept on replaying in my head. It's an event that cannot be forgotten, a painful break up for me. I thanked Franz for not waking me up. It's sunday but I don't have the strength to attend a mass, my mind keeps on telling me that I shouldn't show up but my heart tells different. I'm a mess, all I want right now is a peaceful mind. But, that's impossible, I can't get what I want. I heard a knock so I stood up to open the door, I saw Franz with his worried looks. Hmmm, was it obvious that I cried last night? I let the door open and searched for a mirror to check myself.

I pouted when I saw my face, my eyes were swollen! Franz approached me and stood aside, "Are you okay? Why are your eyes swollen? Did you cry last night? Tell me what happened." He asked the next question.

I didn't answer one of his questions and pushed him out of my room!

"It's 9am, go down there and eat. Maybe you'll be hungry" he instructed before disappearing in front of me. I entered the cr to take a shower because I look like a panda! They might think I escaped from the zoo and then they'll catch me, tss, no way.

After I got ready, I left the room because I was hungry. I caught Franz cooking in the kitchen, eh? Didn't he eat?

"Did you not eat yet?" I asked and approached him.

"Not yet, I don't want to eat alone..." He answered, "I don't know your favorite food so I just cooked pickles, you eat it, right? If not, I can cook you another dish."

"Don't worry, pickles are my favorite food, hehe." It's a shame that he'll cook it again, isn't it, after all, adobo is my favorite.

After he finished cooking, he put it on the table and I closed my eyes because of the smell, the aroma! I'm getting hungry, hehe. He took a plate and put rice on my plate, I don't usually eat rice every breakfast but I'm ashamed to say no. I took the pickle he cooked and tasted it.

"H-how was it?" He asked nervously so I smiled at him.

"It's delicious! You're becoming husband material, huh." I teased him and he blushed and looked away.

"Just eat, you'll wash up." He said while looking away from me.

I just ate the adobo he cooked and the taste was very familiar. He took Tita's pickle! I miss her so much. I will visit later.

I was the one who washed what we ate, there were maids, but I really just wanted to wash. After I washed, I went back to my room to get my cellphone. I opened my Instagram account and saw Vaughn's messages.

I bit my lower lips as I opened his message and started to read those.

VLeo: I waited for you but you didn't show up.

VLeo: Let's talk, please.

VLeo: I went to your aunt's condo but you're not around.

VLeo: Let's fix this, love. Please? I don't know where you are right now, let's talk tomorrow.

VLeo: I miss you, love.

A tear starts to fall as I read his last message. I miss you, too, Vaughn. I think breaking up with you is a right thing for us, I can't tell you about this marriage. There's no sign that the wedding won't go ahead because our family is determined for their business, but I'll do anything to stop this wedding. Please trust me... All I need right now is your trust, I want you to trust me. Please, don't fall in love with someone else.

You're still the sunrise I want when I wake up.

I turned off my phone because I might end up crying here, again. I can't tell my problems to my friends because they have their own personal problems, I don't want to add to it. I only know one person who I can tell about this. I hurriedly got dressed and then left the room, Franz was in the living room reading papers.

"I will just go somewhere." I said and didn't wait for what he had to say and I left the house to the garage because my car was there.

I drove to my aunt's condo, it's Sunday so there's traffic. It took me a little longer because the house our family bought was far away from my aunt's condo.

After a few hours, I arrived at our condo. I caught up with Tita who was cleaning so I approached her and put my shoulder bag on the sofa.

"Your boyfriend was here, looking for you." Tita said when I got close to her, I looked away when she mentioned Vaughn's name.

I didn't answer her and helped her with what she was doing. "Please take the vase from my room, Nyx." She commands.

I entered her room and took the vase she was talking about. I was about to get it when I saw a photo album behind it. The cover page of the album says 'My Everything'.

I'm curious with it so I took it and opened it. On the first page is a picture of a baby and there is a letter at the bottom. Is this her daughter? I read the letter below the picture.

'Giving birth to you was the happiest in my life. I was the first person who heard you cry, as a mother it was so happy for me to know that you are safe. My baby is safe.'

I moved to the second page and saw a picture of the baby standing. She is so cute. She's smiling at the camera and drooling, hehe.

'You are so cute my little angel. This is the first time you are standing, you are so happy that your saliva is still dripping. My baby's cutie.'

I smiled. The next picture shows the baby in the crib with a toy in his hand.

'This photo was captured by your brother. Your older brother told me that this was the time you said the word 'Mommy'. I was so happy when he reported that to me. I'm sorry because I wasn't there, my baby.'

I frowned when I saw the next picture. A picture of a young girl holding a cake and that young girl is ME! The girl who was holding a birthday cake is ME! Why is there a picture of me here!? A tear started to form when I read the letter.

'This day was your first birthday. Your brother sent me this. I'm sorry because I wasn't there, your father didn't give me a chance to celebrate your first birthday with me.'

My vision blurred and I moved to the next page, it's a picture of me with her. A picture of me with TITA!

'Your brother, Drew, helped me to meet you. I celebrate your birthday late but it's okay as long as I celebrate it with you. Happy birthday my Daughter.'

I just keep turning the page until I reach the end. A picture of me from my debut, if I'm not mistaken, this photo was taken by kuya Drew. All this time he knew about it. He knows that I have known my real mommy for a long time! A mommy I was longing for.

"Nyx, why is ta---" It's Tita's voice or should I say my Mom's voice?

She came to me in shock and took the album I was holding. She looked at me as if she didn't know what to say, her mouth opened but no words came out.

I stood up and looked at her, "T-aunt? Are you my M-mommy?" I bit my lower lip to stop myself from sobbing but I failed.

"N-Nyx, let me explain." A tear started to form on her eyes. She came to me and held my hand.

I just let her, I want an answer. An answer to my question!

"Are you my Mother!?" I asked again.

"Yes. I'm your mother, Amber Nyx. I'm sorry for not telling you, I'm really sorry." She cried.

I looked away while my tears continued to flow. "I pretended that I was your aunt because you started to call me with that. It hurts so much, Nyx. It hurts to pretend to be Aunt to your child." She added.

"Then, You should've told me about this! Why do you have to keep this a secret? Why does Kuya know about this but I don't!?"

"I tried to tell you but your Daddy stopped me. He doesn't want me to tell you that I am your mother, because I would destroy their family, your family. I stayed as your Aunt because you need to--"

"No! You're wrong. All this time I was looking for a mommy, because that's exactly what I needed. I also want to feel the feelings of other children who have a Mommy. When Kuya disappeared I was alone, they blame me because of what happened. You never showed up when the time I needed you the most!"

"I'm sorry, let me make it up to you, my son. " Aunt said crying--no.. My mommy and hugged me.

She led me to sit on her bed so I followed and sat next to her. She holds my hands and gently squeezes them, I smile secretly.

"I'll explain to you ever----" I cut her off.

" Don't. I know enough, just be my Mom this time. " I said and hugged her tight.

She hugged me back and I can feel her tears because my shoulders are wet, she's crying. My mommy is crying.