Chapter 26

"Wait... So, after 5 years you met again? Is that right?"

"Yes, Ash!"

I told her about Vaughn on what happened earlier. "Is he still single?" She asked clearly teasingly.

"Hhahahaha, maybe it's taken babe. Will she bring that beer when he's still single? What Nyx, shot? Ellie is already asleep, we're free to drink! What should we drink?" Luke also interrupted.

It was wrong for me to come here, huh? Ellie, their daughter, is 3 years old. Ah, it's Ash's daughter but Luke became the father of the child so she's their daughter. It turns out that they are getting married next month, I was ahead of them. We are here in the living room of their condo and the drinks are lying around, I bought a beer earlier because I feel like drinking now. If I get drunk, I'll probably sleep here hehe. I hope they don't do miracles while I'm here. I opened a beer and poured it into a glass, so did the two. I missed this!


I drank alcohol and I changed a bit, I haven't drank for 5 years. Because I focused on my studies then when I became a full-fledged teacher, I didn't have time to drink anymore because I was still working on a lesson plan. Tired, always awake.

We had five beers and Luke passed out. Ash was drunk, so was I. I took my cellphone and opened Instagram, I opened our conversation and typed something.

AmberNyx: Hey there. I'm your teacher! I'm here to teach you the difference between Ms. and Miss. Ms. is when you're marries and Miss you so much. :((

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?" Ash asked.

I shook my head and looked at the cellphone again. My vision was a little blurry but I still managed to read his reply.

VLeo: What?

What? That's all he'll say?

AmberNyx: Oh, mhy account ws hscked. Miss yoy pls comebck.

VLeo: Are you drunk?

VLeo: Hey?

VLeo: Sleeping already?

VLeo: Stop drinking. Good night.

Tangina! Earth open up and eat me! I pulled my hair out of shame. Fuck, how can I deal with him this Monday? You are so stupid Nyx! What shame have you done? I feel like I'm going to shed tears of shame anytime.

"Fcking shit! You messaged him!?" I wasn't surprised when Ash suddenly appeared behind me. It's like a ghost, it appears whenever it wants.

"Mommy what's 'fcking shit'?" Ellie asked innocently and I laughed and waited for Ash to answer. Luke must be taking a shower, that's up to him.

Obviously my stupid friend couldn't say anything and even looked at me for help, I rolled my eyes, teasing him.

"Ahh, what baby, uhhh, it's a compliment, hehe." Stupid sneaks in. The daughter seemed to believe and didn't ask any more questions, the fool breathed a sigh of relief. Tsk, swearing we forgot we have a child.

I said goodbye to them and left the condo. I drove back to my condo with Mom, I'm sure she's looking for me. I didn't say goodbye yesterday, I just had a problem later.

"Where were you lastnight!? You haven't even texted or called. What's wrong Amber Nyx?" As soon as I entered the condo, Mom's face greeted me. I haven't even recovered from my shame, when my mother's mouth met me.

"I slept at Ash's condo. We drank last night, hehe."

"Drank? Was it because of Vaughn?" She asked and I didn't answer.

She held my hand and made me sit on the sofa, she looked at me with a smile and I looked at her confused. "You still love him, don't you?" She asked.

It's always him. Nothing changed.

I bit my lower lip before answering, "I always do, Mom."

She smiled, "I know and I know he still loves you, too. He talked to me after the program, I won't tell you what we talked about." She laughed softly so I snorted.

What did they talk about? I'm curious.

" I don't like the fact there's another person who cherishes my daughter as much as I do..." She stopped and wiped her tears, " If it's Vaughn then I can allow that." She smiled and hugged me.

I was crying. She caressed my hair and 'shush' me. "Fix your relationship. You still love each other. He's the only guy I want for you."

There is no one else, eh. I felt a lump in my throat as I felt my heart clenched, it has been years since we broke up.

'Would this be our chance again?' I thought.

Today is Sunday and I am preparing to attend a Mass with my Mom. I woke up early and took a shower, put some lipstick and light make up. I am wearing my double breasted button jumpsuit and a black sandal. I took my chanel bag and left the room, I ate earlier before taking a shower. I saw Mom wearing her pleated color matching dress, it was black and we looked like twins hehehe.

We left the condo together and she locked the door. We used her car. When we got to the church, the mass had not yet started so we sat at the very end, because she said she didn't want to be in the front. I looked around hoping to see him, as if it was the first time we met.

"Oh, hi Vaughn." I turned to Mom when she said Vaughn's name. There I saw him, alone. He's not with sister Val and Bella?

"Good morning." He greeted and sat next to me. Why still next to me? It's not that I don't want to but I remember the shame I did when I was drunk, gosh.

"Hi, good morning." He greeted me, I look at him and he's smiling. Tss, what a tease.

"Y-yeah, good morning." I greeted back. He was about to say something but the mass had already started so he kept quiet. I look at Mom and she's giving me a weird look, I know what she's thinking.

"Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom where you live for ever and ever." The priest said.

"Amen." We all said in unison.

"The peace of the Lord be with you always."

"And also with you."

"Let us offer each other the sign of peace."

I was shocked when Vaughn kissed me on my cheek! I looked at him with a surprised look and he was looking at me, he's obviously teasing me! "Oh sorry... I thought it was a kiss.." He smiled and looked to the front as if nothing had happened.

I turned to Mom when she coughed softly, "Stop flirting. We're still at church." She mumbled. I swear my face is red!

When the mass was over, the three of us went out at the same time and if it was observed that they were parked next to each other, did they really think so!? Mom looked at me and seemed to be planning something bad. Don't do it, please!

"Nyx, something urgent happened. Just go with Vaughn..." She said and put her face close to my ear, "Fix your relationship, thank me later." After that she left. Wow, what a good mom.

I look at Vaughn and he's smiling now, what a great day. "Let's go?" He said and opened the passenger seat so I didn't do anything and went in and sat inside. Oh gosh, I miss the smell of his car. Nothing changed, the scent is still the same.

While we were on the flight, neither of us spoke, it was awkward. Shall I apologize for my embarrassment last night? Hmm, maybe yes.

"U-uh about last night, I was drunk when I sent those messages. Sorry." I said in a low tone, I looked at my face in the side mirror of his car and both my cheeks were red! Nyx you're 23 yet you still act like you're 18, gosh!

I heard his soft laugh so I turned to him, right at the red light so he also looked at me. He said, "It's okay. I understand but do you mean it? You miss me, huh?" He smirked.

"I was drunk!"

"But you mean it..." he chuckled, "I miss you too. " Oh fuck! What the hell was that?

With just one I miss you, we have different effects. Fuck, the broken one! I didn't answer because I might just annoy him again, I just looked outside because I couldn't look at him anymore. I frowned as we walked down a familiar road. If I'm not mistaken I'm going to the beach where we had our first date! When I got to the destination, I got out of his car and looked around, this is my place where Kuya took me and where Vaughn and I had our first date as a couple, why did he bring me here? I just came back here.

"Do you miss this place?" He asked and came closer to me, I flinched when he placed his hand on my waist! Oh my god.

I nodded anxiously, he laughed because of my reaction. We walked and his hand was still on my waist, he didn't intend to take it? I think I should talk to him now. I should tell him my reason why I broke up with him.

"V-Vaughn, uhh, can we talk?"

He stopped and looked at me, "About us?" I nodded, "There's no need, I already know your reasons why you made that decision. Your mom told me."

He held my hands and asked me to sit there by the hut, "I'm sorry, Nyx. I'm sorry because I didn't tell you that I was leaving, I'm really sorry." His tears seemed to start falling anytime, I smiled to tell him that it's okay.

"I understand, Vaughn. Look at you now, you're finally a successful doctor. I'm so proud of you, doc."

"I've been waiting for this moment, It's really good to hear your voice saying that... And also, I'm so proud of you, teacher. You achieve your dreams, I'm so proud of you." And with that he hugged me! I didn't bother to push him away and hug him back, I miss his warmth.

"Let's fix our relationship, Nyx. Let's start again, no more breakups. I waited for you for 5 years, I love you more than words can explain. I never loved someone the way I loved you, so let me be your last. "

Nobody else can replace how you made me feel, Vaughn. I love you so much.

Monday and I am here inside the Faculty office. I had a good day yesterday and I hope it won't be ruined today. At the end of the day he's the person I want to come home to. After the flag ceremony, I went to the classroom and Vaughn was with me, we're having a chitchat while walking and every time some students pass by, we both are greeted. When I got to section 1 A, my students stood up at the same time.

"Good morning, Ma'am Amber... Good morning, Doc Sallow." They said in unison.

"Good morning." We both said. Vaughn sat down in his chair not far from my table, I couldn't focus on teaching because I caught him looking at me tsk.

I didn't pay attention to him as if he wasn't here in the classroom, I just noticed that my other students were showing elegance, hehe. Sometimes, whenever I have a question, no one answers, but now they keep answering, tsk tsk I hope it's always like that. I will keep thinking that they hate my subject, char hehe.

"Do you have any questions?" I asked them when I heard the bell, it means the first subject is over.

"Ma'am, I have a question!"

"Go ahead."

"I just noticed this earlier, Ma'am, but are you and Doc married? Hehe, because I was thrilled by the way he looked at you earlier."

"Omg! So true, Ma'am!"


"S-stop it, students. I was referring to a question about our lessons this day not about the lives of other people. If you don't have any more questions, you can take your recess now." I said and they left the room together. Vaughn and I were left behind. I put my things away and he helped me.

"You're scary..." He laughed softly, teasing.

I followed him and was about to enter the faculty office when he stopped me, "Come with me to the clinic." He said, ahh that's right, after recess he is in charge of the clinic. But we should still eat.

"Let's buy some food first and then let's eat it." I suggested and he nodded, he went to the clinic first and I bought food at the cafeteria. After that I went to the clinic, I don't have class after recess so I might just take a nap, I didn't sleep enough last night.

I opened the door of the clinic and closed it immediately because the air conditioner was on inside, I really like the library and the clinic because they have air conditioning. He was sitting there on the swivel chair so I put the food bought on his desk and sat in front of him.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They left."

He stood up and approached me, I looked at him when he held my hand to stand up. It was too late for me to ask because he kissed me! oh my gosh....

When he let go of my lips, he went to the door and locked it, he walked towards me and held my hand to enter a room at the clinic. don't tell me...

He was about to kiss me again but I stopped him, "V-Vaughn, maybe someone will see us."

He chuckled, "No one will see us, it's tinted.... Damn, I miss your lips." And with that he kissed me again, I pushed him away but he's so strong so I just responded. I hate to admit but I miss this, his touch, his kisses, everything about him. His other hand gently held my waist. I closed my eyes as I was kissing him back. He parted his lips and darted his tongue inside. The butterflies in my stomach were flying in different directions. I felt the bed on my back and my eyes immediately opened because of our position, Vaughn was hovering over mine. We slowly and passionately kiss each other. Both eyes closed, feeling each other's heartbeat.

He lowered his kisses down to my neck, I tilted my head to give him more access. I released a moan after feeling him lick my nipple.

He removed his shirt and sweatpants, he pulled down his boxers and his hard shaft darted out. Damn! He tasted my lips once more as he supported his weight with his elbows. He put his face in front of mine between my thighs. He sucked mine that made me moan his name, I gripped his hair when he darted his tongue deeper.

He positioned himself and slowly entered mine. He started moving in and out in a gentle manner, wow gentleman, hehe. As he thrust harder and harder, a little more pounding and my breath and erratic.

''Vaughn." I called his name as I cum... Filling his deep inside.

He plopped down above mine and kissed my lips savoring once more.

"Let's eat." He laughed.