Chapter 25

"Nyx, wake up. You're going to be late." Mom's voice made me jump. I picked up the phone and my eyes widened when I saw that it was 7:26! damn

I hurriedly entered the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed, I only spent 5 minutes in the bathroom and left my room. I took the bag and put my cellphone inside.


"Not anymore, Mom. I'm just going to be late, I'll just eat there. Bye." I kissed her on the cheek and rushed out of the condo.

When I got to the garage I drove off to Slaze High. My Mom owned that school, I'm not a Sullivan anymore. I'm Amber Nyx Slaze, I already have my mom's last name. I'm no longer a Sullivan, they abandoned me. When I got out of the car, the students greeted me, so I greeted them back with a smile.

"Good morning Ma'am Amber."

"Good morning students." I greeted them back.

I went to the teacher's office and put my things on the table. I approached Lyca and hugged her, "Join me. Let's eat at the canteen."

"You didn't eat break fast?"

I just shook my head in response. She immediately answered and we went out together to the Slaze High canteen. As we walked, the students greeted us. Years ago had passed and I am now a full time teacher at my Mom's school, Ash and 4 year old Ellie gave birth. Luke is a full-fledged engineer and Ash is a kindergarten teacher, which is good because she can watch over Ellie while she's at work. I still have no news about Vaughn, I bet he's a doctor now. I hate to admit this but I still love him. It's always him.

My sister Amy is now living in Los Angeles, I don't have any news about her but it's okay. I'm fine I already accept the fact, and I have my Mom. My biological mother.

It's 8 am now and I entered the room where I will teach, I'm a science teacher and their homeroom teacher. Today is Monday so we don't have science for today.

"Good morning, students." I greeted as I entered the classroom.

"Good morning Ma'am Amber." They said in unison.

I put the laptop on my table and faced my students with a smile, "How are you guys?" I asked.

"Ma'am, my crush busted me!" One of them said and everyone laughed at the same time.

"You're still young for that, Villamor." I said laughing and their laughter got louder and teased Villamor.

"Student's listen, tomorrow we have a visitor so don't be late, I'll be checking your attendance so make sure you are complete tomorrow." I reminded.

"Ma'am, does that mean there is no class tomorrow? Shall we bring a bag?"

"There's no need for that, just wear your complete uniform. After the program there is no class in the afternoon."

Everyone was cheering so I watched secretly, yes! No nasty students, kidding.

There aren't many sensible classes because everyone is preparing for the program for tomorrow, I don't know anything about their arts style so I'm just in the teacher's office all day. I noticed Alexa frowning so I approached her.

"What's the matter? You've been pouting, Lex, like a duck." I teased..

We became friends because of an unexpected reason. I won't say how because it involves her privacy.

"Someone is fighting with my students." She said annoyed so I just laughed at her.

"I know you can handle that."

"It reminds me of the past, Nyx," and we laughed together.

I woke up early because we had a program today. Mom did it first because she was needed there, I don't know but I'm really nervous now. I didn't ask who the guests were, I forgot. After I had breakfast, I brushed my teeth and left the condo and drove to Slaze High. There are people sitting in the covered court and they are ready for later, I first went to the teacher's office to put my things there. I forgot to print something last night so I took the laptop out of my bag to print it here.

I was about to finish when Lyca spoke next to me, "Amber, the visitors are here. Let's go."

I smiled "You go first, I'll just finish it."

It's almost over so I'll finish it first. Maybe laziness will attack me later, it's hard and I might not be able to finish it. Lyca came out and I finished printing a document. After printing, I went into our faculty bathroom and fixed myself. I just applied a little cheek tint, lip tint, and powder. I look so pale.

I went out and went to the covered court where the program was held, we were in the front and good thing Lyca reserved me a chair. "Who is the visitor?" I asked her.

I didn't ask Mom yesterday because I forgot too. "Dr. Miller, Dra. Verron and Dr. Sallow, I met them earlier they are handsome Nyx and the beautiful woman. It's a shame because I'm already married." she laughed softly at what she said.

Wait... What! This can't be.

There are many Sallows, but hearing the two surnames makes me realize something. It's them. It's him, after 5 years I will see him again! I'm not yet ready to face him, maybe he's now married or in a relationship. Wait, should I avoid him?.... I was about to leave but the MC spoke that made me stop. Shit. I couldn't do anything but sit back in my chair and look ahead, Mom was on stage with the dean. Let me clear this, Mom owned this school but she's not the dean, the dean is her boyfriend. She doesn't want to handle her school because she'll take responsibilities if something ever happens, the Dean keeps updating her about the school anyway. Mom only came here once because she said she had other business. She wants me to own this school but I refused, I just want to be a normal teacher here.

The MC has already introduced the visitors, the loudness of everyone's screams and fancy applause. I stared at him while waving at the students. He grew taller, handsome, very manly before. I looked away when he looked at me. All the pain that I've caused I could see in his eyes. He's looking at me. Clea approached him and looked where Vaughn was looking, she saw me. She smiled at me before returning to their seats.

I was in the parking lot today and was about to open the car when someone spoke behind me. The program was over a while ago, they announced that the three of them will observe the health of the students and it will start this Monday! I don't know if I was being played with but Vaughn was assigned to the section that I was handling. Damn it.

"Excuse me, Miss." A familiar voice and I can never be wrong. Its him!

I can feel my heartbeat as if it will explode anytime. Shit! Just by hearing his voice makes my heart crazy. I took a deep breath before facing him, arms crossed that makes him look hot. Stupid! What am I thinking!?

"H-hmm, what is it Mr. Sallow?" OK! Act normal Nyx.

"Just wanna ask, what section are you handling? I don't know how to get around this school, maybe you can help me?"

It's just a voice. I'm getting fragile!

"That's still on Monday, Mr. Sallow. I can assist you on that day don't worry."

He smirked, "Ohh. Okay then, I'll go now. Go home."

The hell, he's sending me home!?

I didn't bother to talk back and turned my back on him and got into my car. Today is Saturday and I will go to Ash first. I will tell what happened today! I miss my bestfriend, haha.