
#Chapter71 Plans

Next Day

It has been quite an odyssey that Lucas let me come to work; however, I made it. Just as he did yesterday, he brought me to the company and left me a few meters from the building to prevent Raúl from seeing him.

I enter the building. With a smile, I greet everyone on the way and quickly get on the elevator to go to my office. The doors are about to close when a hand intercedes, causing them to open again. I smile when I see Alejandro enters the elevator /"good morning, Sienna. How are you?/", He asks me and greets me with two kisses.

/"Good morning, and fine, and you?/" I question without taking my eyes off his face. He looks worried. /"Is everything all right?/"

He nods. /"Yes, but you know I can't tell you much here,/" he explains and smiles shyly. /"And you?/" Do you feel better? I was worried about you yesterday,/" he admits, and I smile.