Time is running out

#Chapter72 Time is running out

This situation has made me extremely nervous, and I have a hard time hiding it as I am on my way to meet Amir Saffif. The driver parks in front of the luxurious hotel where the businessman is staying and opens the passenger side door. /"Mr. Saffif is waiting for you in the central restaurant of the hotel,/" he explains to me, and I forcefully smile at him.

/"Thank you,/" I answer and then walk towards the entrance. I look for my cell phone in the bag and take it out to write a message to Alejandro, but apparently, he has written to me first.

**I am behind you. Do not look back. I'll sit a few tables away from you and Saffif, and I won't take my eyes off you. **

**Thank you. ** I reply immediately. So, I put the cell phone in my bag and finally I went into the hotel lobby to look for the restaurant where the driver told me that Amir was waiting for me.