
As I had came to my senses I felt a cold, wet sensation on my forehead. I opened my eyes and pushed myself up from the pillow. The towel fell flat in my lap before I took in the unfamiliar bedroom I was lying in, my head throbbing as I attempted to remember how I got here.

Turning my legs to the side about to stand, I spotted a framed picture of a little girl with her mouth and hands covered in chocolate, her parents smiling beside her as they attempted to clean up the mess she had made. This brought a small smile to my face at the wholesome moment, and I assumed this room belonged to the girl in the photo.

I stood up and stretched, coming to a realization that my shoulder was sore and had felt as if it was being weighed down. I glanced at it to see bandages wrapped around what seemed to be an injury I had sustained, and my eyes widened as I suddenly remembered a small fraction of what had happened.

Where am I?

Where is Leo?

Who changed my clothes?

Almost coincidentally the door had opened to reveal a young woman with what appeared to be dark but friendly eyes. She offered me a genuine smile before recognizing the look of confusion on my face.

"I assume you have questions, so I was wondering if you were willing to chat over breakfast?"

In this moment my stomach decided to growl loudly, causing me to blush awkwardly as the woman before me giggled knowingly.

"I'd love to," I responded thankfully; offering her a small smile of my own.

"Right this way then," she said clearing her throat as she walked out of the room. I followed her all the way down the hall to an opening that was a cozy living room.

Alike the girl's bedroom, I observed many family portraits and pictures of the woman ahead of me and her family. They seemed to be very close, every photo a loving memory shared between them. This made me feel more at ease, enough to relax in my chair upon seeing the kitchen table.

When she placed a plate of pancakes smothered in butter, scrambled eggs, and bacon in front of me I thanked her, watching as she cracked a smile and she sat in front of her own plate.

My stomach nearly growled as she grabbed a salt shaker and shook some more seasoning onto her eggs.

At this I decided to let my guard down and dive into my own plate, the aroma encouraging me to savor each bite, taking the time to chew and digest not only my food, but everything that I could remember that happened the last time I was conscious.

"What happened?"

"To you? . . . I'm not sure, I'd like to know myself," she stated as stared directly into my eyes, her own beaming with deep curiosity.

I swallowed nervously, unsure of what to say or if I should say anything at all. I hardly understood what occurred myself.. I mean I could remember the chase, I can recall Leo taking me to the field, I just can't remember what happened after I reached the-

"What I do know however," she continued, momentarily breaking me away from my thoughts, "—is when I was returning from a run in the forest, I found you slumped against a tree bleeding from your shoulder.

The blood was fresh and your pulse was racing as if you were breathless, so I could gauge that you hadn't been there for long. I put you on my back and brought you home with me, tended to your wound, changed you into clean clothes, and placed you in my daughters bed for the night."

"I'm sorry, I hope she doesn't mind."

"It's quite alright. She no longer lives here anyway. I just keep her room the same for when she comes to visit," she reassured me with another one of her comforting smiles, "and I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping you out anyways."

I let out a sigh of relief, and continued to eat for a few seconds before hearing the question, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?"

My eyes widened in brief surprise. I began contemplating an answer, chewing my food as she began to she insist, "You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable sharing of course, I just wanted to know if you remembered anything so I could help you."

Her voice was compelling, and when I stared into her eyes they held truth in them. I felt as if I had known her for a while and could tell her anything and she would support me. Her energy not only empathetic, but sincere in every way possible. Surprisingly, I felt very calm speaking to her in contrast to sorting through my racing mind.

I thought to myself for a second before speaking with a shaky voice, "We were being chased."

"Who's we?"

I frowned at this, wondering if he was okay, "Me and Leo, a man I had recently met."

"And what were you running from?"

"A man I thought I could trust and the police."

"You're a criminal?" she asked with a shocked expression coating her features.

"I can't even kill a spider by myself."

We both chuckled at this, the tension in the room disappearing as the woman questioned once more, "So why were you two running?"

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure myself. I kinda just got dragged into all of this. All of my life is back at home, I left with nothing but the clothes on my back."

"I remember when I met the love of my life. Our parents didn't want us to be together because we weren't meant to be. But we didn't care, and I left behind my family, my belongings, and my life to be with him."

I watched as her eyes seemed to glaze over in a dream like state before I decided to speak, "What do you mean you guys weren't meant to be together?"

She snapped out of her trance, dropping her fork and huffing as if she was dissatisfied,

"Growing up my mother used to tell me a story of how we were all designed with two halves of a soul. Incomplete without another and only right for each other.

Each half born no matter how far or how different will know when they've met another and could never love anyone as deeply as they do them.

They compliment another, a weakness for one would be a strength for the other. Powerful together and the farther apart the heavier the heart."

"That's a beautiful story," I commented with tear filled eyes.

It reminded me of the love I had always hoped for as a little girl. A fairytale love where I'm swept off my feet, spoiled with roses, and utterly adored in a love beyond my wildest fantasies and dreams. I could recall what a hopeless romantic I used to be before Dion. I swallowed and inwardly grimaced as I continued to savor my plate.

Sounds like something I couldn't relate to anymore of course.

"Oh but the story is reality for our people."

"Count me in if that's the case," I remarked, eagerly ready for her to continue. She sent me a small, knowing smile before taking a bite of her eggs.

"I will actually, but unfortunately the story was only partially true for me. My other half was killed before I could even meet him."

A heavy silence fell over the room and I looked over at her expecting her to seem down, but instead observed as she seemed to comb through her thoughts rather passively.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I didn't even get the chance to know him. When I finally got over his death I joined the track team and I met my true m- other half. In the eyes of our people this is an abnormality, we are only meant to have one other half. Not two. Not many. Just one."

"How did you know he died?"

"I felt it."

My eyes widened and I felt my mouth open in surprise.

She nodded to me slowly, leaning in closer before continuing, "It had felt like time had stood still. Out of nowhere each breath I took felt faint and my heartbeat had gradually slowed to a stop. My lungs caved and I cried out for my mother downstairs as I struggled to form what I thought would be my last words. After panicking we realized it wasn't actually my heart. They checked and found my pulse to be steady but weak. It was his heart. I had felt the very last beat of his heart."

I felt my own heart sink at her words. Each detail reminding me of the gut wrenching feeling of finally letting him go. Dion. Finally peeling the layers of what I thought would be an everlasting love away from my heart.

It was like a piece of myself died deep inside of me.

As if I let go of the heart that belonged to him.

The very last heart string of our love being pulled further and further away from both sides until it snapped.

And changed the rest of my live forever.

"Are you alright? You dropped your fork."

I looked down and was surprised to see that indeed the fork slipped right through my grasp.

"Just thinking," I answered half heartedly, yet returned my focus to the conversation as I set my fork beside my plate. My heavy stomach reassuring me I had ate more than enough.

"I see. We strayed far from our original conversation haven't we?"

"So we have, .. my name is Blythe."

"A pleasure to meet you, my name is Ruth."

"Thank you for your hospitality Ruth."

"Happy to help. Yet I'm still dying to ask a question."

"I may have an answer if you do," I teased. The tension had seemed to escape through the walls.

"So how did it all begin? You and Leo?"

I blushed at her words, shaking my head and trying to stifle a giggle, "Actually we- well honestly I don't even think you would believe me."

"Try me. You do remember I just told you I felt a man's last moments and you're seriously worried about me not believing you?"

After seeing her playful smile I caved, "He jumped on my balcony and I live on the fourth floor! I thought he had climbed the walls but... I don't know...honestly Ruth it sounds ridiculous!"

"Blythe," she threw me a hard look which pushed me to indulge her. Her stare dug daggers deep into my skin and I nearly shuddered.

"I seen a wolf watching me in the trees. He showed up right after I backed away from the ledge."

"Are you sure that's what you saw?"

Am I sure ?

"The wolf had gold eyes. I could've sworn Leo's eyes reflect that same shade when he's getting worked up."

I watched as a broad grin spread across Ruth's face, a seemingly supportive look in her eyes as she barely contained her giggle.

Immediately regaining composure she began to remove our dishes from the table with a newfound excitement in whatever I had said.

I hope she believed me.

It wasn't often someone understood me.

"We must get going. You're so unprepared," she teased at me, pulling my chair out and poking me in the cheek after she returned from putting away both of our plates. I stood and playfully lunged at her but she slid away smoothly.

"Unprepared for what Ruth? Hey come back here!!"

"No questions! We don't have time to waste. You'll find some fresh clothes in the closet. Let's hope they fit since they're Lizzie's, there'll be time to get you some of your own later. There's a towel and some feminine products in the bathroom for you to shower and handle that nest you call hair. You have 30 minutes before I come pull you out of the shower myself."

I instinctively pulled one of my stray curls and twirled it around my finger, "Not my fault I'm fresh off the boat, Ruthless. Why are we in such a rush?"

She flashed me a toothy grin, "Ruthless? That, that one's new. I'll have to run that by my m-h-husband."

"My first and only love. He's such a sweetheart and I can't imagine what my life would've been like without him. If I didn't clarify before," she paused from her rushed antics around the dining room to hold out a picture framed in gold, "after I fell in love with my true other half we were gifted this plot of land and he and our f-family helped build our home from scratch. We had a beautiful wedding and were blessed with a daughter a few decades ago. I got the happy ending I had always dreamed of as a little girl."

It was as if my smile couldn't contain itself at her words. I watched as she smiled at the picture of what looked to be her family of three all sharing laughs around a bonfire before looking to the rest of the photos hung all around the home. I took another moment to further appreciate the cozy home I was encased in.

"Congratulations. I know it might not mean anything but I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you, it means a whole lot more than you'll ever know," she said with a wink, playfully tugging me in the direction of her daughters room.

"Now hurry up. We need not be late. You have exactly thirty minutes now since you like to trick me into talking."

"Maybe I just like to listen and your story needed to be heard."

Her smile widened and I almost thought I caught a glimpse of pride in her eyes before it slowly washed away. Whilst talking we had reached the door, and once I entered the room I began to look in the closet for clothes to wear after a shower.

I felt thoughts begin to take over my mind alike gradually large waves greeting the tide.

I was drowning.

I was alone once more.

I still don't know how I'll find Leo or if I'll ever be able to go back home. I might actually be a wanted fugitive now.

So much for not being a criminal.


I turned, surprised she wasn't already halfway down the hall.

"Yes, Ruth?"

"Never lose hope. Everything happens for a reason and we're each made to take our own paths. All of us may lose our mind, lose everything, or take losses along the way and when we do we must remember it. Hope. Appreciate the smallest of good and allow room for more to find you.

Realize everything has and will continue to build and prepare you to be the woman you're becoming. I may just be rambling but th-that pain you feel . . . you can channel it and allow it to ignite the embers of the everlasting fire within you. Even in your weakest moments just waking up and continuing to still fight is still the strongest weapon."

My heart lightened at her words and I fought the urge to give her a tight embrace. It's been forever since I've had a girl friend.

"Thank you," my smile must've been ear to ear. She shut the door behind her after returning the favor with a small one of her own.

I don't know what I was doing letting my first roommate be a man.

Noah to be specific.

I mean who the hell do you think you are pointing a gun toward me in my house?

Drunk ass.

I really missed having genuine companionship.

And all I had to do to find it was rub a stump.

What has my life come to?